Chapter 4

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My alarm blared and I woke up. My body ached head to toe. I fumbled out of bed; my eyes still half closed and found my way into the bathroom. I opened the medicine cabinet and looked through half a dozen bottles until I could find the Tylenol. I took a few and swallowed them down dry. I closed the cupboard and saw myself in the mirror. Dang! I look like I was hit by a truck! I wonder if I could take the day off. Then I remembered I had a paper due. Nope. No skipping today.

I hopped into the shower hoping the hot water would help subdue the pain. It worked. So I just stood there letting the hot water slide down my body. I figured it was about time to get out when the whole bathroom was clouded with steam, so I stepped out, dried off and scrunched some mousse into my hair. I went back into my room and found some clean clothes in my dresser. I pulled on a pair of clean sweats, a green t-shirt, and a grey zip-up hoodie. I glanced at the clock. Shoot! I was already running 15 min. late on a day that I couldn't afford it. I would have to skip breakfast. I ran down the stairs, grabbed my backpack and a light jacket and ran outside towards the bus stop.

There sitting on my driveway was Xan's shiny blue corolla. He was dressed in dark jeans and a black long sleeve t-shirt. He was standing outside with his arms crossed leaning slightly on the car looking at me expectantly.

"Your chariot awaits my dear," he greeted with a smile on his face. What was with this guy? His mood changed faster than the time. They need to get him on some pills for that or something. That just is not healthy! I laughed at my thought. He rolled his eyes and held my door open.

"Well this is certainly unexpected." I smiled.

"I thought you could use the ride. Your bus left 15 minutes ago."

"Thanks." I said. Ok, kind of creepy, how did he know that?

"No problem," he bit his lip nervously again. I sat down and he closed the door behind me. He sat down on his side. "Did you actually get anything to eat for breakfast?" He asked.

"No," I admitted.

"Here." He handed me a white Styrofoam take-out box and inside was a carrot muffin with cream-cheese icing. Not the most healthy, but Yum! Still one of my favourites.

"Thanks. How did you know?"

"I didn't. I picked up breakfast for myself. But you need it more than me. You can have the coffee too." He said pointing to a silver tumbler that sat in the cup holder by my side.

"Xan, I can't accept this. You need to eat too."

"Kend, don't worry. I'll pick something up at the mall before class. I don't have an early class like you. Now eat"

"Ok..." I said hesitantly. I began to pick at the muffin. I didn't realize how hungry I was until the first crumb touched my tongue and I started to eat a little quicker. Xan threw me a glance.

"Whoa! Hungry much?" He teased. My whole face turned red with embarrassment and I started to pick more delicately at the pastry.

"You're so cute!" he laughed. My face started to turn a slightly darker shade of the red that was already covering it.

Within a few minutes we reached campus and Xan pulled up into a loading zone right in front of the building.

"Front door service" he smiled.

"Thanks Xan. I'll see you for coffee in a bit."

I got out of the car and Xan pulled away from the curb. I stood and watched for a brief moment as he raced down the block. I was guessing he'd probably park in the lot around the corner. I shrugged and went into the classroom. He got me there a couple of minutes early, which was great. I'd have a couple minutes to just sit and rest.

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