You werent supposed to see those

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I woke up with a searing headache. It hurt but not as much as Dr S's betrayal. I sat up and saw a blurry Dr Saltzman sitting in a chair in the corner of a blurry room. "I didn't tell anyone what you told me" he said. My vision started to clear up. "Well that made my day" I said sarcastically. "Why did you do that" I asked him. "Because, you said you were a Mikaelson". I rolled my eyes. "Yeah well I'm not like the ones in this time line" I muttered. "Yeah well you have no proof" he said. When my vision finally cleared I realized he was holding a crossbow. "Whoa. Your not gonna shoot me are you" I asked him. "No. I'm taking you to a mental faculty. I played along with your time travel and Mikaelson game but your just a crazy little witch" he said. I stood up really fast at those words and he pointed his crossbow. When I stood up my headache cane back and I pressed my forehead. "What if I could prove what I'm saying is true" I asked him desperately once my headache lightened up. "How would you do that" he asked me. I slowly started to walk towards him  and put my hands gently on each his head. He stumbled back a bit but I gave him a 'seriously' look so the second time he let me. I looked at the floor and muttered a spell. Flashes of a few of my memories came into our heads.

There was a black woman who looked like she was from 1000 years ago tied to the ground. Hope stood there holding the knife. "Why do you want this" she asked her. "What is so important about it" she asked the woman's after receiving g no answer. The woman just kept reaching for the knife. "God won't you just say something" Hope said desperately. The woman's then looked away and her eyes lit up a fiery orange. She started to turn her head and fire started coming out of her mouth when the knife was taken from Hopes hand by Alaric and stabbed into the woman's thought, killing her. Hopes eyes widened and she breathed out once heavily. She and Dr Saltzman stared at the dead woman, feeling bad about what had happened to the fire breathing dragon/woman.

"So you and Landon, did you have a thing or something?" Dr Saltzman asked asked Hope during their Sparring

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"So you and Landon, did you have a thing or something?" Dr Saltzman asked asked Hope during their Sparring. "I Don't have things" Hope answered. "Yes I am very aware of you mission to avoid all social things in life" Dr S said as he went to punch Hope, who backed away. "Block with your hand" he reminded her. He pushed his hand away. "I got it" she said frustrated with whatever situation had been happening. "If you had I wouldn't have had to say it" he said as they continued sparring. "So you and Landon" he questioned her. "I liked him, he's normal" she stated and went to punch Alaric with he blocked it. "Let's keep him that way" he said. Then they once again continued sparring. "We survive here cause we follow the rules. We can't get sloppy" he said and held her arms behind her back. "Dimiter" Hope said. Alaric then flew over her and landed on his back. Hope then did a flip and pinned him down. "You know you should really start letting a vampire do my training. Your getting a little to old for me to. Real your human bones" Hope said in his face jokingly with a smirk. She stood up and held her hand out. "How dare you" Alaric said and grabbed her hand. She pulled him up and they both grabbed their water bottles. "Maybe if you made and actual friend we could rethink this relationship" he said to her.

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