Out of Corn City

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"Senku! How're you Alive?!" Stanley gritted on his cigarette. Stanley saw their original ship roaring into the river towards them. Water splashing onto the ship as it fastened its pace. everyone on the ship hid down. Stanley immediately took a gun from his people and aimed for the ship.

"Isn't that- medusa?" Homura wondered. As Yuzuriha was behind her she thought of an idea. She gathered everyone around and whispered the plan. Everyone yelled, "The petrification beam is coming!! Quick! Run for your lives!" When the enemy heard, they hastily hurried off the ship, either they jumped down, or they hid inside. As the petrification device was shot into the sky, Stanley aimed for it and shot it multiple times. With that, he didn't notice that Senku and the rest got past them. Everyone on Senku's ship cheered. "There was no Petrification device was fake. Either there was one, or it doesn't work. Gen was lying from the start..." Stanley muttered. "They got past!" Yuzuriha let out a sigh of relief. "They're gonna make it out to sea", Kinro stated. "Come on guys! We gotta say goodbye!" Ukyo stopped Chrome from going on deck. "If you go out on deck to say your farewell- You'll be putting a target on your head. Is saying goodbye worth the risk?" Hyoga warned him. Chrome flinched hearing such alarming words. "Is it worth the risk?" Taiju muttered. "You bet!" Chrome agreed. "See you!" Everyone yelled from both separated teams. Kinro, Magma, Minami, Nikki, Yuzuriha, and everyone else on the second ship raised their hands high, wishing everyone a farewell. "We'll surely meet again! Without a doubt. We're gonna build cities everywhere!" Yuzuriha clenched her fists and held them high. "We're going to be playing, keep-away from Stanley and his people, as we voyage around the globe", Senku chuckled. [Y/N] who was inside a room had already woken up and heard everyone saying farewell. She sat on the bed she was resting. "It's been a long adventure with you guys..." She smiled, "Farewell for now".

"Out next destination! The place where everything started a thousand years ago! The origin of the petrification beam! South America!" Ryusui grinned.

"Hold on! Do you mean to tell me that whole we're fleeing in this tint boat- The ultimate sniper, Stanley Snyder will have his arsenal and combat elites and will pursue us with our own aircraft carrier!" Gen panicked, "Am I allowed to Anic-pay?!" He asked. "Uh- when you put it like that-" Ukyo sweated. "How can we defeat them?" Sukia asked. "We won't. We'll just have to evade them as we make for our next destination", Senku replied.

"[Y/N]?" Ukyo knocked on the door. [Y/N] hurried and opened the door, "Ukyo-san!" She smiled. "[Y/N], you should've only told me to open the door... You're still healing", Ukyo seemed worried. [Y/N] chuckled. "If I am to go with you guys, I have to heal faster", [Y/N] sighed "Going to South Africa- Having an adventure- Playing Keep-Away from Stanley- My body can't be fractured at a time like those". Ukyo sat on a chair, "Well at least till now, you should rest". "Ukyo-san- I've been resting for days and weeks. I don't want to feel like a corpse on a bed every day, resting", [Y/N] crossed her arms. Ukyo sighed, "Don't come crying for me then-", he pouted. "You say that, but you still help me", [Y/N] teased as she raised one of her eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be thankful?" Ukyo asked clicking his tongue. [Y/N] brushed her hair off the side, "Ahem! Well then- Thank you!" She elegantly bowed down like a princess attending the ball. "What's with that?" Ukyo blushed. "Are you blushing?" [Y/N] teased. Ukyo burst to laugh. "Eh?! You're laughing?!" [Y/N] felt embarrassed. "Stop laughing!" [Y/N] stuttered. "Sorry- you just look funny", Ukyo began to tear up. "You're frustrating Ukyo-san", [Y/N] crossed her arms getting intimidated. Ukyo took a deep breath and wiped his tears off. Someone knocked on the door, "[Y/N]-" Senku showed up on the door. "Yes?" [Y/N] stared at Senku. "It's good to see you smiling again-", Senku laughed. "Since when was I not smiling?" [Y/N] tilted her head. "Ah- probably because I was too busy trying to prove myself that I'm useful", [Y/N] thought. "You were very much reserved before", Senku sighed shrugging his shoulders. "Still- You made that mistake back there", [Y/N] furrowed her eyebrows pouting. "What mistake?" Senku asked. "The Acetylene gas?" [Y/N] raised one of her eyebrows. Senku sweated, "My- hands slipped", he scratched the back of his neck. "You were tossed by Ryusui and was panicking at mid-air", [Y/N] chuckled. "That was his mistake", Senku crossed his arms, "Can't disagree", [Y/N] shrugged her shoulders. 

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