LEVEL 14: Effects

Start from the beginning

I had to end it.

An even then, it didn’t necessarily matter what consequences were afterward.

Saying what I did felt right.
And that was all there was.

“Even so, you’re going to be fine. It's nothing you—or all of us, haven’t been through.” Taehyung said, filling his mouth with whatever he could scarf down, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes.
“It's okay, Jimin, you should enjoy your lunch, don’t worry about us.”
Taehyung finished the lower half of the banana, quickly swallowing to speak in protest. “Or... I could check if your boyfriend is streaming?” Boyfriend? He can’t be serious.
You are mistaken... I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t know who you’re referring to--”
“Oh, I— found him. Would you look at that... He’s taking a break... Jesus, I don’t know how you can live with him and not at least think about what looks like beneath all that tech.” My face lit up like a firework on new year's eve; with my cheeks set ablaze, I tried to focus on my lunch as Taehyung scrolled through his phone.
“Oh... He just started talking—I think he’s speaking to the fans he has.” Taehyung mentioned, bringing his phone up to the side of his face to listen in. Yoongi then leaned in moments later after seeming unamused.
I stopped chewing to look at both of them listening in carefully. As much as I wanted to deny it; I craved to know what they were hearing. I tried picturing what he would look like in his room, staring at the computer screen like the idiot he was, shouting his adoration to his fans left and right while doing the job he loves.
I had never thought of Jungkook outside of him dragging me into things I don’t prepare much for.
Thinking of him like this... Makes me feel something unexplainable.
Soon, Taehyung’s eyes widened as he was listening. Yoongi looked over to Taehyung in disgust, he then pulled his ear away from the phone and gave a stone-cold look no one could mistake. “He is talking about you now.”
My breathing hitched; my body moved on its own, clenching the table with my fist. What could he be saying?
I think you’d want to hear this... Here, just try and listen.” I reached my hand up, undecided at first, I took hold of the phone, not looking at the screen until it was right in front of me. The screen bright, but volume low, Jungkook’s face appeared on the screen; his hair two-tone hair was messy, and his eyes were at the familiar state I got to see every day.
I gasped when I realized his mouth was moving. I had almost forgotten he was speaking because I was so focused on his appearance. It had been my first time seeing him in this setting, his personality shined through the thousands of people watching.
Just for a moment, even though this was against the rules, I closed my mouth and listened close.
I few seconds of silence passed and Jungkook’s voice rang in my ears with a question. “Uh... I think I see your question silverfox299... You must be new to my stream. In that case, hello, I’m Jungkook and yes, I do have a beautiful roommate. His name is Jimin...” Jungkook took a minute to paused before speaking out again.
JK’sleftfoot, you asked... You asked am I in love with him?” Love?
“Who put you up to this, Hobi? If I’m honest— I have a feeling there’s something... I think he’s the only guy I really have feelings for. But he’s stubborn and acts like a princess... What can I say, he’s already perfect for me?” Listening to him laugh after he delivered his message; my heart felt like it was going to burst, swelling with each word of his. I found myself listening in for more; somehow, even though I’ve heard him say these similar adjectives, this time it was an entirely different situation.

More than saying these things to my face.
More than writing them in a letter or sending a text message.

He wasn’t talking to just one person; he was talking to all the people he cared about. He was communicating with the very people watching this video. Very odd if you asked me, how could someone broadcast their feelings this way?
And he sounded so sure; he was certain that I was a match made in heaven for him. And while I’ve detested this whole-heartedly for about two weeks now, his resolve was nearly unbreakable, almost worse than mine. While he was always describing me as stubborn—which isn’t inaccurate— because he too, was just as stubborn.
 We do have our differences, which make things difficult at times, but our small similarities were what held everything together.

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