Mr Sukhyun.

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"Why are you running from me Areum?" Eunhyuk breathed, he was on the edge of breaking down, his pupils trembling as he stared at her. 

"Because I don't deserve you Eunhyuk. I-I'm not good enough for you." Areum cried, finally letting the truth off her chest and it felt amazing, so amazing that she began to weep. She was relieved that the ball was in Eunhyuk's court and he needed to make the next move. 

"What?" Eunhyuk softly wiped away Areum's tears as he pulled her into his chest. "Why would you think that?" He asked, worry flooding from every pore. 

"E-Eunyoo." Areum whispered, balling his grey t-shirt in her tiny fist as she hid her face in his chest. Eunhyuk felt his blood begin to boil, the veins in his neck bulging. "Eunyoo?" He urged Areum to continue, his voice shook as he tried to subdue his anger. 

A wave of unimaginable guilt hit Areum, causing her body to shake as she struggled to breathe through her sobbing. Eunhyuk remained patient, his fingers calmly running through her hair. 

"When we-we were younger, s-she made me pr-promise to stay away from you." Areum sobbed, the guilt making her muscles spasm and the only thing she could cling to was Eunhyuk. 

"She said I-I wasn't good enough f-for you." Areum hiccuped as she breathed in deeply, "And s-she was right. I'm just a b-burden!" Areum was breathing deeply to try and regain her posture as she leaned against Eunhyuk's chest for support. 

Eunhyuk clenched his jaw, closing his and focused on Areum in his arms, the only thing holding him together. 

"She's wrong Areum," Eunhyuk whispered but Areum vigorously shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. Eunhyuk squeezed Areum gently, lowering his head so that his lips barely grazed her ear, the feeling making Areum paralysed. 

"She's wrong Areum," He whispered into her ear again. "You're the only thing holding me together." He breathed as his fingers barely grazing her cheek, her face was still hidden in his chest. "You're the only thing I want, I've never wanted anything more than I want you." Areum could hear Eunhyuk's heart thumping in his chest and she felt dizzy. 

Areum had only ever dreamed of a moment like this with Eunhyuk and the realization that it was really happening caused Areum to smile, a real smile, a smile that had been missing for a few years. 

Areum let go of his shirt, her knuckles and wound on her palm aching from the tight gasp she had had on him, her breathing quickened slightly when she wrapped her arm around his torso, hugging him gently. 

Areum's movement prompted Eunhyuk to sit from his kneeling position, his legs extending around Areum, his arms wrapping more securely around her, his hand gently caressing her back. His cheek rested lightly on the top of her head, he closed his eyes, her sweet smell giving him goosebumps. 

Areum's blinks became more and more laboured as the safety and easiness Eunhyuk brought made her sleepy. 

Eunhyuk stayed still until he felt Areum's head dig deeper into his chest, the hand she had wrapped around his torso fell numbly to the floor. He smiled and caressed her cheek, cocking his head to the side to see her fast asleep, her mouth hanging agape. 

His heart ached with an overwhelming feeling of happiness, "The things you do to me." He whispered to her.


Areum sat on the floor of the convenience store with most of the other residents except Hyunsu, Eunhyuk, Eunyoo, Yoori and her father. She knew Hyunsu was out on a run somewhere in the building. 

Areum thought about how she still needed to thank Hyunsu for saving her from that monster as the soft sun rays gently baked her back. 

The soft murmur of conversation soothed Areum as she opened another soju bottle with a struggle. Areum's arm was still in a sling so she had to grip the bottle between her knees before opening it with her other arm. 

Sweet Soul (Sweet Home Fanfiction/Lee Eunhyuk)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant