Chapter 8 - New Beginnings

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As Melody finished chewing that glorious cupcake, everyone then paraded out of the bush.

"What's going on?" Melody asked Jax.

"The sun is setting. We always gather outside in the evenings to admire the beautiful sky. Except when it's dull outside." Jax explained.

"Oh. Let's go, then!" Melody said.

Jax, Melody and Ajax then zipped out of the camp via wings, to then join the crowd, whom were all sitting outside of the bush, on the outer leaves, or hovering midair. Jax made his way to the same woman who scolded him when they arrived at the camp—his mom. Obviously, Melody and Ajax followed him. A bulky, bald man with transparent wings stood next to Jax's mom. Melody assumed that this was his dad.

"Good evening, your Majesty!" Jax's dad greeted Melody, who cringe-smiled back. Melody still didn't get used to her royal status, and probably never would. "You must be my son's new friend, Melody. I'm Ed, and this is my wife, Darci. And this is Jax's baby brother Jake, and his 9-year-old sister, Jessica."

Melody waved at them. Darci grinned back. Jake, who was in his mother's arms cooed, while Jessica scowled.

"Call me Jess." Jessica muttered, her ice blue eyes piercing Melody's skin, and turned around. The stone-cold, polar opposite sister of Jax Berry. Jessica Berry.

"Hehe. Okay." Melody awkwardly chuckled. "Jess."

"Don't mind her." Jax whispered to Melody. "She's always like that, except when she gets to eat nut puffs. That's a whole different story.

Melody snickered, as Ed and Jessica were playing with Ajax, the Pixie magnet who was surprisingly social.

"Whoa." everybody exhaled in response to the sunset, at which Melody's eyes flickered to. A blood-orange aura overtaking the azure sky, creating rays of purple around the setting sun, massive and orange.

"Wow." Melody and the Berry's oohed, as Ajax was frozen in place. Even baby Jake's eyes were starlit. She had just thought that the sky would be a brilliant blue, which was also a privilege to see. This? A nonexistent dream come true. Life couldn't get any better. Birthday.

The word 'Birthday' popped into Melody's mind, the I a candle, which was defined in her life book and the mansion interface, whom she refused to call Maman, a thin block of wax you put on your cake and light on fire. This birthday was breathtaking. Birthday.

Melody made up her mind. No matter what happened in the past, stays in the past. She wasn't a pawn in Echosnow's plan anymore. She was now going to end it. Things would get better. They always would. Because Melody wasn't a piece in a game. She was the matchmaker.

Wow. Melody nodded her head smugly at her mental philosophy. She had got to get Pixies in for a seminar regarding this.

Melody continued to space out, as the sky turned a shade varying between gloomy indigo and dark cerulean and the stars began to show. Until Jax tapped her.

Melody glanced around. "What?"

"We have to get back to the camp." Jax replied. "For dinner and sleep."

"Okay!" Melody exclaimed excitedly.

As they all flew back into the bush, Melody noticed glass lanterns of bright yellow shades strung on the outside of every residency and building being automatically turned on, which is something she'd never recognized.

"You can stay with us for the night." Darci offered Melody. "You and Ajax can eat dinner with us, and sleep in Jess's bedroom. I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

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