Chapter 32

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"I hope you're not too busy right now..."

Chan said sheepishly as he scratched his nape and laughed a little. Sooyoung just shook her head and smiled as she looked at the kids running about with balloons in their hands. She took a huge bite of the cotton candy she held in her hand and stretched her arm forward towards Chan.

"You want some?"

She asked, beaming as her ebony hair fluttered in the wind. Her eyes crinkled, making it hardly possible to see her umber near charcoal coloured eyes. Chan's faced turned burgundy red as he shook his head, unable to talk. Sooyoung just giggled softly and took another huge bite while Chan stared at her.
Soon, they were walking side by side, looking around the carnival in awe. Sooyoung's hand swung lightly and so did Chan's. Both of them were looking at their sides at the different stalls at the carnival, deciding on which one to go to.
However, their hands kept bumping into one another's, causing both of them to grow carmine red as their face burned. They both kept their eyes glued on the carnival stalls but running wild in their minds were the thoughts of each other.
Soon, unable to take it, Sooyoung grabbed Chan's hand softly. The warmth of her hand flooded into Chan's and warmed his heart as well. His heart beat wildly as his eyes frantically shifted, trying to look at everything but Sooyoung. However, it was too challenging.
Sooyoung, seeing how flustered Chan was, smiled softly, her amaranth lips stretch wide. Her eyes were glued onto him as her heart started fluttering. If only he knew how much she liked him. If only he liked her back.
Her smile faded as she stared at the ground, slightly disheartened by her thoughts. However, she forced a smile. She was with him at the carnival, alone. That was more than she could ever asked for. She should make the most out of the day.

"Should we go and try popping the balloons?"

Sooyoung asked, pointing at the stall on her right. Chan immediately smiled and nodded as they both walked towards the stall. Chan paid the respective amount of money and took 10 needles. He closed one of his eye and tried to aim well. He looked over at the huge teddy bear at the side and looked back at the balloons.

Then, he shot his shot.

In a flash, all 10 balloons were popped and the people around them cheered wildly. Sooyoung covered her mouth in shock and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him in joy. Chan grew flustered as he froze, causing the staff to place the huge teddy bear in his arms. 
Realising her actions, Sooyoung immediately stopped hugging him and stood back. They both stood, frozen, side by side with burning red faces, extremely flustered. Chan, smiling, handed the teddy bear to her and walked up to her. He embraced her in a soft and warm hug, whispering delicately,

"I'm glad I made you happy. I wish I could be the reason for your happiness everyday."

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