Further beyond the grave

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America's POV:

I stood perfectly still, not daring to move a muscle, as the supposed dead country towered over my own head. Despite his awkward introduction, I cowered at his hight and muscular frame, he could stomp on me like a bug if he wanted to.

The intimidating man flicked his head and shot a side-eye at me I nodded my head at the speed of light as I let him speak.

"Have you seen my great-grandson?" He asked uneasily, staring at me who was still frozen in a walking motion. My mind raced, working for an answer, Prussia was Germs's Great Grandpa right? What does this thing want with Germany?

I sat in utter silence, so did he, we were both confused as to what move we should make here. He'd been dead for centuries, he still had an 18th-century Prussian military uniform on for crying out loud! I rubbed my eyes then took another look at him. Still there.

He had an eyepatch on his left eye with a black eagle stitched on it. He was slightly taller than Russia and he had the same bodily frame as him as well.

"No..." I lied, in reality he was just in the other room. Prussia continued to stare me down, now glaring directly into my soul as if he was trying to claw it out, I knew very well that he could see straight through my lies.

"This isn't any joke, America." He stated coldly, I shot a surprised look at him, he rolled his eye "Yes, I know your name."

Again, we just stood there engulfed by silence, I barely knew where I was anymore. I'd overheard random stories from dad and mom about Prussia and what he did during his life; what he did to them. What I learnt from those stories?

To never trust him, mom was convinced that he was excellent at manipulation, possibly better than Third Reich, who sets the bar pretty damn high.

Prussia huffed, swinging his feet up and down.

Alright, seriously. Where is he...? The fate of this universe depends on me finding him." He erupted. I was speechless. The fate of the universe?

"What? Are the ScArY rUsSiAnS coming to conquer the universe?" I blurted not actually thinking before I spoke. The tall man in front of me grumbled under his breath, I think he was cussing me out.

A fire glowed in his hazel eyes as he viciously pushed passed me, stomping down the hallway into the living room.
Ah, sh##.

I ran after him. It was too late though. I arrived at a scene with Prussia smack dab in the middle of the doorway with all eyes fixated on him.

"What in the name of-" Poland cried, scrambling to hide behind a big sofa chair I observed him raising his cross pendant to protect his face. Canada came crawling next to him sharing the holy protection of the cross.

Germany sat there confused and wide-eyed like I was when he poofed back into existence. He then facepalmed and chuckled sarcastically in his direction.

"Nice Russia, good try to scare us. You can quit the act now" he pointed at him. Prussia wasn't fazed by his great grandson's reaction in the slightest.

"Quit what act?" We all turned to face Russia hobbling out of the bathroom again, with another glass of water.

Germany who was now giving Prussia the signature German side-eye gulped, muttering inaudible German words.

"Hey~ Haven't met you before... Do you know who I am...?" He asked. Germany's eyes were still fixated on him, he didn't answer, nor did he seem like he heard. Did we break him?

Prussia chuckled nervously. "Well... Ahem, I'm Prussia. Your great grandfather, father of your grandfather... Mmmm, well that's obvious. Uhm... Yes."

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