Chapter 18

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No one spoke during the car ride. We all just stared out our windows into the golden sky of the sunrise, except Kate who was leaning against the window sleeping. There was an overwhelming feeling of calm and peace in the car. Everyone was breathing a sigh of relief. The comfort ran through me, and I couldn't hold out any longer. Exhausted from the drama of the day my eyelids grew heavier until I was asleep.

I woke up just as we were coming down the street towards the parking lot of Xan's apartment. The sun shone brightly through the car window, and I had to squint. I reached out, stretching my arms and back.

"Home sweet home" I yawned.

Xan pulled into the parking space and opened the door first for V, then myself, and lastly for Kate. She was still snoozing away. I had no idea how she could stay asleep that long, though I suspected Xan meant for it to happen that way. He carried her up through the elevator and placed her on the couch where she originally had fallen asleep. I looked down at her ashamed I had lied to her.

"So what are we going to do now she knows the truth?" I inquired.

"Nothing, she doesn't know the truth." Xan answered, swiping his hand over his clothes. All the tears, dirt and blood disappeared. They looked as clean as if he had just washed them. Verena followed suit. "How many humans do you think would believe all that if they wake up in the same place, everything as it was left?" Xan came over to me and swiped his hand over my clothes as well.

"So you're just going to let her believe it was a dream?"


I was angry. I didn't want to have to lie to her again. I already had once and saw her eyes when she found out I broke her trust. "What if I want to tell her the truth? I want her to know the truth!" I argued.

Verena came up behind me placing her arm around me. "Honey, I don't think that would be the best thing. You saw what's happened over the past few days. Do you really want her to be pulled into this? Put in this kind of danger? It would be selfish of you to do that to her. This is what's best for her."

I sighed. "I guess."

"Alright Zatti. I'm going to wake her up." He swiped his hand quickly over her face, and her eyes bolted open.

She sat straight up and looked around, confused to find herself back at Xan's apartment. "Why am I here? What happened in the desert? Where's the spaceship?"

"Spaceship? Desert? What kind of dreams have you been having? You've been here the whole time dear." giggled V.

"But, but the spaceship. And the waiter. Xan and I drove out to the desert after the waiter and Kend. Then there was a spaceship and Kend got on it, he said she was an alien." Kate stammered.

"Kate, you went through a pretty traumatizing experience. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a really weird dream. How about some food?" He offered getting up the fridge. He took a quick peek in and closed the door. "Know what? We're out of milk. I'll be right back." He picked up his jacket and ran out the door before any of us could say anything.

"Food would actually be good. I'm really hungry."

"No probs K. What can I get you?" I replied taking over the hospitality duties.

"How about some cereal? It is morning right?" she asked.

"Of course. So you never told us what happened with Aaron. What a jerk to leave you out there all alone on the beach! He's lucky I wasn't there. I would have slugged him hard." I answered. I opened the cupboard to find an economy size box of cheerios, and went up to grab a bowl.

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