"You can start this weekend, the salary is 14 dollars an hour." Emilyn nods and thank her for the last time before exiting her office.

"So, I assume you got the job?" The guy from before asked. Emilyn nod happily and smile. "Welcome to the team." He said with a smile. "When do you start?"

"This weekend, I'm working on Saturday and Sunday till 1 am."

"Okay, see you this weekend." He bids Emilyn goodbye as she exits the cafe.


"Emilyn, show us the pictures," Taylor said. Emilyn plucks the wire into her computer so that they can see it on the screen in front.

"I've picked some of the pictures that could be used for the article," Emilyn told them. "Here are the pictures from the last interview. We when to his race track the last interview."

"Girl, you got lucky to be there. And so close." Andrew said in awe.

"Andrew shut it." Taylor pulls an invisible zip across her mouth. Andrew slump back on his chair.

Emilyn scrolls through the pictures slowly for them to see. "Stop," Taylor said. Emilyn fingers stop at the picture where his friends stand in front of the car. "Is that Pierce Murphy the second hottest bachelor and Jax collin?"

"Yes?" Emilyn said unsure.

"Good job, put that in the magazine." She told me. "As for the other pictures, there all look good. Just pick any of them."


"That's all, any questions?" She asks everyone. Everyone in the room stays quiet. "Okay, get back to work."

"Hey, Emilyn."

"Savannah, you need anything?" Emilyn asked

"No, I was just going to ask if you need any help with choosing  the pictures?" She said. "If you don't mind, can I help?"

"Of course I don't mind. More eyes to see which one is better." Emilyn gave her a smile.

After a long day at work, she got ready to head out. Ana needs Emilyn to be her 'support' when she tells her parents that she and Fin are engaged. Putting on a coat of mascara and a tint of blush, she normally doesn't wear mascara because I'm meeting with her parents she got to be at least presentable.

Emilyn remembered the first time she visited Ana's house and she wore no makeup, they thought she was one of the help in the house.

Emilyn got her things ready in a bag and head out of her room. "You are going out?" Grandma Lou asked when Emilyn close her room door.

"Yeah, remember I told you that I'm having dinner with Ana's parents."

"Oh right. Good luck on persuading her parents not to kill Finley." Grandma Lou said.

"I will try." Emilyn laugh. "Grandma, I got to go. Ana said she's downstairs." Emilyn put her across her chest.

"Okay, if you decide to spend over at Ana's just text me." Grandma Lou said.

"I will," Emilyn reply and head out the door. "Hey," She said as she enters the back seat of Finley's car. "Are you guys ready?"

"Yeah." Emilyn can hear the uneasiness in Ana's voice.

"Why are you nervous?" Finley asks her. "I am the one who should be nervous. What if they try to threaten me again?"

"Fin, stop worrying they won't. I'll be there to protect you." Ana told him.

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