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As the weeks went by, Matty found himself to be falling further and further for Olivia and he was also getting himself further and further into the friend zone.

"Mate, you're in bad." Jack Grealish spoke from beside the right-back as they jogged around the perimeter of the training pitches, warming up as the days progressively got colder.

The team had had some good results already in the new season, the most memorable for Matty being their win over Liverpool by a margin of five goals. He hadn't managed to assist or score himself however he felt that he had done a great job of only conceding two goals to the league champions. It was a proud achievement and the team were now flying high in the top half of the table. The fans were loving how well the team had been and hoped that it would continue throughout the rest of the season.

"Yeah, you don't have to remind me." Matty sulked as John McGinn jogged up beside them, automatically wanting to know what was being spoken about. It was in John's nature. If he could bring humour to a situation, he would most definitely try to do so.

"We're talking about Matty's fake girlfriend and how in love with her he is." Jack teased and John simply nodded his head, realising that Matty wasn't finding it funny in the slightest. Jack had never meant any harm by teasing his temporary housemate but it had become apparent to him now that it was no joking matter.

Matty didn't speak much that training session. He was focused on completing all of the drills and performing to the best of his ability. There was no room for slacking. Matty had been trusted by the manager to come in and do a good job and he had a duty to show everyone that he was the right choice.

The session was hard but that wasn't something that Matty hadn't expected. He liked it though, it meant that he was pushing himself and if he was pushing himself, then he was only going to improve.

The team, all exhausted after an intensive session, made their way into the changing rooms. Most of them couldn't wait to strip off their sweaty training kits and wash away the stench of their body odour. It wasn't glamorous but it was what they all loved and they wouldn't trade it for the world.

Matty walked by himself into the dressing rooms, too much on his mind to make much conversation with anyone else. He was thinking about how deep he was with a girl who didn't reciprocate his feelings and he was still going along with her plan. Did that make him crazy? Probably.

It wasn't long before Jack and John found themselves to be walking in stride with their new friend. Jack still felt guilty about his teasing from earlier on in the day and John could see that Matty was in need of someone to talk to and perhaps, some advice. John didn't claim to give the best advice in the world but if he had an opportunity to at least try and help someone, he was always going to take it. That's the kind of person that the Scotsman was.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I thought it was a joke but obviously, it wasn't." Jack was the first to speak up as the trio stopped to talk in the corridor, none of them wanting the rest of the team to hear anything about what they were talking about. It wasn't anyone's business other than Matty's and it was clear to see that Matty was uncomfortable talking about his 'arrangement' with anyone else.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Matty shrugged his shoulders at his friend, knowing that Jack hadn't meant any harm. He had just overreacted about what he had said.

"You're in deep, Matty. You don't have to keep doing this. Being her fake boyfriend I mean." John suggested. He could see how much Matty was torturing himself just by being around Olivia. His thoughts were consumed by the brunette girl and his heart longed for her.

"I made her a promise-" He started but Jack was quick to jump in and cut him off.

"You promised her one night, not forever. You don't owe her anything." That was where Matty drew the line. He didn't owe her anything but he felt like he did. She had been one of the first people that he had met when he moved to Birmingham. It had been his first proper move in four years and this time, he had left his family behind. It was a strange and scary prospect for him but meeting Olivia had changed everything for him. He had someone to count on, someone who he could turn to and open up to without being judged for it. She was someone special to him and because of that, he owed her a lot.

"I can't just hang her out to dry, Jack. That's not fair." He protested, running a hand through his already messy hair. He was trying to process what it was that his friends were telling him.

"No one is saying that, Matty. Just that sometimes, you have to put yourself first instead of others. You know, self-care and all that." John smiled, smacking his friend's shoulder before entering the changing rooms, the Aston Villa captain following behind. 

Matty thought about what his teammates had said. He was always putting others before himself. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing but maybe John was right. He was causing himself emotional pain just by being around her. Maybe he had to put himself first for once.

note from e !

Hello, my loves! It's been a while but with the World Cup in full swing, I thought I'd bring you another chapter :)

You can tell that this was written a long time ago with Jack still being at Villa (not sure I'll ever fully accept his move to City) but he sort of plays a big role in this story and I also can't really be bothered editing and changing it all so it is what it is I'm afraid.

Matty is doing incredibly well, as are Poland, which I'm very happy about! Also love it because Matty has to be the only player to get me more than four points across the two match weeks.

Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying the World Cup! Front runners so far?
- I'm feeling France, Brazil and Spain have been really good so far. Mega disappointed with Argentina so far. I've also really liked watched Senegal.

Enjoy and stay safe!

Lots of love, e x

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