Little Wolf

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Hopes POV

It was the next day and we were in Dr Saltzman class. I was sitting in my seat with Caroline and completely ignoring her. Friends don't help me at all. I have the worst luck with people I trust besides my family. Anyway I was sitting in the back and Dr Saltzman decided he didn't want to call on me because I already knew everything and I informed him that I might accidentally let something slip about the future. That's when the bell signaling it was time to leave rang. I quickly gathered my stuff before anyone could talk to me and rushed out. I was rushing across the parking lot before Damon stepped in front of me. I sighed. "What do you want Damon" I said. "I still want you for a spell" he said. "And I still say no" I said and walked around him and into the woods. I wasn't stupid I knew he was following me so i didn't go to my cave. I just walked deeper and deeper into the woods before I finally got sick of this. "Oh My God Damon. I'm not dumb so stop following me" I said angrily. He stepped out from behind a tree with a smirk on his face. He walked towards me. "Not until you help me" he said with anger in his voice as well. "I said No. now leave me ALONE" I yelled and a blast of magic shot out of me and knocked him backwards. I just turned and kept walking. "Your gonna lay for that" I heard him mumble. When he said that I didn't think he meant now but he rushed at me. I turned around when I heard it and he would've killed me if not for someone knocking me out of the way. "Well Hello Damon" said the unmistakable British voice. My eyes widened and I stood up. I saw Damon's eyes had widened too. "Klaus" he said surprised. "That's right" he answered. "A+ for you now why would you want to kill this lovely little witch" he asked playfully. I crinkled my nose. I didn't like that he called me little witch. Lovely" Damon questioned him. "She's not lovely, well maybe to you" he answered. Dad went to say something but Damon continued. "In fact, she started the earthquake the other day. She's the one keeping secrets. She's" he started listing before Dad cut him off. "She seems great" he said. "Yeah Damon" I cut in. "I'm great". He looked at me. Rage was forming on his face. "Hope you don't know who he is. You shouldn't trust him. Just come with me" he told me. Was he serious. "Oh so I shouldn't trust someone who saved my life but I should trust you. The person who just tried to kill me" I said sarcastically. "Yeah" he answered like it was the most obvious thing I the world. "No" I corrected him. I took a step closer to him. "I told you to leave me alone" I said and took another step. "I think when I told you that you were nothing compared to what I've faced before, it stung" I added taking another step forward. I could feel my blood boiling. "You wanna find out my secrets so bad. Let me ask you something" I said and took a step closer. I was right in front of him now. "What are your secrets" I asked him. He stuttered. "Huh. I'm sorry you need to speak up" I said and held my hand to my ear. After a while I scoffed. "That's What I thought" I said and turned around. I started walking away when he said something that really triggered me. "Where are your parents Hope" he asked me regaining his cool. I froze. I whipped around to face a smirking Damon. "You asshole" I said before clawing my hand through the air, creating claw marks on his back. He bled. I knew he would heal though. This moment reminded me of what I'd did with uncle Elijah. I didn't care though. I clawed through the air even more until there was nothing left on his back to hurt. I knelt doesn't to him. "Your playing a risky game" I whispered to him before standing up and walking away. I didn't even look at Dad. I walked off and to my cave. I stayed there until it got dark and I knew I would t be able to sleep. I undressed myself and stood there. I felt my bones break but I quickly turned into a wolf. I howled at the moon and ran off. I chased some deer and other things. The best part was running. It always calmed me down. But I knew I would have to get some rest in so I ran back to my cave and curled down to go to sleep. I didn't even change back to my human form. The ground was much more comfortable as a wolf.
I woke up in the morning and stretched. I was hungry and decided to go get one of those deer I chased last night. But before I could I smelt something. No, someone. They smelt familiar. "Hello" the unmistakeable British voice spoke again. I whipped my head around and saw, once again, Klaus Mikaelson. I growled and hoped that he wouldn't know I was a werewolf but I knew he could sense it. "Well that's not welcoming" he said to me and knelt down. His eyes glowed yellow. We stood there for a while staring at each other before I broke. I ran into the cave, transformed back into a human, and got dressed. I hesitated and walked out. I looked at the ground as I walked out. It was hard though, not to notice the surprise on my Dads face. "You" he said. I just looked at him. "So, protecting you was the right thing to do" he said to me. "Little wolf". There it was. The nickname my dad gave to my mother. I didn't really know what to do. I looked back at him. He had a devilish grin or more like smirk on his face. Oh Boy. I suck at following the rules of time travel.

Hope Mikaelson: Rewindsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें