Chapter 3

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Our days continued very much like that lunch, and Xan soon became a permanent and integral member of our little group, meeting us daily for coffee, lunch, and walking with us to class. After a month or so, I gave up any suspicions I had of him. It wasn't because I no longer felt that there was something else to him that he wasn't showing, I just no longer cared. It didn't seem so important to know any more. He obviously had been through a lot. And isn't everyone allowed their secrets?

While the dreams continued, his smile was so intoxicating it made me forget any awkwardness that the night before would cause. Xan had become a good friend, and while I was still perplexed at his sometimes unprovoked laughter, I came to accept it as part of the guy he was.

He also seemed to be good for my health. Somehow in the last month with Xan hanging out with us, my clothes had seemed to get baggier on me. I wasn't exactly fat to begin with, but I wasn't skinny either. I hadn't even changed my eating habits that much, and it's not like I started hitting the gym or anything either. But my clothes were barely holding on at this point. I would definitely need to talk to Kate about a shopping trip soon.

"Hey, do you want to come and study at my house this afternoon?" Xan asked me. It was yet another Monday, and Kate and I had just finished class. Xan walked with me down the sidewalk towards the bus. This had become a regular occurrence in the last few weeks.

"Please?!" I laughed a little, "free tutoring and study tips from the rocket scientist? Now how could I pass that up?" I teased and playfully pushed him. He smiled.

"Ok, then we need to head that way." He put his hands on my waist and turned me around towards the parking lot. As we started to walk towards his car, I realized this would be the first time we would be alone without Kate. Usually when we had study sessions she was there too, adding a lightness and humor to the atmosphere that seemed to somehow be missing when she was gone. And suddenly, all that awkward and nervousness I had suppressed until now was back hitting me smack in the face. My heart quickened.

"Why don't we wait for Kate, and she can come with us? Or maybe we could just go study in the food court in the mall?" I asked, trying to fix the current situation. If Kate couldn't be there, at least if we were in a public place, it wouldn't feel so much like a date. Was it a date? My mind raced at the thought.

"Are you afraid to be alone with me or something?" He inquired bluntly.

"Of... of course not" I lied. It wasn't that I was afraid per say. It was more that I hadn't ever been on a date, or for that matter, alone with any boy that wasn't family.

My face turned bright red. I'm a bad liar. He looked at me mischievously. I tried to hide my anxiety. Even if he hadn't meant it as a date, it was time alone with him. Who knew what would, or could happen?

"Well then..." He didn't finish his sentence before we reached his blue Toyota Corolla. It was immaculately clean and shiny. He cut in front of me and opened my door for me. He was a perfect gentleman like that. He would never let Kate or I pay for anything. He opened doors for us, and never cursed. It wasn't just around us either; it was for any other female in his presence. We were even studying at my house once with Kate, and my parents had invited him to stay for dinner. When my mom went to sit, he pulled out her chair for her. She was really impressed, needless to say. Since then she couldn't stop talking about that "super-well mannered" boy that came over, and kept lauding what a good job his parents had done raising him.

His apartment was only about a ten minute drive from the school. We listened to Billie Holiday bust her guts in a soulful ballad as we pulled up to his place. He parked and rushed around to open my door and grab my backpack for me. As I stepped out of the car my foot slipped, and I fell into him.

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