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Sometime after the Vacation, Y/N is wondering in the spirits apartment as he waits for Charlotte's response because he wants also to check her abilities. But he remembered something and that's to consult Snaii who is in the lookout. As he told Kotori he would do, what he plans on the other day. As he goes to the lookout. Now he discusses with Snaii the possibility of the World of the Kais in this Universe.

He contacts the Kai from Universe 7, specifically Supreme Kai if there is a possibility that a Kai exist in this Universe. Which Shin told Y/N to wait as he'll try and check if in the other Universes except for the (Dragon Ball Universe) if there are deities who exist. As he teleports to Grand Priest to consult this if in the other realms if it is possible.

Y/N again returns back to the spirit apartment as he patiently wait, Kotori asks Y/N that they should go for the Os academy in the meantime. And check the students maybe there are useful information and tips towards the pilots. As they travel into the Island.

Ichika was training with Charlotte and the Girls When Y/N suddenly appears in front of them with Kotori. Ichika is targeting Charlotte with the attack as Y/N catches the attack with a finger.

Ichika: "What are you doing here?"

Y/N : "Calm down, I'm here to talk with Dunois-san."

Kotori nods but she told Y/N:" Look out!!! There is someone attacking you."

Aa Y/N stares into the IS, and prepares for battle but in his mind he only needs to dodge all of her attacks.

Ichika tells Kotori:" That's my sister, our teacher at the same time. She also turned off her communications and now she really wants to fight him."

His sister, the teacher came to the practice field to attack Y/N with her IS because at first they think that he was an intruder. They are fighting in thr skies as Y/N dodges all of her attacks. And Charlotte says:" Orimura Sensei, they are my visitors, they are also the ones who defeated the people who attacked us."

Chifuyu learninf the truth stops and calms down:" Sorry for attacking you, but why did you just appeared in the battlefield, kid?

Y/N says:" Well it is one of my abilities, and also me and my girlfriend right here wants to discuss something with Dunois san."

Kotori flies up to Y/N as she gave him a towel and Kotori told Chifuyu:" Ms Orimura we would like to discuss private matters with you and also as what he said. With Dunois san. We won't cause any troubles in your academy. "
Chifuyu nods and they were in a private room as Ichika and the others were dismissed in their own room. Though they are worried

Kotori talks with Charlotte:" First of all, Dunois san we are aware that you're not part of AST and also you are instructed by Ms. Chifuyu in the battles. But can I ask you about the specifics of your machine."

Charlotte explains that her machine is a fourth generation IS and that also the AST specifically Tobichii Origami contacted for support in the part of Japan as she and her friends are part of the top students in the academy that's why they joined the battle.

Chifuyu tries to interfere with the conversation as Y/N calms her down. Kotori asks Chifuyu:" So you did risk your students, though no pressure it's your way of teaching them. But the thing is Y/N over here has a proposal foe Charlotte and that is we are going to train her ourselves. We know her background and we know how to easily defeat her fathers scheme. And also she discussed a group of IS users who also attacked you with your younger sister right. "

Chifuyu felt ashamed and somehow she knows Kotori is right. But as she was about to say something Kotori added." In our hands her safety is guaranteed even if her father's army tries to interfere. But Miss Orimura her IS will be completely useless for that matter as. Y/N is gonna train her that much that she can fight on her own."

Chifuyu:" Well Charlotte what is your decision. They are right you did came here for a purpose, you build your friendship here with my brothers and his friends. At first you arrived here with a boy disguise and now you have the opportunity to correct your father's mistakes by defeating him. And making him suffer for all of what he's done with your peers, his lust with power and all of those. "

Charlotte:" I want to accept your offer but I can't leave the things that made me who I---. " As she was on her way on rejecting their offer despite all of the good intentions between Y/N and Kotori.

Y/N interrupts her." If your desire is to be an IS pilot we wont be an obstacle for you and your dreams. But remember Charlotte, we are just one contact away. But Miss Orimura I think I wanted to be an instructor here. In the martial arts department or better yet, They can spar with me. Maybe others will be also convinced to train with us."

Kotori says :" I'm also inviting some of our friends for them to train with. If that's okay with all of you they can use their IS, so that when it comes to the battlefield they feel all the pressure not just with the IS users but they can also defend their selves without any weapon. "

Chifuyu told Y/N:" If you may show us your powers?"

Y/N :" You and Charlotte join me, Kotori tell the others I'm gonna be on the chamber, also Kotori your hand please. " As Chifuyu told Maya to tell Ichika and the others to tell them they are away.

Y/N also told Chifuyu bring their IS, as they appeared in the lookout and they went in the chamber. Y/N left Kotori outside as she was waiting for them to come out.

Y/N tells Chifuyu and Charlotte. :"This chamber has a different timezone compared to the outside world. Here 1 year inside is 1 day outside." The two can't believe it but at the same time Charlotte somehow trusts his words.

Y/N tells the two:" For now we will stay here for a week which will be mere minutes or seconds outside." He transforms into his Kaioken  in the first day for Charlotte to train with him as he increases his Kaioken while Chifuyu is watching. She told Y/N before leaving:" At the same time you're showing us your powers can you train Charlotte. " Which Y/N nods.

As now Y/N is at Kaioken x2 with surpessed powers as Charlotte barely catching her breath. Y/N gives  Charlotte a bottle of water as he goes further so that the two can't get set flying somewhere.

Y/N speaks:" I won't show you my full powers but this is one of my first forms." He transforms into a super saiyan which the two felt the pressure and the change in aura within Y/N as he reverts back to his base.

Y/N again offers Charlotte to be his student which at this time in the chamber she agrees but she will train with her IS, and also most of the time she would be in the academy. Which Y/N smiles at her, and gave her a thumbs up for her change in decision.

6 Days later

As Chifuyu is seen eating the snacks while Charlotte is again trying to keep up with Y/N's Kaioken x2 which again she fails due to the difference in their stamina with Y/N congratulating her on the recent improvement on her movements. And her determination now to get stronger as he observes her eyes during their training.

Y/N:" I'll let you see my latest experiment on my powers as I actuallt train with this each time that they were sleeping." He shows up his Super Saiyan 2 Kaioken x 10 as the pressure again for the two humans are strong but Y/N grabs them and drops back to his base form and goes out from the chamber asking now from Kotori to tell someone to bring them back to the IS academy.

As Chifuyu and Charlotte left the lookout they wondered and discuss Y/N's powers though Chifuyu told Charlotte that as of now, she should tell no one. Though Ichika and the others felt the pressure of the ki during the battle but they didn't witness the source of its pressure. As Charlotte agrees since she is now a student of Y/N  and she thinks that Y/N is a whole lot better than Ichika himself because this man is caring for her even though they are just forming a friendship and she thinks Kotori is lucky for being his girlfriend then she thinks. What if she is on the position of Kotori, then she blushes and shakes her head as she wonders again when will Ichika choose from the Six of them (Charlotte, Rin, Cecilia, Houki, Laura and the Student Council President Tatenashi).

Meanwhile Y/N discusses things with Kotori as he also invites Kurumi and Rem for consultations regarding any planets or if they studied the possibilty of having other realms. Which now in Y/N's mind he's curious about the Kai's and the possibilty of a destruction god and an angel in this Universe. As they think through to end this part.


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