The Death Of A Boar/ A Boring Death

Start from the beginning

"Eight stakes made of white oak. Part of the Wickery bridge that you forgot to burn," Stefan explained and Isa's eyes widened as they went from the bag to Stefan to Rebekah. Her husband, however, was deathly still.

"Impossible," Rebekah whispered and Isa bent down to the bag to see the wooden stakes.

"Actually, it's not," Stefan said. "Finn is dead."

Isa couldn't breathe. Of course, they weren't close to Finn seeing as he wanted to kill them all and he was daggered for 900 years, but still, he was family. He was a part of the only family Isa had ever had. And she couldn't breathe at the news that her brother was no more when he was finally able to find love and be a part of their family.

"You killed my brother?" Rebekah asked softly.

Stefan took a step closer to Klaus. "Damon, in exchange for the last eight weapons that can kill you."

She'd had it! 

Isa ran Stefan into the wall, pinning his hands as she snarled through gritted teeth, "You aren't trading the stakes, I'm taking them. You killed my brother. It's only fair that I kill yours!" She threw Stefan onto the floor as she made for Damon, ready to rip out his heart only to be stopped by Nik as Rebekah was still frozen in grief.

"Love, calm down, for a second. We need them still," he had said, choosing to stand in her way rather than touch her, he had a feeling that would only anger her more.

She laughed bitterly, her words being spat through gritted teeth. "Oh, please tell me what we could possibly use them for now?!"

"Stefan's lied in the past. How do we know he's not lying about how many stakes they truly have?" he asked, and Isa seemed to calm a little as his logic washed over her.

Her face was utterly devoid of any emotion aside from rage as she slid past her husband and moved to shut off the liquid nitrogen. Flexing her hands, her lithe fingers wrapped around the hoses inside Damon's shoulders before she yanked them out harshly and threw them onto the floor. The nitrogen leaked down his chest as his skin began to burn from the freezing temperature and he let out even more noises of pain. Isa had to give him credit, though, because he'd only died from the pain like 7 or 8 times when usually people she'd done this on before died like at least a dozen times. "Have at him," she said to her husband as she picked up the bag of stakes and began counting them.

"There aren't any left," Stefan promised from the floor before hauling himself to his feet with the help of the wall.

"Still, better safe than sorry," Klaus said as he leaned toward Damon. "Leave."

"No," he argued.

"Go on, leave," Klaus urged.

"Nik, he's my plaything, not yours," Rebekah frowned before Nik grabbed Damon's throat and looked him in the eye.

"I said, go home," he compelled, and Damon groaned as he began to try and pull himself from the bear traps that held him. He screamed as the metal claws tore at the flesh of his wrist and the sound quelled Isa's rage further at the thought of an enemy suffering. She breathed a deep breath before Nik's voice said, "Alright, stop. Stop, before you hurt yourself." He smiled at a now-standing Stefan. "Well, he can finally be compelled."

"Watch the blood, Nik. I just bought you those shoes," Isa warned and Nik couldn't help but smile as he sent her a pointed look. "Compelled, bought, same thing. Those shoes are still new," Isa conceded.

Nik smirked as he stepped around the pool of blood on the floor and angled Damon's face to his. "Now, minus the stake that's in my brother, how many more stakes are out there that can kill me and my family?" he asked, and everyone tensed in anticipation, Stefan more than others. And that was when Isa knew he was lying.

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