The Drug Dealing Deer

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10/15/2020- Based on: a concept in which a girl finds her favorite video game streamer closer than she could ever imagine. Character strongly resembles Corpse Husband, as he is faceless and the idea popped into my head for a small love story. 

She's assigning the project. Where are u???

Instinctively, her feet quickened their pace. There was barely anyone in her way, as all the classes on the entire campus had basically started fifteen minutes ago. This exact moment made her long to be a scooter girl, the ones who zoom to class at the last second and can get away with it. She has an infamous habit of oversleeping and missing important dates. The one she was currently missing was the midterm semester project.

She finally got into the fine arts building and darted past the elevator. Stairs were her best bet at getting to class as quick as possible. The classroom was directly to the right as soon as she got upstairs, so maybe she would make it before her last name was assigned. As soon as she got to the second floor, she didn't even look as she turned towards the classroom, and all but fell into the door.

Instead, she met air.

Tripping over her own two feet, she collapsed inside of the classroom. Her large bag only made more of a heavy noise coming down after her. A thick silence followed the accidental fall as all eyes were on her. The temperature suddenly kicked itself up a few degrees when she met the eyes of her annoyed professor.

"Perfect. Renee, Cork. You two will be partners."

At first, the confusion overwhelmed her so much that she forgot she was on the floor of her class. A grey, veined hand blocked her vision. She followed it up to realize it was indeed Cork, who got to the door a second before she did. It took her another second to understand he was helping her up. The blank stare on his face didn't quite help what was going on.

"Um - what exactly is the project, professor?" She asked when she finally composed herself again. Cork didn't seem like he wanted to even know, as he sat directly down at his computer a second after.

The professor stared long and hard at Renee for a while. "Why don't you find out from your peers, since you think it's amusing to show up twenty minutes late to my class."

It was fifteen. Renee slumped herself down in her usual seat. This was the jumpstart to everything going back to normal in the classroom. Their professor started the lecture, the two girls in the middle looked for new outfits online, and Cork in the corner hid his screen from everyone near him. Cork was her partner for a mysterious project that they both didn't have a clue about. He clearly was not going to ask anyone about it, let alone even probably do it. In fact, she's never even heard that man speak before. Everyone was deathly afraid of him.

His appearance was not what someone would call 'friendly'. He would constantly dress in dark, expensive clothes. There was a small lip piercing hiding in the corner of his mouth. His detailed, black tattoos only made him look even more grey in color. No one else in her cohort had successfully made friends with him. It was like he wouldn't allow it.

Not only that, he drove an exotic car. He carried small, but flashy, accessories. Everyone called him the university's drug dealer, confirming that they've bought from him. That he was in a gang, and fought underground for a living. That's how he could afford all of his luxury items. No family, no friends - just himself.

"You got stuck with Cork."

A pencil flew past her face, inches away from her corneas. Renee glared at her friend, who was snickering at herself. "You should've called me when you realized I wasn't here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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