Chapter 10

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I put my arm under her shoulder and helped her walk to the couch. The minute she sat down her cell rang. She was sobbing into her hands loudly so I took it and answered. A single deep voice rose from the other end of the line.

"You're next Zathar."

I didn't have to ask who it was to know. I took a slow, deliberate breath in and let it out slowly and hung up the phone. During this whole episode my parents and Kate just stood there in shock and confusion wondering what was going on.

"Who was that Kendi? What's going on? Is everything alright?" My mom finally asked. I looked her in the eyes and lied, something, which was sadly becoming easier for me to do.

"That was the hospital. Verena's husband Nyes was in an accident. He passed away."

My mom put her arm around Verena's shoulders and gave her a hug. "It'll be alright honey. Do you want to stay the night here?"

That was the one thing I loved about my mom. You could depend on her for anything. Even if she didn't like someone, or wasn't sure about them, the minute they were in need she was there. She did it when she noticed Xan hanging around our house, and she came through again now. I wouldn't doubt if I told her the truth about who I am, she would love me just as fully and unconditionally as she did at this moment or any other.

"I think it would be better to take her home. People are going to start calling, and it would be good to get her somewhere familiar." Xan piped in anxiously.

"I guess that's right. I didn't think about that. Alright, you and Kendra should take her home. I'm sure she could use the company, especially family." My mom turned towards V, "I hope you know you're always welcome here, and if you're part of Kendra's family, you're part of ours so if you need anything, just call and we'll be there."

"Thanks," V sniffed, "Kendra's really lucky to have parents like you."

She gave my parents a quick hug and Xan helped carry her out the door. As I grabbed my coat off the hook, Kate grabbed my hand.

"Are you going to be ok?" She asked.

"I don't think I'm the one you should be asking." I replied, staring out the window at Xan helping V into the car.

"Well if you need anything text me. Oh, and here's your birthday gift," she mentioned quickly shoving a shimmery green gift bag with white tissue paper into my hands.

"Thanks K"

"Open it quickly. I know you have to go. I want to see the look on your face though." I hurriedly tore through the white tissue paper and found at the bottom an aromatherapy pillow, a teddy bear, a CD of Bach's Brandenburg concertos, a pair of fleece PJs and a dream catcher. "It's the ultimate sleep kit. I know you've always had problems with sleeping so it's the ultimate sleep kit, to get you comfy, relaxed and protect you from nightmares so you can sleep again."

"Thanks K." I gave her a big hug. "I love it. You're the best. I can't wait to start sleeping peacefully again. I don't say it enough, but I am so grateful to have you as a friend."

The horn honked outside the house. We both looked outside the window to see Xan was waiting restlessly behind the wheel.

"I guess you have to go. I'll head home too. Remember if you need anything, text or call."

"I will." I gave her one last hug and ran out the door. "K-squared."

"K-squared." She yelled back.

I threw my jacket on and ran outside to the car jumping inside. I realized it was the first time Xan hadn't waited to open the door for me. He was anxious behind the wheel whispering words to himself, and his thoughts were too chaotic and all over the place to get a bearing. The only thought I could latch on to was just the same phrase over and over again.

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