"Spence, it's theoretically." Gabi said with a dead serious look

"It can't because-" Spence was interrupted by Derek.

"Gabi, next time don't waste your breath on pretty boy. He normally doesn't get the jokes. He will explain to you on how and why it wouldn't work."


"Okay okay, one more. Gabs, why did Adele cross the road?" Morgan asked.

"To sing, 'Hello from the other siiiiide' " Gabi sang which kinda blown me away a bit.

"Damn. That's good." Morgan high fives my daughter.

"My turn, my turn. What do lawyers wear to court?"

"I don't know, what?"

"Lawsuits" Derek started laughing and Reid just sat there confused. I chuckled, knowing Derek is just trying to have Gabi with him so he can not do work.

"Come on Spence, you have to just try, look jokes shouldn't be something you have to deeply think about and it just something that can be funny or not. Some people think they have a good joke but in the end it not a very good one." As I look at Reid's direction, he looks just a bit confused.

"Okay , my turn." Morgan said.

"Last one and then we gotta get going Gabs."

"But moooom, 5 minutes please." I knew she was having fun with these corny jokes so I just let her have it.

"Okay go." Gabi said as she hop off Derek's desk and came over to me. I put her on my lap.

"Okay, why are there gates surrounding cemeteries?" Gabi thought and shrugged. I too was confused

"People are dying to get in" We both laughed and lost it.

"Derek, that was a bit dark, but good one." I said.

"Okay, Derek knock knock" Gabi was smirking a bit.

"Who's there?" Derek smiled, knowing he loves knock knock jokes.

"Dishes!" I was confused a bit.

"Dishes who?"

"Dishes the police come out with your hands up!" Derek was chuckling.

"Ahaha I'm going to use that." Derek said as he pointed at Hotch's office, "knock knock?"

"Who's there?"


"Kermit who?"

"Kermit a crime and you'll get locked up!" Gabi was giggling.

"I like that one! Mama, wanna hear a joke about construction?"

"Sure" i said as I looked at Derek.

"I'm still working on it." Gabi giggled. Sheesh, where does she even come up with these. I giggled.

"Oh I got one." Spencer said.

"Go ahead , let's see." Gabi smiled at Spence, waiting to hear what Spence would say. I on the other hand, was not. Spence jokes aren't the best.

"Okay. What's the most terrifying word in nuclear physics?" Spence asked

"Hm i don't know, what is the most terrifying word in nuclear physics?"

"Oops!" Spence laughed, as he gathered his things. Gabi giggled and so did I, the joke wasn't half bad

"Huh?" Derek said.

"Okay kiddo, get your things, it's late and we should get going." I said to Gabi. She just slouch against me.

"Mama, how are you done? Derek isn't even done. Did you even do paperwork?"

"Yes I did, I'm not Derek who waits last minute. Beside Derek has been goofing ever since we finish the case. So come on, get your things, I'll be back, I'm going to use the restroom before we leave." I got up and Gabi sat back in my chair to continue on jokes with Derek.

I walked to the bathroom and after I finish my business, I went to JJ's office. I knocked on her door.

"Come in."

"Hey JJ, I wanted to see if you were okay."

"Yea, just concerned about Gabi. Em, I think something going on. I tried to talked to her earlier but she panic a little and left out of my office in a hurry. And before that, I notice she was sleeping longer so as I was going to wake up, she was having nightmares. Em, she was crying and wouldn't talk to me , which is understandable but have you talked with her? Is she okay?"

"She seems okay but no, she hasn't spoken to me nor have I with her. Gabi doesn't really talk about her feelings until she can't hold it in anymore."

"Emily, I'm worried." JJ said as she got up from her desk and handed me Gabi's mini backpack. "Since she left in a hurry, she left this behind."

"Thanks JJ, I'll see what I can do with her , thanks for the head up. You're not staying long are you?"

"Oh no, I just need to see some paperwork and then I'll head home."

"Okay, drive safe, goodnight, see you tomorrow."

I head out of her office and went to my desk.

"Gabs, here, you forgot this in JJ's office."

"Oh thanks."

"Come on kiddo. Let's go home. Good night guys"

"Night Prentiss and mini Prentiss"


Don't hate me guys, I'm so sorry for leaving you guys hanging!
I started classes a month ago and boy it got overwhelming!

Thanks so much for commenting, and voting. Today I just logged in back in and I saw over 100 of you guys reading, voting and commenting!

I will try to upload another chapter sometime this week or next week!

Thanks for your love and support! I'll be answering some of your comments today!

- Liza 🤟🏼

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