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"Matty, stop! There's going to be nothing left if you keep eating it all." Olivia scolded the taller boy who was standing beside her in the kitchen. She had invited him round for a quiet night in. They needed some time to relax and get away from their chaotic lives. Even if it was just for a few hours.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." He promised, holding his hands up in surrender. A cheeky smirk was still present on his face as his hand slowly neared towards the bowl of chocolate chips.

They were baking brownies for dessert but Matty wouldn't stop stealing and eating the chocolate that was to be used in the recipe. Olivia enjoyed baking and cooking. She loved being in the kitchen and trying to come up with new recipes. Usually, it would annoy her when someone was interfering or pinching her ingredients but for some reason, when it came to Matty, she didn't mind in the slightest.

"I mean it." She raised her eyebrows at him and slapped his hand away. He retracted it quickly, a small amount of pain now in his hand. It didn't last long and as soon as the pain faded, he turned his attention back to Olivia.

Matty watched Olivia in awe. He adored how passionate she was in the kitchen. He adored the way that her hair was tied back in a messy bun and she didn't have a care in the world. He adored the way that the light bounced off her features perfectly, illuminating them. He adored her.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to help?" She prompted him, a piece of hair falling from her bun and getting in the way. Matty nodded his head but before he got started with helping her create the brownie batter, he reached forward and tucked the brunette piece of hair behind her ear. He got to work straight away but Olivia didn't. Instead, she stood in a state of shock for a moment. She hadn't expected Matty to do something like that. It felt intimate but perhaps she was just reading into things. She shook it off and turned her attention back to the brownie batter.

"Did you ever have any childhood nicknames?" Olivia asked Matty across the dinner table. They had ordered in food, feeling too lazy to make their own after making their dessert. She stabbed some broccoli with her fork and looked at him intently, waiting for him to answer her.

Instead, he simply gestured to himself. Olivia wasn't quite sure what it meant so when she stayed silent, awaiting his answer, Matty took it upon himself to answer.

"Matty is my childhood nickname. What about you?" He laughed a little to himself and Olivia nodded, finally understanding what it was that he meant. 

"Olive. My Mum insisted on calling me that for the longest time. She only stopped when I turned eighteen." Olivia hated telling the story of her childhood nickname. It earned her enough teasing from her high school friends and she could really do without Matty teasing her about it too.

"Olive. I like that. It's cute." He teased and Olivia shook her head. She knew that it was too good to be true. She rolled her eyes at him and remembered the time when he told her his middle name. She would be able to enact her revenge perfectly.

"If you keep calling me Olive, I'll have no choice but to call you by your full name." Olivia taunted and although Matty hated the idea, he knew he would hate it less when it came out of Olivia's mouth. He didn't want to admit defeat and so he nodded his head, accepting her challenge. 

Although the nickname annoyed Olivia, Matty didn't intend it that way. He wasn't lying when he told her that he thought that it was cute. It suited her. She was tiny in comparison to him afterall.

Olivia picked up Matty's dinner plate, seeing that it was finished with. She dumped it in the sink, leaving herself a task for later. The brownies had been out of the oven for a while and were ready for serving.

The pair delved into the plate of sugary sweetness. There wasn't a single word uttered between the two of them as they enjoyed what they had baked together in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence. They enjoyed being in each other's company. They didn't need to talk to each other to have a good time. That was the beauty of their 'relationship'. Despite living in a world that was complicated, it was the simplicity of their relationship that brought them peace and comfort.

"It's getting late and I have an early morning training session tomorrow so I should get going." Matty announced, standing up from the dinner table and stretching his arms out. He felt full after the dinner and he couldn't wait to work it all off at training the next morning.

"Really? You could stay the night if you want to?" Olivia offered and Matty gulped harshly. The idea had never crossed his mind and he had no clue what it was that Olivia was thinking when she made the offer.

"I'll set up the guest room for you-" She got up from her seat at the table and started to make her way towards the guest bedroom but Matty stopped her by cutting in.

"No, it's fine. Jack and I share lifts anyway." He insisted and Olivia nodded her head, sad that their evening had come to an end.

Matty turned towards the front door and gathered his things. Olivia was on the couch, flicking through the channels in an attempt to find something to watch until Ava came from home from her date.

"Olivia, I-" Matty started, his attention back on the brunette girl. He was ready to leave everything out in the open and tell her how he really felt but he stopped himself. He stopped himself because he remembered all the times that she friendzoned him and how their arrangement was nothing more than that. It was an arrangement. Nothing real.

"I'll see you on Friday." He hurried himself out of the front door and Olivia was left sitting there in confusion. Matty had been acting weird recently and she needed to get to the bottom of it all.

note from e !

Okay, so not the chapter I thought it was going to be so it must be the next one but I'm going to limit myself to three updates today otherwise I'll never stop. I either don't update or I post everything all at once, I have to be very strict with myself if I want to land somewhere in between.

Which game are you looking forward to the most this week?
- I'm excited to see Brazil play again, even if there is no Neymar but Spain v Germany is going to be interesting.

Enjoy and stay safe!

Lots of love, e x

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