"You guys when you will just fall in love already?" Danielle whines

Niall and Valerie both chuckle lost in their own thoughts

"That's what the old lady implied" Valerie finally says breathing in between laughs

I was so lost

"Please explain" Harry says just as confused as the rest of us

"We went to an ice cream shop and there was an old lady running it and she kept telling us how we were in love" Niall explains

"Got it, anything else we need to know?" I ask

"Yes, can everyone get out, so I can stop hiding behind this blanket because of the fact I'm almost naked in front of One Direction, their girlfriends, and my other two best friends?" Valerie states

Harry scoffs "No can do princess, if you want to change, you need to do it right here, in front of all of us"

Valerie, in reply, sticks her tongue out in a mocking manner and points toward the door to make everyone leave the room

"I 'm staying this is my room" Taylor says

"No duh! Now bye everyone" Valerie repeats pointing towards the door. We all shuffle towards the door, to leave Valerie and Taylor alone


I was in my jammies, just chilling on the sofa

"Oh Lacy skyped, let's call her back" I suggest

"Valerie, time differences remember?" Taylor states looking at me like I've lost my head

I sigh "Oh yeah"

"I'm so bored what are we doing? We are in LA for crying out loud! Taylor let's do something!" I practically scream at her holding her shoulders

"You're right, let's go" She says really getting into it, grabbing my hand and fleeing out of the room


Basically, I and Taylor were walking around the streets of LA in tank tops, and pajama bottoms. This was exactly my personality, if someone didn't like me if I looked like this, then they don't deserve me when I look nice and dressed up. I could care less what people thought of me to be honest, I rather die knowing I lived my life the way I wanted to and not the way others wanted me to.  We decided to take a walk just clear up our minds, and later, just go Zayn and Josh's room and watch some movies maybe, that was still undecided

"Come on girl, grandma arms!" Taylor says giggling urging me to walk while swinging my arms around making me look more like a penguin. It was around 7 in the afternoon, and the sun was setting, and if you look to your right you see two retards swinging around their arms. People were smirking looking at us a bit weird, but what are we going to do about it? We were quaking, even though we were supposed to be penguins, not showing a care in the world, and being high off of just plain living

I was laughing and having a great time, totally lost of the world around me into I walked straight into a couple who were practically having dry sex in the middle of a walking path

"Excuse me" I mumble backing away awkwardly as they pull apart. Both of them looked at me, a smile tugging at their lips and they just nod

"Nah, it's okay, kind of hard to see where you're going when you are pretending to be a penguin" The guy smirks

I smile a bit and walk off, finding Taylor a few steps ahead of me, laughing her ass off

"That was hilarious" She chokes

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