Finally, he spoke his conclusion. "It's the maid. Tara Lee."

Clarity couldn't help but be impressed.

Indeed, she had also came to the conclusion that Tara was Senyu's mole. However, her method of reaching this conclusion was not nearly as impressive as his.

It was quite simple—she had read it in To Be His Possession.

Out of all the staffs Bangtan had hired in their household, only three were given an identity: the Secretary, Chef Yuso, and housemaid Tara Lee.

Characters wouldn't be given a concrete identity unless there was a role for them to play. That was how books worked.

The Secretary was now Clarity, and Chef Yuso had been on leave ever since Jungkook and Jimin blew up the kitchen. This narrowed down the suspect to one person.

In the original story, Tara Lee had been Seokjin's personal housekeeper, who took care of cleaning and buying necessities. However, in this world, she was assigned to Yinn Naron after the members had brought her back from the auction.

"Should I get rid of them?" Taehyung spoke calmly, but his words sent a shiver down Clarity's spine. It was understandable to capture the spy, but Taehyung was planning to do the same to the female protagonist as well. His rationale was straightforward:

Kim Taehyung would eliminate any threat to his family, regardless of who they were.

"No. This is a good opportunity," Namjoon said, "it is a smart move that you did not expose them, otherwise things would have gotten quite painful to deal with."

If Clarity and Taehyung had caught them on the spot, there was bound to be bloodshed. Tara Lee would either resort to threatening Yinn, or she would kill herself on the spot. If a mole was exposed, there was no way for them to live as they will be immediately abandoned by their employers.

In Tara Lee's case, Senyu would surely hire others to kill her even if she somehow escaped from here. But if she died, Bangtan would be losing valuable information.

With that being said, they needed to play along. The members would go along with the enemy's plans to see what they were plotting, and then hit them from behind.

This was why Clarity was currently sitting in the chair by the living room, with the plate of poison in front of her.

Despite Taehyung's oppositions, she had volunteered herself to take on the participant role. It was unlike her to be intentionally doing something that put her life on the line, but she didn't make this decision rashly.

It was because the female protagonist was involved.

Although the people in this world were no longer the same as their fanfiction counterparts, Clarity's intuition was telling her something.

It was telling her that Yinn Naron was a good person.

In To Be His Possession, Y/N was innocent and naive, her altruism was painful for Clarity to even read without creasing her forehead in frustration. She couldn't understand how someone could be such a Mary Sue, and she thought no one like that would exist in real life.

After meeting Yinn Naron in this world, Clarity could say this with confidence:

Of all the people and their fictional counterparts, Yinn Naron was the closest to her original character design.

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