Ophelia ignored that, he didn't mean it, so she kept applying the ointment.

He sighed, 'Sorry. That was rude.'

'Yep. But you didn't mean it.'


'It's fine.' She assured him, as she finished up with his cuts and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 'Just rest.' She tucked him in like he was a small child, then flicked off the light and left the room.

She spent the rest of the day with Ginger while Remus slept. They watched a movie called 'Back to the Future' ; it was a muggle one they both enjoyed that had come out when she was around five, and she opened her Wizard's Chess Hermione had got her for them to play in the background.

At some point, around 7 in the evening, Ginger had fallen asleep; their movie still running in the background. She used this opportunity to make a cup of tea, and she contemplated bringing one up for her Dad too; but thought it was better to let him sleep.

She put a little bit of honey in her mug, and was swirling it around with a spoon when she heard a tap tap tap on the kitchen window.

She looked up, abruptly -- it was Sherlock, holding this weeks edition of the Dailey Prophet. With a frown plastered on her face, she went to unlatch the window and let him in. It was abnormally late for newspapers to be delivered -- they only did that if there was significant, urgent news.

Sherlock flew into the kitchen and landed on the table, to which she gave him a little pat, before she took the newspaper and unravelled it.

When she read the headline, she dropped her mug.

Sherlock flew away as her mug smashed on the floor, shards of glass flying everywhere and her tea spilled all over their carpet. Her face went pale, her body went stiff and her hands went shaky as she could barley clutch the newspaper in her hands -- crumbling to the floor, leaning against the cupboards for support. She could care less about the cuts on her feet from the glass, or the tea slowly seeping into their new carpet. She was completely numb, as she re-read the entire front page to make sure she wasn't hallucinating;


On Wednesday July 27th, at approximately 9:37 pm; notorious mass-murderer Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban. The murderer has been incarcerated for twelve years, since 1981, for the murdering of 12 innocent muggles and 1 wizard—Peter Pettigrew.

Sirius Black is the first wizard to ever successfully escape Azkaban. While the murderer is at large, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge is urging folks to stay calm in a statement he released on July 28th;

'We are doing everything in our power to capture Sirius Black. We will not allow him to roam the streets. I, and the rest of the ministry, urge you to stay calm and above all, be cautious at this time. Let us do our job, and you do yours.'

If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the auror department. The department is prepared to offer a hefty reward should anybody find the killer.

She looked up from the paper, her face colourless, a million thoughts rushing through her mind. She didn't know what to do, what to think; if to think anything at all, so she resorted to cleaning up the mess.

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