Training before the Visitor's Arrival

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*After the sealing of the Yamai twins by Shido, by the guidance of Ratatoskr and protection by Y/N, Kurumi, Mana and Origami. Y/N announce the arrivals of his masters, the god and his angel, even his father. Now what would happen in this chapter find out now. *

Y/N talks with Origami and Kotori:"Our dates  will be adjusted after our activities, for now I need to train and also for all of you to train your powers. I'm also unsure of the mood of the god of destruction himself if he gets mad. I don't want to depend all on my masters and my father, When he gets mad. "

The two girls understand the situation as Y/N calls out the others to train." Tohka, Origami, Yoshino and Yoshinon, Mana, Kurumi, Shido, Kotori, Kaguya and Yuzuru. I'll train you those who can fly can spar with each other. The others who can't will be walking into 5x gravity in the gravity room. The humans will meditate for the meantime"

As they do their respective training Y/N asks Kotori. "Do you feel your spirit ki rising ever since the last incident or do you remember any of it?"

Kotori:" Sorry Y/N, I don't recall any of those events, even if you feel my spirit ki. I can't seem to feel any changes in my body."

Y/N: "I feel Shido has spirit powers too, since he can seal those spirits." I want to train everyone in the gravity room. I hope we can unlock your potential somehow. Maybe I can ask whis for help. But if it is proven dangerous we wont cross that line."

As they train, Kotori and Shido meditates themselves to feel their energies. Tohka, Kurumi, Yoshino, Yuzuru and Kaguya trains themselves in the gravity room with the 5x gravity even trying to reach atleast 7 or 8 before the day goes by. Mana and Origami trains with their suits as they spar in an abandoned area. Y/N observes them and trains with them per 2 hours he switches locations based on their training grounds  and delivers some food for them to eat.

After training:

Y/N :"I'm amazed at your strengths, I feel your changes. I can see the determination in your eyes. Tommorow we will switch your training for Kotori and Shido I'll try to teach them how to fly by themselves, For the spirits they will spar in the abandoned area while flying with all of their might. Origami and Mana will train in the gravity room. I saw also your consumption of the Senzu beans as I explain how it helps your body. "

Flashback after his announcement of the arrival of their visitors

Y/N:" These are the Senzu beans, if you feel exhausted or you have an injury, this can heal you and make you feel better. For my species the Saiyans, Every time we go for a life threatening injury our powers add. (Zenkai Boosts.) and this beans can't heal any illness or diseases. "

Everybody was listening and they *were confused as Y/N asks someone to beat up Shido. Shido is scared but Y/N assures him that he will heal instantly with Kurumi beating up Shido. And Y/N gave him the beans with all of his wounds and injuries from his body are healed to everyone's amusment.*

The present.

Yoshino:" Y/N nii-chan, are you sure that your visitors won't harm us?"

Y/N:" I'm sure about my masters but if the god was pissed, I aint sure maybe our world will be destroyed with his Hakai attack."

Everyone except Y/N :" Hakai?"

Y/N :" Hakai for the destroyers can remove anyone or any planet in existence, though they are not necessary evil, My masters also the Kai's were the opposite of the destroyers, they create new things to balance out the universe."

Kurumi:" Ara, so we won't mess with this guy even the first spirit is powerless to this guy. "

*Reine: Who listens to the conversation, she herself got scared of the destroyer. *

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