chapter 50

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Dedicated to SahanaRimu because she guessed right.


Harry stared out the window. D had asked to meet with him, which was surprising because he said they weren’t going to meet anymore.

He was seated at the usual place he sat every time D asked to meet him. But it had been over thirty minutes now, and D had not shown up. He was getting antsy.

The only reason he still waited was that D always gave him useful information. The lead on the docks was about a rival gang. He’d caught them red handed trying to sell ammunition’s and had promptly taken them into custody.

A waiter appeared by his side holding a cup of coffee.

“Your coffee sir,” the young lady said.

“I didn’t order that,” Harry said not looking up.

“It’s on the house,” she explained.

“Oh, thanks,” he said and took the cup.

Where the hell was D?

Angrily, he pulled the cup closer and upon closer inspection, he saw there was a note taped to it. He pulled the tape and took the paper reading what was written on it.

2:30pm, Lincoln Park. Dgs. Meeting.

He turned the note over and on the back were the names of seven foreign shipping docks.

Harry glanced around as he tucked the note into his pocket. D was nowhere to be seen. A glance at his watch told him it was two already. Hurriedly, he walked out of the shop and went back to the precinct.

He did not know what to expect when he got to the park, but whatever it was, he wasn’t going there himself.


Harry carefully approached the place. The park was empty which was strange because it was always crowded, even at night.

Tucking his hands into the pockets of his brown coat, he pretended to leisurely walk while looking around. There was nothing suspicious, no one was in the park.

So what the hell was D talking about?

He glanced to the side and saw Mark watching him from his car. Harry looked away and was about returning to his car when he heard low voices. But it wasn’t in the park, it was in a large building beside it.

Keeping his hand on the gun in his pocket, he approached the direction he heard the voices.

Rounding a corner, he came upon two people talking. Two very familiar people.

They stopped talking the instant they saw him. Out of instinct, Harry whipped out his gun and pointed it at them. It was just what he did when he felt threatened, or felt like the situation he was needed it. He glared at the both of them.

“Didn’t expect to see you here... Anna,” he said casually. Should he even call her that? It wasn’t her name.

She nodded and took a drag of the blunt she was holding. He didn’t know she smoked. Guess he didn’t know her at all.

“What can I say, I’m everywhere,” she replied nonchalantly.

He looked away from her and at the other guy.

“Malcolm,” he spat the name like it was a bad thing.

Malcolm raised his hands, “Hey, you don’t have anything on me this time detective. I’m clean,” he glanced at Jack, “I’ll text you the details,” he said and then he was gone.

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