Holding Onto You

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Hehe yeah the title of this one is a Twenty One Pilots song. This is not a song fic though! Please enjoy the first installment of these oneshots.

I always loved looking at the stars

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I always loved looking at the stars. Catching glimpses of them from windows and open doors. The soft grass cradles me as I stare at the endless ink ocean full of dollops of white and other pale colours. It looks like someone missed their plate and spilled salt on a black table cloth.

My glasses, yes glasses, I'm sensitive to light and have shit eye sight so I have tinted glasses, are setting in a dip of grass. I wish I could float up and look at the nebulas and milky way, ascend from the earth and leave my troubles behind. To abandon the constant buzzing of thoughts pelting my brain and instead glide through Star clusters and astroid belts. Dip through the rings of Saturn and inspect Jupiter's moons.

I hear sobbing in the distance. Very quiet and restrained. I wait a bit and listen to the cries, comparing them to the sounds my soul makes. I eventually get up and scurry the direction the sounds are loudest. I choose and path and stalk closer to the source. There's a figured that looks like they keeled over beside a tree. I see them move from their sprawled position they sit up and hug their knees. A bottle catches the faint moonlight and reflects back at me.

"Hello," I greet softly. They seem to startle and they look up. "Mind if I join? Sometimes it hurts to be alone," I whisper to them. They slightly nod and I take a seat beside them. "You seem to not want to talk so I want force you to say anything."

After a while the mystery person finally says something. "Who are you," A cracked male voice asked.

I turn to face him. "My names America. What's your name?" he tenses up at my response.

"America, from the English Family?" he testily asks.

I sigh. "Ignore any drama my father may have caused. Those are his ideals and not mine. His feuds with others have no say here," I rubble reassuringly.

"In that case I am called Russia," He answers firmly. I can now hear the heavy accent in his voice. My father hated the Slav Family with a passion, spewing degrading things about them to me, trying to force me to see his way. I've never interacted with anyone from this family other than seeing our parents fight. Maybe I can change that.

"Nice to officially meet you Snow Boy. If you don't mind me asking, why were you out here alone crying?" I tease and then shift to a softer tone.

He takes a deep breath in and thinks a bit. "I have received word that my younger brother was in horrible vehicle crash," He explains solemnly with his thick accent and decent English skills.

I raise my hand to his back and hesitate. He looks at me and nods again. I start to comfortably rub his back with my hand.

"Listen your brother will make it through it. Of all the lies people have told about your family the one true thing is that you guys are strong. If he's related to you your brother could get smooshed by a steam roller, say he's fine, and then go buy groceries, " I try to joke a reassure. I see a tiny smile from him.

"You aren't as bad as people say Америка," He responds and turns to hug me. I accept an wiggle into his arms. He gives the vibes of a warm fire and the embrace feels like a strong foundation being poured.

"Спасибо." (Thank you)

Sorry it's so short! Just wanted something light to kick off this book :)

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Sorry it's so short! Just wanted something light to kick off this book :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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