Mrs Kim.

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Areum peeked cautiously around the corner into the convenience store. Her eyes scanned the dark room only illuminated by the lamp placed on the checkout counter, she had to make sure Mr Sukhyun wasn't lurking, but so far the coast was clear and Areum slithered into the convenience store heading straight to the candy section. 

She closed her eyes and randomly pick up a candy bar. Any candy would do because her mother always said that any candy was the best solution to a broken heart. There was a shuffle behind Areum and when she turned around to investigate only to come face to face with Mrs Kim, Mr Sukhyun's wife. 

"Oh my." Areum gasped. "Ah, Ahjumma you scared me." Areum laughed weakly. Mrs Kim smiled her kind smile that Areum loved so much about her. Mrs Kim was the kindest woman you could've ever hoped to meet and she took Areum in as her own blood after her mother died. 

"Forgive me." Mrs Kim chuckled and Areum held up the candy bar and smiled brightly, "I'll pay you back." 

"Think of it as an early birthday gift." Mrs Kim winked and motioned to the empty seat next to her. "Come, sit. I was getting lonely in the dark anyway." 

Areum skipped to Mrs Kim and plopped down next to her. The beautifully innocent girl tore open her candy bar and felt completely safe next to Mrs Kim. 

"Why do your eyes look so red?" Mrs Kim question as she brushed Areum's hair behind her ear. "It's been a long day." Areum smiled and broke her chocolate in half, handing a piece to Mrs Kim, who smiled softly at Areum. 

Mrs Kim looked around cautiously before swallowing the piece whole causing Areum frowned slightly knowing Mrs Kim was deathly afraid of her husband. Areum took a good look at Mrs Kim's face and could see the faded bruises left behind from her husband's rage. 

"You're so pretty." Areum nudged her, her sudden compliment causing Mrs Kim to laugh and playfully hit Areum, but deep down Mrs Kim knew Areum's little encouragements always kept her going. Mrs Kim would wait impatiently for Areum to get back from school so that the young girl could say something to make her day while Areum made sure to stop by the convenience store every day after school to check on Mrs Kim and support their business. 

There was a comfortable silence between the two as Areum nibbled on her candy bar, but it wasn't long before Areum's mind began to wonder. 

"Ahjumma." She whispered over the loud hum of the world and Mrs Kim looked down at the beautiful girl. 

Areum sighed trying to force herself to say the words. "Is it bad to break a promise?" She looked up at Mrs Kim with big eyes and a thoughtful glaze clouded Mrs Kim's eyes.  

"I once read a quote. It said, 'Promises are not meant to be kept if they are doing harm to those who made them.' And judging by your eyes and that candy bar in your hand, the promise you made isn't doing you well." Mrs Kim tried to comfort Areum while squeezing her hand, chocolate still hidden under Areum's nails. 

Areum cracked a small smile and squeezed her hand back before the sound of the convenience door opening drew their attention to the pale figure emerging from the dark hallways. It was the woman Areum had met earlier.

"Ah, what a nice surprise! The more the merrier." Mrs Kim chirped and set out a chair for the woman who gladly accepted the indirect offer to join. 

"I'm Areum, nice to meet you." Areum wasted no time introducing herself with her contagious smile. The woman stared at Areum, slightly taken aback by her bright personality which contrasted so starkly with her surrounding, situation and red eyes.

"Yikeong." The woman smiled gently at Areum, how could she not. Areum was like the last flickering candle in a mouldy dungeon. "Please, take this as a thank you for saving us earlier." Areum offered Yikeong the quarter of her candy bar that was left. 

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