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The following day was just like any other day for Olivia. She had a full and very busy schedule for the day and that was something that Ava would usually help with but the brunette decided to give her friend the day off, knowing that she would have a killer hangover from the night before.

Despite all of the work that Olivia had to get through, her mind continued to drift back to her night in the club and Matty. She had kept his number in her pocket as she went through the day, having an inner battle with herself as to whether she should text him or not. On one hand, she wanted to see him again. There was just something about him that pulled her in but on the other hand, she didn't want to come across as too forward and so she folded the piece of paper back up and placed it back into her pocket. She sighed and continued to edit her latest YouTube video, a video about how to cook and prepare easy and healthy meals for people who were constantly on the go.

She was finally getting into a bit of rhythm with her editing when her phone rang rather loudly, giving Olivia a scare as she jumped back from her computer and looked at the contact to see the word. 'MUM' flashing brightly across the screen in big, bold letters.

"Hey, Mum. How are you?" The girl stepped away from her computer and moved through to the kitchen where she decided that she would top up her water bottle and make herself a coffee. Despite being a 'fitness guru', Olivia had many bad habits and not staying hydrated was definitely one of them. She had never claimed to be perfect and that was one of the many reasons why her fans loved her. She was human, just like them.

"I spoke to Jordan this morning," Olivia rolled her eyes at the fact that her parents still spoke to her ex-boyfriend. She loved her parents dearly but sometimes she felt as if her parents loved Jordan more than they loved her. Even after telling her about everything that happened between the two of them, her parents still insisted that she make up and get back together with him.

"He told me that you have a new boyfriend! How exciting! Why didn't you tell me about him?" Pamela screeched down the phone in excitement. She had been certain that Jordan was the one for her daughter and when the two broke up, she was devastated for both of them. She wanted nothing more than for Olivia to find happiness and if it wasn't with Jordan and instead with this new boyfriend that she seemed to have then she was fine with that.

"It's all still kind of new with Matty and I so we're just taking things slow." Olivia shrugged her shoulders as she boiled the kettle. She couldn't quite believe the web of lies that she was spinning. She had never viewed herself as a liar. In fact, she liked to think of herself as an honest person but now, with the lies about having a boyfriend and dragging Matty into everything, she was beginning to doubt herself.

"Oh, honey! That's wonderful! You should invite him round for dinner this weekend." Pamela suggested and Olivia let out a small 'fuck' as she realised that she had dug herself a hole and it was getting deeper and deeper by the minute.

"I'll ask him, he's quite busy with his job so he might not be able to make it but I'll ask him and find out." The two ended their quick conversation and as soon as the phone call ended, she immediately added Matty's number and sent him a quick text explaining everything that he had missed out on in the last twelve hours since she had last seen him.

Everything in Olivia's life seemed to be going to shit and it had everything to do with Jordan. She didn't want to lie, she didn't expect everything to get out of hand. She had only ever intended to prove to Jordan that she was doing fine and doing better than he expected her to be. She wanted to show to him that she didn't need him but now, she had dragged an innocent bystander into her relationship drama and she felt incredibly guilty for it.

"Good morning." A groggy Ava shuffled into the kitchen, her hair all tangled and sticking up in random places. She groaned and rubbed her temples, the alcoholic drinks that she consumed the night before leaving their effect on her.

Olivia giggled at the sight of her best friend. They both went out and had gotten themselves into completely different messes. Ava, a drunken mess and Olivia, a complicated mess.

"I barely saw you last night after I went to get us drinks. Where did you go?" Ava slouched down on the couch as Olivia followed her through to the living room, a glass of water in one hand to rehydrate her best friend and a mug of coffee to energise herself in the other.

The brunette let out a sigh as she decided that she should explain the entire situation to her best friend. If there was someone who would be able to give Olivia good advice on how to deal with the situation, it was Ava.

The two girls had met at a gym class. They both realised that they needed to partner up and being the only two without partners meant that they would pair up by default. They got talking and realised that they had a lot more in common than just the gym.

Ava stayed quiet after Olivia had told her everything, let the information absorb into her brain and it made the brunette girl slightly nervous. She needed to know how to get herself out of this mess and she knew that Ava would be the only one to tell her how to do it.

Their silence was interrupted by Olivia's phone buzzing and a text illuminating her screen. It read:

Sounds like you need a fake boyfriend to go with you to this dinner. I'd like to think that I'm well qualified after last night so if you're still needing that fake boyfriend, I'm willing to extend my contract for one more night.

Matty x

"Do it." Ava spoke with a smile on her face after reading the text and that's all Olivia needed.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
a/n: it's been a while since I've published anything but I'm ready to get back into the swing of things! I think I took a bit of a break from publishing things because of university but also because I suffered a long period of writer's block. I'm the type of person to pre-write everything and once this book was done, I'd have nothing to update. It's a bit counter productive but I'm back writing now so here you go!

I don't currently have an update schedule but I'm hoping to upload at least two chapters per week at the moment since I'm not entirely back into the swing of things and this book is going to be my main focus. Any updates on other books will be an add on.

How have you all been? It's been way too long since I checked in with some of you. Anything exciting happened recently?
- I finally passed my driving test after it being cancelled six times :)

Enjoy and stay safe!

Lots of love, e x

written: 7th January
published: 21st July

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