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The choreographer stopped the choreo and took off his cap with a groan before throwing it to the floor. "You, Byun. Step out!" he yelled and Baekhyun gulped hard as he moved to the front. The young male had been called out for the third time that day.

"The hell is wrong with you! My 60-year-old mother can dance way better than you and you've been like this for too long." The blond male flinched at the man's loud voice as he bowed his head again apologizing.

Kai and Sehun pitied the male since they knew the reason while Chanyeol tried to maintain a stoic face. The two had avoided any eye contact and acted as strangers who had never met before. The air around them felt almost suffocating.

"I'm sorry, I'll try harder, Sir," Baekhyun voiced out his gaze never leaving the ground. "No, you don't have to cause you're out!" the choreographer deadpanned and pointed to the door. The blond looked at the male in shock and shook his head, "What? No! Please, I'll work harder," the choreographer shook his head and pushed the male out before going on with their practice.

With tears escaping his eyes he walked up to his dorm while the other members pitied the young male who was nothing but optimistic and kind with everyone.

Holding the first ever picture of little bean, the younger cried holding his knees close to his chest.

Few hours passed and Baekhyun found himself sitting on the roof, head rested on his knees. "I really wanted to do it, baby but the guy's a meanie, right? How can he just scream at someone like that," Baekhyun mumbled to himself pretending as if he were talking to his baby while his hand gently stroked his tummy. "No matter what, I'll always love you, okay?" he smiled to himself.

"Hey, mind if we give you a little company?" Sehun's voice startled the young male. The platinum blond turned and flashed a soft smile to Kai and Sehun as the two walked over and sat beside him. No matter what he and Chanyeol had gone through, the trio were still good friends. "You doing okay?" asked Sehun and Baekhyun nodded with a smile.

"Need a drink?" Baekhyun chuckled at Sehun. "I can't drink," said the younger making Sehun snort. "Oh, I know that. I bought fresh juice for you," Kai stood up arguing that it was him who had bought it. Baekhyun started sipping on his drink laughing at the two who continued their little quarrel.

"You better stay away from the choreographer. He looked pretty mad today," said Kai and Baekhyun nodded. It was true, the choreographer was extremely angry since he had to replace Baekhyun and teach them the tricky parts but he had no patience.

From the bitterness and frustration he held, he told about the event to someone he should not have. Lee Sooman, the CEO of SM Entertainment.

And that was why Baekhyun found himself in the CEO's office the next day. "I've been hearing too many complaints on you, kid," said Lee Sooman as he tapped his pen on the desk with a glared fixed on the younger, "You have got the looks and everything but I don't want someone being sick and dragging down everyone."

"I'm really sorry, I'm just not doing so well these past few days. I think it's the weather but I'll be okay in no time and I will do my best, Sir," he assured the man, the hopeful smile never leaving his lips.

Sooman sighed. "I'm sorry but you're lacking too much and I've decided to let you go, kid. You can go pack up," Baekhyun fell on his knees as tears slipped down his cheeks. The CEO sighed telling the other to get up but the younger shook his head. "Please don't do this to me. I'll do my best, I swear. Just one more opportunity, Sir," he implored but to no avail as he was sent out of the room.

Outside the door, Chanyeol felt his heart clench hearing Baekhyun's pitiful pleas tears dropping down his cheek as he kept wiping them off.


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