Chapter 6 - Jax's Story

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Melody and Bathilda were back in the Elder's tent, sitting on cushions like before. Now she knew what the painting was trying to tell her after all. That her parents were waiting and disguised at New Selendine. A new mystery, although this one may not be that important, for example, life-altering.

"You deserve a lunch break, young one." said Bathilda. "I suggest you eat at a bakery here."

Melody nodded, her stomach notoriously rumbling. When was the last time she'd eaten?

"Meanwhile, I'll devise a plan for your parents returning back home to greet their daughter." Bathilda added.

"Plan?" Melody echoed.

"Yes. It may involve a team and some aliases." Bathilda replied. "Go eat something. That boy Jax is waiting outside. The meeting is tomorrow morning."

"Sure." said Melody, exiting the Elder's tent, Ajax following behind. As they passed through the soft touch of leaves, her stomach growled louder than before. Did Minifying trigger hunger? If so, maybe that was why none of the elders were skinny or obese, considering they rarely showed their faces outside, and didn't eat too much.

A team and aliases, thought Melody as she went out to find Jax. She wondered who her team members would be, trying to decide between if she would prefer an adult on her team or a peer the same age as her. It all came down to intellect and skill. What would they look like? Maybe an even distribution between girls and bo-

Something sent Melody sprawling to the ground before she could finish the word boys. It felt round. Dust caked her peach skin as she got up, only to notice she'd tripped over a small red ball with white stitches. Her observation was correct. It was indeed something round.

"Over here!" shouted a squeaky voice.

Melody turned around, ball in hand, to find a group of seven scrawny little boys, six who were laughing at something, and the center one stretching out his tan, frail hands.

Melody tossed it to him, and the group of boys ran off, one kicking the ball, and the other six chasing after him madly.

"You okay?" sounded Jax behind her. Melody looked up to find Jax staring down at her, ruffling Ajax's fur.

"I'm fine, merci beaucoup." Melody replied. "What even is that game?"

"That game is called Redball." Jax replied.

"Redball?" she got up.

"It's a game in which there must be a group of more than one, and one person has to kick the ball for 2 minutes at once without having the ball taken from them. The person who has the ball for 2 minutes straight without having the ball taken from them is the winner of the game. You can only possess the ball with your feet, and you can use your hands to ward the others off. Since some people like Superpixies have an advantages over others like say, Floral Pixies. So they compete in divisions, where you compete against people your own wing type." Jax responded, as Ajax licked Jax's hand all over. Wow. Ajax made a new friend, too!

"Woo-hoo!" sounded the previous frail voice that asked Melody for the ball. She guessed he'd won.

Another rumble shook Melody's stomach.

"I'm starving!" she exclaimed, clutching her stomach.

"Same." responded Jax. "Follow me."

Jax spread his crimson wings, and leapt into the air. He hovered several Pixie-feet above her head.

"If you fly, you can get to the bakery ten times faster than if you travel by foot. Use your gift!" Jax advised.

Melody spread her sapphire-blue wings, and jumped. She felt the breeze in her face, her hair, her clothes-

And she landed on the dirt-crusted ground face-first.

Shame burned through her cheeks, causing her to look solely at the ground, laden with an imprint of her face.

"It's alright." said Jax, fluttering downward. "Nearly everyone fails their first flight. Even I did."

Melody looked up. "How old were you?"

Jax could see the hints of fiery jealousy in Melody's periwinkle eyes. She could never have the experience of a Pixie with a normal life, considering that she'd lived as a human.

In return, Jax chuckled. "Oh, it's no big deal. Let's just put this behind us and-"

"How old were you?" Melody sternly gritted.

Jax gulped.

Now Melody was pissed to a boiling point. She clenched her fists, and took a deep breath. "Alright. I get it. I can read your face, and I know that since you are a normal Pixie, you learnt the customs at a normal age, like three or four. It was childish of me trying to interrogate you like this. I was just jealous. I'm sorry." she apologized.

Jax smiled, as stupid tears ran down Melody's face. He put a warm arm around her as he sat down next to her. "Even though I may be the most talented flyer in all of the Pixies, I was actually scared of heights for a while. I was afraid that my wings would get tired, and I would fall. To my death, presumably. As all the kids took off when they were three and four, my sister included, I waited under my parents' wings until I was nine."

Nine? Melody slowly eased. She wasn't the only late flyer after all, considering that she'd just been reintroduced to the world.

"I was teased and bullied for my phobia, and I lived with it. Until my mom strung a cupcake, strawberry and almond flavored; my favorite; onto the highest branch of the bush we're in right now. I hadn't eaten breakfast, and so I was starving. And the cupcake was calling my name. All of the Pixies were gathered around the heart of the camp, to watch my first flight. My mother stood 2 steps right of the cupcake, and my father stood 2 steps left, to catch me in case I fell. I was so scared, but the moment in which the entire whole of the Pixies were chanting my name exhilarated me for the upcoming moment." Jax regaled.

Melody smiled as she pictured a series of images in her head as Jax went on.

""Jax! Jax! Jax!" chanted a throng of Pixies, as I took a deep breath, stared at my precious cupcake floating in midair, as I spread my wings, took a running start, and jumped. A single jump with my wings extended was all it took for me to fly. I circulated around the camp as everyone cheered my name, and finally soared to the top, where my cupcake was suspended, and unstrung it. I plunged the whole thing in my mouth. Mmm. Strawberry almond. I flew back down when my parents covered me in hugs and my younger sister and brother applauded along with their friends. It was the best moment of my life. Which is why I want to help you get the best of yours."

Pink speckled Melody's peach face; a friendly blush. Not the other kind. It just felt nice to know that she wasn't just Princess Melody Swan, the future of the Pixies. She was a new friend to Jax, and altered his life positively, and that he wanted to help her. "Gee, thanks." she said. "Strawberry almond cupcakes? Now I'm hungrier than ever!" It was actually true. She didn't even notice her hunger until after she'd thought about Jax's depicted dream cupcake.

Jax beamed. "Follow me."

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