Dance with me.

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"Everyone!" Gilseop huffed carrying a box in his arms as he marched into the foyer of the apartment building. Areum pulled her attention away from Suyeong's tiny toenails, the nail polish still in her hand. 

"Appa?" She questioned apprehensively, wondering what her father was up to now. Gilseop wiped the sweat off his brow as he placed the box on the stairs and sighed. 

He looked around and saw no one had appeared, Suyeong and Areum were still the only two staring at him which caused the old man to curse under his breath as he bent down and opened the box, when Areum realized what was it was she laughed and shook her head, hastily going back to painting Suyeong's toenails. 

"Oh yeah, that's it." Gilseop groaned as the music began swirling through the first floor and his hips instinctively began swaying, his belly jiggling with his movements. 

"Don't look," Areum smiled slyly at Suyeong, "It will traumatise you." Suyeong began giggling innocently. 

"Everyone!" Gilseop yelled happily, "Let's dance!" His tone turned sultry as he shook his hips and Areum couldn't help but laugh at her father's antics, watching gleefully as he made his to Mrs Cha, Minju's mother. 

She yelped when he pulled onto the open floor of the foyer, but quickly began laughing as he spun her around. The commotion brought more and more people out of their dark corners, their wide eyes all on Gilseop and Mrs Cha but it wasn't long before the dance floor began filling up. 

It was crowded in no time, the dark and dirty hallways echoed with laugher and music as people glided across the tiles and Areum's heart wiggled with joy, this was the most human thing they had done in a long time. 

"Look," Areum pointed to Yeongsu and Mr Han who appeared from the daycare, "Your brother." Suyeong smiled brightly when she saw her little brother. 

"Go dance with him." Areum motioned to Yeongsu with her head as she closed the nail polish, Suyeong giggled as she dashed to her brother and cheerfully dragged him onto the dancefloor. 

 Areum sat on the stairs and stared with bright eyes at everyone smiling, their joy contagious as the music carried away their worries. 

Byeongi waddled up to Mrs Hyein and stuck our his hand with a goofy smile on his face causing her to go red, while Areum watched Jaehwan nervously inch closer to Jieun eventually building up enough courage to ask her to dance. 

Areum watched Mr Han with a smile as he watched the party from his wheelchair with a large grin on his face, she made her way to him, zigzagging through the crowd and she stuck her hand out to him. 

"Care to dance?" Areum smiled, her eyes turning into crescent moons. Mr Han's chuckle rumbled from his chest as he squeezed Areum's hand. 

"I'd love too but," His eyes drifted to look behind Areum, "I think there's someone else who wants to dance with you." He grinned and Areum turned to see Eunhyuk watching her as he leaned calmly against a pillar, his arm crossed over his chest. 

Areum blushed and squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to suppress her raging emotions. "Excuse me." She giggled and bowed to Mr Han. "Go." He smiled, playfully shooing her away. 

Areum watched the ground as she made her way to Eunhyuk, his eyes not leaving her for a second. One thing that completely ruined Areum was Eunhyuk's tendency to keep intense eye contact, he watched her like every time he saw her was his last time seeing her, his eyes never leaving her for anything else. 

Areum built the courage to look up at him and just like she expected his eyes were waiting to meet hers. "Are you going to ask me to dance?" She pouted playfully. 

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