“You Cabrera’s sure know how to break into people houses,” he said fondly remembering all the times he found Jack in his house without invitation.

The guy removed his shades and walked over to sit on the stool Jack sat every time. It was on the tip of Harrys tongue to tell him to get up but he held back.

“Sure, seat where you like,” he mumbled.

It seemed it was a family trait. They did what they liked, where they liked. Lucas rested his elbows on the island and silently regarded Harry. Harry returned his gaze. Lucas’s eyes were red, like he’d been crying. Even then, his eyes had a glossy sheen to it.

“I see you quit your job, good for you.”

Harry didn’t reply as he observed him. There was no resemblance between him and Jack, and yet, in a way, he reminded him of her.

“So you are the one,” he stated. His bass voice resonated.

“I warned her you know. I told her to leave you alone, that you were bad news, that you weren’t good for her, but she didn’t listen. Never did.” He looked away from Harry, “Do you know she punched me because of you?” Lucas scoffed, “You obviously don’t know that. You know nothing.”

“Why are you here?” Harry asked finally. Was he there to rub it in his face, that she was dead?

“You want to know,” Lucas said to himself quietly. “I am actually here to kill you, for killing my sister.”

“I did not kill her. I would never do that, I loved her,” Harry said, and Lucas scoffed.

“And yet she is dead. You loved her and yet you threatened to turn her in. You couldn’t save her.”

Lucas pulled out a pistol from his breast pocket and gently dropped it on the counter. Harry wasn’t scared, whatever was going to happen, let it. He wasn’t going to fight Jacks brother.

“Jack and I... we were different. She was adopted but my father loved her. At first, I hated her for taking my father away from me. But then I saw her the way he saw her, and then I loved her too. I loved her so fucking much. She was the only family I had left, and now you have taken her from me too. I never even got to say goodbye,” he sounded hurt when he said that.

Lucas closed his eyes for a moment and then glanced at Harry. Everything he had planned to say and do was there in his head, but when the time came, he couldn’t. Jack wouldn’t like it. He laughed inwardly, he was still thinking of what she would have liked.

“You say you loved her,” Lucas said softly.

“I love her.”

“Then there is no use in killing you. You should suffer alive knowing you are the reason she’s dead, and I hate you for taking her away.”

Lucas gave him a hard glare and slid the gun across the counter to him.

“In case you decide to use the last bullet for yourself.”

He got up and adjusted his jacket, “Her funeral is tomorrow, and you are not invited.” He walked to the door, “Good day Mr Pierce, I hope I never see you again.”

And he left.

Harry stood still for several minutes. The unexpected visit from Lucas had rattled him. He slumped into the stool and held his head in his hands.

He missed her. He slowly walked into his room and lay on the bed still fully dressed. This bed held so many memories for them. He glanced to the side and saw the white tacky hair band she used for her hair sitting on the dresser. Opening the drawer, he took out his white shirt she always wore when visiting and held it to his nose. It still had her scent on it, and he inhaled deeply. So many times she came over, and each time she picked that particular shirt. Like she was drawn to it. He once commented that she loved the shirt more than him, but she’d laughed it off.

And if he listened closely, he could still hear the sound of her laughter echoing.

A tear slipped down his cheek and he brushed it off. Looking around, he decided he couldn’t stay in LA any longer. It held too many memories. He had to move. He didn’t know where he would go to, but he was leaving. There was nothing in Los Angeles for him. The city of angels, that’s what they called it. He had met his angel, but he had let her die.

The end.


Hi.... I really don't know what to say. But I'm glad I'm done with this book (not really).

You guys are probably wondering if she really is... I don't know, tell me what you think, your theory.

Wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has voted and commented and encouraged me.

Thanks to Luhvblack for the cover and corrections.
Thanks to SahanaRimu for her hilarious comments and suggestions.
Thanks to Gratia_7, Aliquis67 and ribbassj for their votes and everyone else.

Muah, hugs and smooches.

PS, this is not the last of me, lol.

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