The Whispers

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Hopes POV

"Wake up sleepy head" came the yelling voice of Rebekah at my door. I groaned but reluctantly sat up. "What" I questioned grumpily. "School starts today" she told me and I flopped back down. This obviously annoyed her because she then vampire sped me to my closet. I glared at the now smirking blonde original but still got dressed as she wished once she left the room. I put on a grey top, jeans, and white converse shoes. I brushed my teethe and hair and hid my Mikaleson necklace under my shirt so no one would see it.

After I was ready to go I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs

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After I was ready to go I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. "Finally" Rebekah said like she had been waiting down there for hours. "Shall we" she said a little happier now and gestured for me to follow her to her brand new car. Rebekah wasn't actually that bad of a driver for a girl who hadn't seen a car before. We pulled up to the School and Rebekah races a car for a parking space. We won and the person in the other car flipped us off. We returned e favor and laughed a bit. Inside the hallway there were posters up for the back to School Dance. Yay. I hat Dances but knowing Rebekah, she would probably make me go. "Ooh a Dance! You have to help me find what to wear Hope" she exclaimed. I shrugged to let her know I would because I didn't feel like talking. I know we got back to school about a week or 2 ago but I'm my opinion, the back to school dance is a waste of time. I stopped at my locker and grabbed my books. I shoved them in my bag and turned around to see Dr S eyeing me from his classroom door. I looked to make sure Rebekah wasn't looking and walked inside. He shut the door and I could tell he was mad and I knew what he was and about. "Before you say anything" I started but he cut me off. "No. Your working for Klaus and Rebekah. Your screwing up the timeline even more" he yelled angrily at me. "Hey I'm sorry but i did what had to be done to get Rebekah out of her coffin" I yelled back at him. "So Rebekahs supposed to be out of her Coffin, but what else?" He asked me. I folded my arms and scoffed. "Can't tell you. You just have to keep me updated on everything but do it in secret. Klaus won't be to happy to know his servant is working with Alaric" I explained. He just nodded at me. With that, I left before he could say anything else. Morning classes passed by slowly but by the time the bell rang to signal lunch, I felt really hyper. I think it was because the moon was waxing. I walked to the Cafeteria and met up with Rebekah in the hallway. We walked together and laughed and complained, it was refreshing. We sat down at - table in the darker of the room. That's when Rebekah started to talk about the dance and I lost my interest but kept up. "We need to go shopping after school. Hey Hope are you going to ask anyone to be your date" she asked me and paused after all her blabbering. "Nah, you" I replied. She seemed to be debating over it before shaking her head. "Wanna just go together" she asked me. I gave her a nod to say that I would rather go with her than any other douche here.
After School Rebekah insisted we go shopping immediately. After a long Argument I sighed in defeat and let Rebekah drag me away to a dress shop. I picked a red dress and was now waiting for Rebekah who was taking forever. "Rebekah just pick something already" I said completely bored. "Well you found a dress that looks amazing on you. I can't seem to find one that's right" she replied angrily. She pulled out a dress that was yellow with sparkles on it. "Ugh" she said and was about to put the dress back before I made sure no one was looking and snapped my fingers. The dress she was wearing turned black instead of yellow and had sparkles in the right places and not everywhere. She looked at me shocked and excited. "Now, can we go home" I asked her. She just smiled at me and took my dress to pay for it.
Back at the Mikaelson Mansion Rebekah was stuffing our dresses neatly in a closet until tomorrow night. Dances are such a waste of a good Saturday night but Rebekah wants to go so I've gotta suck it up. And I just watched her. I knew he was there. I knew he was watching. "I know your there" I said making Rebekah glance curiously at me. The curiousness washed away when Dad cane into her  sight and I turned around. "If your gonna watch us, may as well not be creepy about it" I told him making him roll his eyes. "The school called. Your dance got changed to tonight" he informed us with a smirk. I knew that he waited until Rebekah used all her strength to get them in the closet just to take them out. "What" Rebekah said out of breathe and not believing it. I just glared at him and with a flick of my wrist the dresses were back out. "Wait you could've used magic this whole time" Rebekah exclaimed. I whipped around. "Why didn't you" she asked me demandingly. I shrugged. "You never asked" I replied. Rebekah scoffed and Dad chuckled a bit. I whipped back around to face Dad. "You. Stop being creepy" I demanded him. I inherited a lot form him so hearing a voice as threatening and demanding as his made him shiver a bit.
"Cmon Rebekah, lets get dressed" I told her and shut the door on Dad.
When we finished getting ready we walked downstairs to see Dad drinking with one of his Hybrids. I forgot about those. "You two look lovely" he complimented.

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