Chapter 4 - The Flight Of Her Life

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Swift fingers were tapping at her head, trying to wake her up. They were Jax's fingers.

Melody blinked until the blurriness lost its grip on her confused retinas. She wasn't dead after all.

She was splayed on the ground. She got up as a breeze of wind went by, nearly knocking her off her feet. She was sent crashing into an abnormally large blade of hay, which was twice as tall as she was. The slap in the face by the grainy blade set everything into motion once again; everything Melody had learned from Jax about the history of the Swan family and the feud against New Selendine. She took the Trans Tonic, which was why everything was so big—she had shrunk. She estimated the world to about a thousand times bigger than it was before.

Melody pushed through the hay and scoured for Ajax, who was actually splayed out in tiredness in front of her, about the same size in proportion to her. His tongue was lolling, and Melody felt sorry for him.

Melody looked at herself to check for any bruises. Nope. The same old hoodie she'd worn this morning, accompanied by the same blue jeans and grey sandals. But she was dry, probably from the orb of light. Then she reached behind and rubbed her back, checking for scars.

All she found were two slits made in her hoodie and some sort of consistency matching that of tulle fabric, like the ones embroidering the wispy skirts she wore back at the mansion. But as she pulled at the tip, a burning feeling raced up her spine, urging her to stop.

"Those are your wings." Jax said.

Jax was suddenly half a head taller than her, and his voice was much deeper than before. She could notice the golden shade of his skin only when they were the same size, and his eyes were much deeper and were a mix of turquoise and teal that a human couldn't even dream of having.

"Wings?" Melody breathed as she peered behind, hoping to catch a glimpse of her wing, which was hard to do. Curse her non-flexibility. But the wing moved when she wanted to, like the uncanny function of a body part.

It was beautiful; shaped like that of a butterfly, which she'd seen on her walk with Jax outside her mansion. But it had a dark to light blue gradient though the wing was translucent, and had intricate, symmetrical swirling patterns. The wing itself was broad, but it smoothly stretched into narrow points.

"Whoa.." Melody breathed.

"Wings are like faces. No two pairs are the same. It could either be shaped different from others, or have a different color. But all siblings have the same shape and color, though the pattern may differ. But spouses must have different wing gradient color, wing shape, and wing pattern. Otherwise the baby will have a birth defect in the wing. There was once a case where a newborn baby's wings were so mangled that the wings had to be surgically removed! And the wing color indicates your special gift!"

Melody even had no idea that Pixies even existed, much less study complicated wingology. But she chose to listen on.

"If your wings are colors red, crimson, brown, orange and/or yellow, you're a Light Spectrum Pixie. You can use your powers to reflect light onto anything, out of your hand! And you can also ignite fires. People call me Stove-boy, since I am known for baking pies on my palms! If they're a greenish gradient, then you are a Floral Pixie! You can use your powers to grow plants instantly, big or small. You can also wrap your plants around anything, and shoot them at people. (But I recommend not to.) If your wings are a bluish gradient, then you are a Winter Pixie, which is what you are. You can summon ice with your right hand and use it to freeze anything, or melt ice with your left hand! If the color of the wings are indigo, which is very, very rare, you are a Magic Pixie. You can use your ability to shrink, grow, and lift things with your mind. And you can also create illusions, like change the way you or something looks. And time-travel, by themselves, or with the thing they hold hands with. But they have to promise not to abuse their powers, otherwise they'll be sentenced to death, considering that their powers are the most useful and dangerous. There are about five living Magic Pixies in the entire camp! If your wings are pink, violet, or magenta, then you are a Superpixie. Superpixies can lift things over a thousand times their own weight, for example, even a small human, with their wings, arms, heads, legs, whatnot. They can also shoot lasers out of their eyes. If their lasers touch you once, then you'll be stunned whole-body for five minutes. And Superpixies can fly and run faster than the speed of sound. If your wings are pure black, then you are a Dark Pixie. You can use your powers to summon the dead, and kill something just by making eye contact with them. Dark Pixies are only born when both of the parents have evil hearts, and the baby is usually taken into custody and stripped of its powers, turning into a giftless Pixie, which is a Pixie with transparent, colorless wings. And also, if the parents have different powers, then the child is only the same power that its mother is, just saying. Pure humans transforming into Pixies will be given a random wing type, but since you're already a pure Pixie, your wing type has already been sealed and you were bound to be a Winter Pixie since that is what you have been assigned at birth." Jax described. "But I'll let you delve into your powers on your own."

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