Chapter 39 | Casual home life

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?" Sally asked, turning around to see my lower face covered with bandages once again.
"Privacy is a pretty important matter" I said, tying the end up once again. "And a lot of footsteps are headed in our-" I stopped as I saw three people appear at the hallway door. "Direction..." I finished, looking away from the door as I did so.
"Sorry for worrying you all" Sally said, turning to the group as she spoke. "It was my first time seeing (Y/N) shirtless so I didn't recognise him, my bad" she explained, a larger blush growing on her face as she did so.
"That's (Y/N)!?" I heard Jane yell from behind me, I gave a peace sign over my shoulder as I opened a cabinet and grabbed a glass.
"How is he so well built!?" Clockwork exclaimed. "Talk about misleading clothes!" She added.
"That pentagram is oddly symmetrical..." Helen commented.
"Yep, it's me" I began, talking to everyone present. "And thanks, Clocky, I'm glad to know that all of that working out wasn't for nothing" I responded, appreciating the compliment and jokingly flexing my arms a little. "I'm also choosing to ignore that comment about my back" I added, opening the fridge and grabbing the large bottle of cola before pouring some into my glass.

"Why are you shirtless?" Jane asked.
"Not that I'm complaining" Helen noted, pulling out a small notebook and scribbling something down.
"Definitely not complaining either" Sally and Clockwork said in unison.
"Hopped out the bath and Jess was trying to do the nasty, so I grabbed some pants and got the hell out" I explained, screwing the cap back on the bottle and putting it back in the fridge.
"You commando right now then?" Clockwork asked, making me turn to her to see her licking her lips. I only winked in response, watching her smile and blush a light red.
"Um..." Sally said, nudging me. "I made you a sandwich" she said, holding a plate out to me.
"Nice! My favourite kind too!" I responded happily, taking her plate from her hands. "What do I owe ya?" I asked, half jokingly.
"I'll take a kiss on the lips, thank you" she said, not skipping a beat.

"Is... is that allowed?" I asked, taken aback by both the request and how fast it came up.
"Why wouldn't it be?" She asked innocently.
"You do know that me and Jess are dating, right?" I asked, not wanting this to turn out awful.
"Yep" she said, nodding and holding her hands behind her back.
"And you really think she'd be okay with that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at how casual she was being.
"Well actua-"
"Found ya!" A familiar voice said as the backdoor slammed open. Everyone looked over to see Jess panting heavily in the doorway.
"'Sup?" I said, allowing everyone to hear as I gave a slight wave.
"You ready to gimme that dick yet?" She asked, not wanting to waste any time.
"Nope" I said simply. "So what were you saying, Sally?" I asked, moving my attention to Sally as Jess walked in and shut the door behind her.
"Well Slenda said how you were meant to be kind of a boyfriend to share, but we never really had that conversation after you and Jess... well..." she trailed off at the end.
"Mashed pissers?" Jess asked, using my phrase from earlier.
"Charming" Jane commented, seemingly rolling her eyes.
"Hey! He said it first" Jess said, pointing at me.
"Seriously?" Jane asked, looking at me and raising an eyebrow.
"It was funnier at the time" I said, rubbing the back of my head in shame.
"Sure it was" she responded, holding a hand over her mouth and trying to hold back a giggle.

"Well I'm glad this came up" a voice echoed in everyone's heads, gaining our attention.
"Slenda?" Helen asked aloud, looking around in a circle.
"Everyone, family meeting in the living room" she added.
"Is this just a normal thing?" I asked, looking around at everyone.
"Whenever something important goes down or needs talking about, we have a family meeting" Clockwork explained simply. "You heard the boss lady, to the living room!" She exclaimed, motioning for me to follow. I didn't respond since I felt no compulsion to, but I left my glass on the counter along with my sandwich before putting my hands in my pockets before following in Clockwork's path. The rest of the girls walked with me, with Sally and Jess holding onto my arms all the way and even after I sat down they rested their heads on my shoulders. We all waited together as the rest of the residents began to fill in and take their own seats, most of them not recognising me at first until someone else in the room would point out that it was me, much to the new person's surprise. But as everyone eventually took their seats, Slenda teleported in with Liu.

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