chapter five. felt something

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Dahlia sits down in front of her mother's grave as she talks to it. "And there's a cute girl named Julie. You would have liked her. She's so sweet," Dahlia says with a smile on her lips.

"I miss you," she adds before she hears someone approach the grave. She turns to see a boy before he puts flowers by her grave. "I miss you mom," he says as Dahlia frowns.

"Come on kid!" A voice says as Dahlia sees her father. "Holy shit," she says as the boy turns to face Greg Jones. "I'm coming," he said with a Irish accent that differed from Dahlia's British one before he gets up. She takes his hand as he turns around looking for her but doesn't see her so. "What's wrong?" Greg asks looking at the boy.

"I thought I felt something. Nevermind," he says before walking away as Dahlia runs her fingers through her hair.

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