Shizuku x Reader

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"Why haven't you had much time for a break?"

"I really want this to go well so I was helping people understand their roles and I helped the scenery department a bit when I wasn't practicing myself."

Shizuku smiled and said "It's great to see you so passionate about this. Make sure to get some good rest when you get home."

"Right. I'm sorry that you have to worry about me when you always do so much yourself..."

"Don't worry, I really appreciate how you're always helping out where you can so I just want to make sure you take care of yourself."

Me and Shizuku spoke for a bit until we both started heading home for the day. I feel like I at least know that she sees something that she likes about me and I said when I found something about that out I'd confess to her but I feel like it just wasn't the right time. When I feel like it's the perfect moment to confess, I'll do it for sure. But there's no need to rush.


As practice ends, I leave the room like everyone else. However, I'm just going to grab a drink before I head back in and continue practicing by myself. I want to continue for just a little bit longer. I went and got myself a drink and sat down and began to drink it and noticed it was starting to rain. I don't remember seeing anything about it in the weather report this morning. It's a good thing I keep a compact umbrella in my shoe locker.

When I finished my drink, I returned and saw that Shizuku was there, practicing herself.

I smiled and said "I see you had the same plan."

"Yeah, I've been busy with idol practice lately and I don't feel like I've been practicing enough for the performance so I thought I'd stay a bit longer." Shizuku answered me.

"Well then, mind if I join you?" I asked her.

"Sure." Shizuku answered me.

We then practiced together, doing scenes that we share together until Shizuku checked the time and said "I should be heading home soon."

"Alright, I should get going soon too." I said.

We then walked to the entrance to the school and noticed that the rain was still going and seemed to be harder than before.

"I wish I would've known that it was gonna rain, I didn't bring an umbrella today." said Shizuku

I pulled out the compact umbrella and opened up before I said "Where are you going? We can walk there together."

"Thanks Y/n." said Shizuku

And so Shizuku joined me under the umbrella and we made smalltalk as we walked to her home.

Eventually we reached it and Shizuku turned to me and said "Thanks so much Y/n. It was good talking to you today."

As she said that, my mind screamed at me that this is the perfect moment to tell her how I feel, but all I said was "It was no problem."

Shizuku smiled and said "I'll see you at practice on Monday."

She then entered her home and I was left wondering, why didn't I tell her?


The Next Day...

I sit in my room, reading stuff on my phone trying to distract myself but I can't get yesterday out of my head. Why couldn't I confess to Shizuku? For a while now I've been trying to find the perfect moment and when I finally find it I don't say anything.

In the end, I put my phone down and decide to focus entirely on figuring out the answer.

"Why did I want the perfect moment?" I ask myself. I know why, it's because I feel like that moment would be memorable for both of us. But it just means that as much as I want to be with her I'm just waiting for what I feel is right.

In the end, I just said to myself that no matter what, I'm going to tell her how I feel tomorrow. No more waiting for the perfect moment.


The next day, as club practice was going to begin, I waited in front of the door so that I could talk to Shizuku.

Eventually, I saw Shizuku walking this way and I said "Hey, could I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, what is it?" She responded.

"Could I say it somewhere a bit more private?"


We then walked to a nearby hall that was unoccupied and I looked to Shizuku. I tried to say what I want to say, but the words refuse to come out, the seconds feeling like years. It was at that moment, I realized why I couldn't say it to her that day and the real reason I kept waiting for the perfect moment. I've been lying to myself, it's not so when I confess to her it is memorable, it was to put off saying something that could change my relationship with Shizuku. I was worried about what she'd say and what would happen if she said no. As I realize this, I take a deep breath and say to myself that I'll never find out her response if I don't bite the bullet and ask her.

"Shizuku, the thing is I'm in love with you. I"ve been in love with you for a while now and I've been too worried about your response to tell you. But I don't want to wait for the perfect moment, the perfect moment will be the moment I say this. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

Shizuku smiled and hugged me then said "I'd love to be your girlfriend. I love you too."

As we embraced each other, I thought to myself: "This is perfect"


A/n: Oneshots are back! This story is a fusion of an already existing idea I had as well as inspiration from a really cute analysis of the lyrics for a song. I was listening the Birthday Train, a song from Guilty Gear on Youtube and as I read the comments I saw a comment said:

This song is adorable. The singer is in love, but wants to wait for the "perfect opportunity" to ask the other person out. Everyday of the week, he makes an excuse for why he hasn't done it yet, and tells himself that he'll do it the next day for sure. Before he knows it, the whole week has gone by, and he realizes he doesn't have to wait for a special reason... before sliding back to "eh, I'll wait for their birthday."

I found that idea amazing and wanted to use it as inspiration for a story.  I love that song and I hope you all love this story.

Dreams of Love (Love Live x Male Reader Oneshots)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin