Evacuations and Introductions

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"Hiya, Sans," Papyrus said cheerily. "This is Ink." He pointed toward the somewhat colorful skeleton.
(because let's be honest - Ink is only wearing colorful clothing, he isn't actually that colorful, ignoring his eyelights for a moment. To call him 'colorful' in light of the fact he really is only black and white would be a mistake in my eyes. An InKiNg MiStAkE- ok, I'll stop.)

"And this," Papyrus said, pointing to the princely skeleton, "is Dream."

"Wowie! You look a little like me, Dream!" Sans stuck out his hand. "I'm the magnificent Sans! It's nice to meet you!"

Dream giggled and took Sans' hand in a friendly handshake. "It's nice to meet you, too, Sans! And yes, I suppose we do look alike. Your brother remarked on that when we first met."

"Dream, we don't have time for this," Ink said impatiently. "Error could come any minute now!"
(He sure is taking his sweet time, isn't he? In other words, he's being lazy XD)

"Who's Error?" Sans asked.

"He's the one who's gonna destroy this AU if we don't stop him."

"But why?"

Ink looked down at the snow. "I-I don't know why he does it... but that doesn't matter! He doesn't have the right to go around destroying universes and killing millions of innocent people, WHO HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO HIM MIGHT I ADD, no matter what his reasoning may be! He's ruining people's lives and it feels like he's doing it to hurt me too because he knows I care and it's like he enjoys seeing me suffer and-and he wants to watch me break down bit by b-bit a-and he wants to drive me ins-sane and no matter what I t-try to do to g-get through to h-him he just pushes me a-away and-and h-he wants to break down e-everything I've worked h-hard to make into a million pieces and-"

His breath hitched as Dream hugged him. Ink was crying, though he hadn't noticed, but he quickly wiped the tears way.


"It's ok, Ink," Dream cooed. "We'll stop him so you don't have to worry about him anymore."
(jeez, why does Dream sound like a villain all of a sudden? -_-')

"*Sniff* Thanks, Dream."

"No problem, Ink!" Beaming, Dream turned to Papyrus. "Ok! The monsters from the ruins are safe! Let's go evacuate the citizens of Snowdin and Waterfall. By now, Alphys and Undyne should have all the monsters from New Home making their way to Hotland so we can get them to safety. Sans, you can help, too. Once everyone is in the Omega Timeline, Papyrus, Ink and I will head to the palace to lay the trap for Error."

"What about me?" Sans asked. "Can't I help stop Error?"

Papyrus sighed. "Sans, I don't think you can help with that. I don't want to see you get hurt, or worse. Besides, who's gonna help Alphys protect the monsters from our universe?"

Sans' smile faltered, but he continued. "But I can help! There must be something I can do!"

"There is," Dream interjected. "You can help us evacuate the rest of the monsters, and reassure them everything is going to be alright, that we will stop Error, and you will get to see the surface once all this is over."

Sans gasped. "Really?! I'll get to see the surface?"

"Yes. I've already spoken to Chara about the matter and they want to help free the monsters here in the underground. Even now, they are befriending the monsters from the ruins and gaining their trust. Now, we have arranged to meet Alphys and Undyne to evacuate everyone that's left. Our mission now is to clear out Snowdin and Waterfall. Sound good?"

Sans hesitated a second, but smiled and nodded. "The magnificent Sans will not fail!"

"Fantastic! Let's go!"

Dream, Ink, and Papyrus hurried toward Snowdin, but Sans trudged behind slowly, lost in thought. He was confused as to why this "Error" guy wanted to destroy his home. During Ink's pitiful rant, he mentioned he didn't know the reason behind Error's destructive behavior. 'Perhaps,' Sans thought, 'it's time someone found out the truth.' And who knows? With patience and a little luck, he could try to reason with Error and convince him what he's doing is wrong.

By the time Sans decided on a course of action, he realized his brother and the other two skeletons were nowhere to be seen. They had gone far enough ahead that Sans could not see them. Another realization hit him.

He was all alone.

Potentially with a murderer.

"O-ok, Sans," he said to himself, voice cracking a little in fright. "Nothing t-to worry about. Just-" He paused to take a deep breath, letting it out as slowly and evenly as he could. "-calm down. There's nothing to be afraid of because there's... nobody... out here..."

Sans gulped. Nobody was out here. Nobody would come to save him if he was in trouble.

He heard a branch snap behind him and, against his better judgement, he slowly, shakily, turned around...


Lol, another cliffhanger. I'm starting to wonder if every chapter is gonna be like this. Figures. I got what I asked for, thanks, brain.

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