Chapter 21: he's not doing what I think he is, is he?

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I'd been seeing less and less of Gee lately he just left me with Jamie most of the time I understand he has to work but it's difficult without him it's like he's doesn't even care anymore. Before he left to go anywhere he'd give me a kiss but it's not the affection I wanted it's the help, it's the security. Whenever he was out which I'll be honest was most of the time I'd talk to Mikey he wasn't as pushy or as scary to me anymore I think he kind of knew now I had Gerard's baby I was off limits I knew it wasn't his respect for me keeping him away but out of respect for his brother and nephew.

This morning me and Gerard got up and he told me yesterday he could stay home with me today which made me really happy because I rarely saw him anymore and even if he was Gerard I think Jamie has the right to have his father in his life. But this morning Gerard received a phone call at around 8:00am he answered it "Hello?" He said sounding confused "what do you need me for?" He said seriously into the phone and with his free hand gesturing me to leave the room, I just wanted to know what was up but I left him to it- or so he thought. I closed the door behind me and listened into it trying to make out what he was saying or who he was speaking to "just between me and you and the boy" is the only thing I could make out in a long line of fast spoken whispers.

I suddenly noticed my son was missing I ran downstairs and looked for Jamie making sure he was safe and there he was in the kitchen with Mikey who was feeding him some kind of mushed up fruit, I put my hand on my chest and let out a sigh of relief "everything alright?" Mikey chuckled a little "yeah" I said still catching my breath back I sat down on a chair at the table with Mikey and Jamie "do you know what Gee's up to?" I asked Mikey hopefully trying to get done information but he shook his head "I've never known what he's up to he's plotting something new ever week also sorry to worry you I got him up because he's being making a racket all morning" he smiled looking at Jamie "sorry about that thank you" I said to Mikey then I heard footsteps and I turned to see Gerard in the door way "Iero's been taken but I've done a few deals and I'll be able to get him back" he said walking over to me and messaging my shoulders "oh my god is he alright?!" I asked worriedly and Mikey also looked fairly concerned "what have you done to get him back, Gee?" Mikey asked the same question that I was thinking "it doesn't matter all that matter is that he's safe because my deals can't go through as smoothly without him" he said bluntly which was never a good sign all I could think about was what he said this morning about 'the boy' I really hope he was not referring to our son. Suddenly his phone rang again and he answered immediately "when do you want the-" he began before realising that it wasn't who he thought "oh hey" he said in a soft tone "I can pay you a visit today" he said smirking and turning away from me as if he just remembered there were people in here even though he was most definitely aware of what he was doing. I looked down not even daring to look at Gee, I really hope it's not what I think it is. I felt my face heat up and I was so embarrassed even Mikey looked at me sympathetically "I've got some business to take care of-" Gerard began but I got up and cut him off "please don't go?" I begged him he put his arms around my waist "I'll be back don't worry, sugar" "no, Gee, don't go" I pleaded once again and looked up into his hazel eyes "what's gotten into you, one minute you hate me the next you can't get enough" he chuckled in an attempt to put me off "I know but I really like you and you promised me today that you wouldn't go out you'd spend it with us as a family" I said trying to hold back tears "what's going on, sugar?" He asked suspiciously as if I knew something he didn't want me to know, I shrugged "I don't know Gee but I want you to be with us" I said looking back at my son "I know and I promise you this time and I mean it that tomorrow I'll be here all day, no phone calls, no meetings, just me, you and Jamie" he said as he kissed me for a moment "now I've got to go" he said dashing off.

Now it was just me, Mikey and Jamie all sitting around the kitchen table I had my hands on the table and Mikey took my wrists and I let him he just rubbed them Gently and I smiled at him "he's not...doing what I think he he?" I asked Mikey barely looking him in the eyes "almost certainly" he said sounding a bit sorry for me "I figured" I sighed "you know if you were mine I'd never to that to you" he said smiling, I don't know weather it was because I felt weak or completely abandoned but I allowed him to say it to me I just laughed a little then I swallowed out of nervousness and began to talk "I never wanted this you know Mikey...and then Gee started to treat me good and just for a split second...I- I thought maybe I him?..but I don't think he loves me anymore" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek and he wiped it away this his thumb I didn't know why I was even telling him this but I was, I needed to talk to someone I suppose even if he's done bad things to me in the past he was nothing compared to Gerard. "It's okay y/n I know what he's like and I'm pretty sure you do by now but you know, no matter who else he messes around with you'll always be the one he loves" he said trying to reassure me but it just made me feel even sadder I sighed heavily "I- I...I don't know why I'm admitting this to you Mikey...But I think think I love him" I said and I sobbed he rubbed my arm trying to make me feel better "it's okay y/n he's lucky to have you, you know? And I bet you anything he'll stop his stupid games when you tell him how much he means to you" he said lifting Jamie out of his high chair and handing him to me.

——Time skip——

Gerard came in the front door at around 10:00 pm which is no where near as late as I'd expected I was half asleep crying on the sofa and Mikey wasn't sat too far away but he was holding Jamie and rocking him to sleep "you know how awful she's been feeling all day because of you!" Mikey said sounding almost irritated with his older brother. Gerard looked guilty. "So tell me Gee, was she worth it?" I said this time now fully crying he sat down close to me trying to touch me but I didn't want to be held by him he rubbed the back off his neck guilty and began to speak "I know what you think, sugar, it wasn't like that though" I shook my head "what was it like then please do enlighten me" I said sarcastically "I wanted to see if you really loved me" he sighed pushing his hair out of his eyes "so I pretended to cheat on you to see how you'd react" I sat still for a minute and stopped crying "how do I know that's true?" I asked "well look at me sweetheart I'm still wearing the same clothes I still look the same as I did when I left this morning...I wanted to see if you trust me and if you love me so that's why I've been like this for the past week or so" he said gently stroking my hair "but why?" I just couldn't get my head around it I mean he didn't look or smell as if he'd been with someone today "I had a meeting to discuss how I'm getting Frank back" he said softly to me "I'm sorry I didn't think you'd be so distressed I didn't think I meant that much to you I wanted to see if you truly loved me" he said leaning down and kissing my cheek I just nodded "so how are you getting Frank back?" I asked curiously "you don't want to know, sugar." He said firmly and I decided it was best to ask no further questions. "Gee you didn't have to do that you know, I love you" I said to him but this time I fully meant it he didn't seem at though he'd cheated on me but who knows? I said it because I loved him and I didn't want him to do a thing like that again "I love you too, so much, I'd never want another person" he said kissing me lovingly.

Gerard's POV:
I do love her and I'd never dream of cheating on her but I had to see how she'd react if I did because there's something way worse coming her way and I had to see how she'd cope in a situation like this.

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