Chapter 2 - The Shock Of Her Life

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The door had been brought down, and it was flaming. All of a sudden, the fire had been extinguished. Melody was extremely afraid. She felt like running away, but she was paralyzed in place. The world was in front of her, finally. It looked no way as nasty as the Life Book depicted. Instead of the skies being dark, luminous and lightning-streaked, they were azure, sunbathed, and the clouds were golden. Instead of paranormal spirits peeking out of every nook and cranny, intricate flowers did. But wait... if there weren't paranormal spirits, then how did the door get destroyed? Was the lush scenery tricking her?

"Bonjour." squeaked a voice.

"AAAH!" she screamed in an embarrassingly high pitched voice, a chill creeping up her spine. Was she right about the ghosts? Melody thought she was right about the evil spirits until she saw a miniature creature, who looked like a human, but microscopic and dressed very odd clothes. It, or he, was very tiny. He was like herself, but about the size of Melody's pinky finger and had spiky auburn bangs and neatly trimmed auburn hair, half-covered by an acorn he wore above his head. Melody never expected the people of the outside world to be this small and complex. He had slightly pointed turquoise eyes and very pointed ears, and he wore multiple sewn auburn leaves the color of his hair as a tunic and pants, and wore woven grass on his feet to mimic shoes. But that was not all. The tiny creature had wings. Enormous crimson ones, in proportion to his size.

"I'm Jax Berry, a resident of the Camp of the Pixies. Seasonally, we offer humans capable of becoming Pixies the privilege of transforming into them. We ring the bell of every human's house in France and see if they are capable of turning into Pixies and if they want to or not. Sorry for breaking your door, but it wouldn't budge, so I had to use fire pressure on it."

"So you just break my door?" Melody furiously reprimanded. But another thought lingered in her mind.

Jax scratched the back of his head nervously, dishelving the bottoms of his hair. "Uh, I've been hovering here for like an hour, so yeah."

"What do you mean by 'humans capable of becoming Pixies'?" Melody queried.

Jax sighed. "I have a lot to teach you. Feel the ends of your ears. If they're slightly pointed; which is semi-common, you're a human with the ability of transforming into any living being."

Melody's stomach lurched. "You're kidding."

Jax brightly shook his head, a smile of pride creeping up his cheeks.

Melody felt the ends of her ears. They were pointed. Adrenaline rushed through her body.

"And also, why wouldn't the door budge?" Jax asked.

"My house is an interactive mansion without any windows and you can't leave." Melody began. "It protects you from the dangers of the world and feeds, clothes, and nourishes you. Doesn't every human have one?"

Jax had an unreadable expression on his face. "Um. no?" He blinked a few times and then continued. "None of the humans we've met."

What does he mean by 'um, no?' Melody silently queried. "Wait... what?"

"And awesome timing!" Jax added, ignoring Melody's exclamation. "Today's an extremely sunny day. Once we get back to my home, I can get you some ice cream!"

"Not so fast." Melody halted. "Do you Pixies think that you're so much better than humans, so you can just ask us if we want to transform into Pixies? What's so special about you guys anyway?"

The male pixie obviously looked hurt by this. Something in the air was automatically changed. Who was this creature and why was he trying to take her away from her home? Melody's mind was firing out questions, but she decided not to ask them.

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