Chapter 1

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I woke up like every morning at the sound of my phone's alarm, 8 am, and i have exactly 45 minutes to get ready for another day of college. Hi, i'm y/n , a university student , this is my 3rd year in college and i study business and marketing.
I got up and got ready, i wore some basics clothes and went having breakfast with mom and dad. Our family is pretty small, so it's just my parents and I, plus my younger siblings, so like i'm the big sis.
As i finished eating, i went straight to college .
Time skip: 3pm
My day was full of studies, i had an exam so i was exhausted as hell. When i arrived home, i found my parents sitting in the living room. They seem like they've been waiting for me.
"Darling you're finally home" dad said standing up.
" yeah hi, why are you waiting for me?" I answered him
"Well we have something to discuss with you" mom said
I sat next to them and said "yeah what's going on?"
"Well this may seem crazy, but one of my old friends, that i've known while studying in south korea when i was young, asked me for something" dad said.
"What's this thing" i said nervousely.
"He wants me to ask you if you could marry his one and only son" dad responded.
"What? Dad do you know what are you saying right now? " i said surprised.
Mom held my hand and said" don't worry darling , just let your father finish what he was saying"
" yes darling, lemme explain, he has one son, and he wants to see him get married to a beautiful, nice and well educated girl . And because he got really old as he said, so he chose you" dad explained .
"Wait dad, i don't even know his son, how could i marry someone that i don't even know?" I said
" sweetie he's coming tomorrow with his parents, and they're planning to make a pretty small party in here, because it's been so long that they moved from our city. So it's like a welcoming party, and it's there where you're gonna meet guys" mom told me.
"A party? Look i need to think about this, can i even know his name? " i asked
"Darling you'll know tomorrow okay?" Dad responded
"FINE, I need to rest right now, i'm tired" i said taking my bag with me to my bedroom.
I changed into my pajamas and took a nap.

I woke up hearing a knock at my door.
"Come in" i said with a sleepy voice
The door opened revealing mom holding a long dress with a pair of shoes.
"Mom what is this?" I asked
"Your dress for tomorrow , looks nice right? I chose it for you" she answered

"Mom what is this?" I asked"Your dress for tomorrow , looks nice right? I chose it for you" she answered

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"Mom are you serious, i didn't even accept" i said angrily"Look darling, it would be a pleasure for me to see you get married to a guy like him, i'm telling you this because i met him before, i'm sure you'll like him, and he's such a gentleman, an...

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"Mom are you serious, i didn't even accept" i said angrily
"Look darling, it would be a pleasure for me to see you get married to a guy like him, i'm telling you this because i met him before, i'm sure you'll like him, and he's such a gentleman, and you know , your dad and me are getting old by time, it would be really awesome seeing our big daughter in that white dress as a bride" she said emotionally
"But mom i-" i said but she cutted my words
"Darling please accept, trust me"
"Fine mom, if that would make you and dad happy, okay then but, tell me his name first" i asked
" okay but don't tell your dad, his name is chanyeol, and he owns a company in south korea , he's older than you, i can tell he's 27 or 28 i'm not sure and he's waaay taller than you haha" she said
" okay, does he have any siblings?" I asked her again
"Yes , he has a sister, and she's married, that's all i know for now" she responded
"Okay then, we'll see tomorrow this mysterious guy" i said
" trust me he's really handsome, omg you will be a perfect couple sweetie" mom said
" Mom stop this is so cringy omg, you're more excited than me, i am the one getting married to a guy that i've never met right mom? So i'm the one who needs to be excited at the moment. Am i right?" I answered
" yeaaah you're totally right but i can't stop myself hahahah" she said laughing.
I got up from my bed and went bringing some snacks to start my project for college, thank god the weekend has came. I started thinking about the party, i was pretty excited actually from what mom said, i was wondering about how does he look and certain things.
I finished my work , and went straight laying on my bed, i watched a couple episodes of the serie that i'm currently watching, then i slept deepily.

Time skip: 11 am
I can hear my mom's voice yelling at me and telling me to get up.
"Get up you lazy girl , you're gonna be late for your appointment"
I got up from my bed and went asking her "what appointement mom?"
" oh i forgot to tell you , you got an appointement at the beauty salon today, did you forgot about tonight, you need to get ready" she said
"Ughh mom i don't wanna gooo just lemme have breakfast first, then we'll decide" i said going to the bathroom.
After finishing my breakfast , i got dressed , then went with mom to a hair and beauty salon as she already made an appointement for me.
When we finished doing my hair and makeup, we went to mc'donalds drive thru and took some burgers with us.
When we had lunch , i waited for mom to get ready, then dad came, we got dressed, i wore the dress that mom got me with a pair of high heels, and went out.
It was 6 pm already, we arrived at a big house, we can tell it's their mansion.
When i got in , we got welcomed by his parents i guess, there was a lot of guest tho, but i can't spot him yet, i mean like i can't see a guy with the description mom gave me . I was standing at a table holding my phone and drinking some apple juice, until i heard a manly voice behind me saying" pardon, you're lee y/n right?" I turned to see a tall handsome guy with black hair wearing a suit smiling at me.
"Yes that's me, may i know who are you?" I said wondering that he could be the one that i've been searching
"Aah , chanyeol, i'm park chanyeol, nice to meet you and i apologize for making you wait " he said taking my hand and letting a light kiss on it. Well mom was right about him being a gentleman.

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