Loki Laufeyson | I am here | 01

Start from the beginning

And as Sakura opened up to Natasha, Natasha too, had done the same.

Steve followed along with Natasha, they both believe they could still do something more. Sakura understands that they've been through a lot, seeing as he also looks after Natasha despite all the tension that still resides within the Avengers team.

If Sakura was being honest, she often had a hard time respecting him, having that trouble her the most during the times she's reminded he is a leader.

She sometimes wondered if they just don't get along, or if they're too different because of their respective worlds. It's just that they both have made such specific mistakes in their lives.

And it's not to say that she doesn't value him, she would never had been willing to work with him if that were the case. In fact, she couldn't understand as easily how he is valuable inspite of his mistakes.

That made her wonder if it was her.

On the other hand, Tony was seemingly better. He had been so distraught, but he had been moving on despite it all. Doing more than healing with misery attached, and grief leeching of off him.

She and Tony had always been close, they kept in touch well after, though they never spoke much. It didn't seem like either of them knew how to make that their thing.

In fact, sometimes Pepper sends messages to her more often than Tony.

But almost no one is close enough to him that they could so easily learn how the Stark couple now have a daughter of their own. Sakura had discovered of such positive news when he came to visit her.

She couldn't be any happier for them, it was good to know someone was doing better than her. Especially someone who treats her as family.

In a way it gave her a sense of hope.

When it comes to Bruce, he had unknowingly went on his way to do what Sakura assumes he does best. She hadn't talked to him in such a long time that she could only believe that he was doing better.

It was then five years after the battle of Wakanda, when Sakura was working with a hospital. Steve and Natasha visited her after two years of their dissapearance in her life.

She recognized a man that they've brought along, Scott Lang, also known as the 'Ant-man'.

They didn't hesitate to sit her down and tell her about their incomplete plan that has the purpose to follow the possibility of bringing back everyone they've lost.

And after discussing the topic with them, she wasn't sure whether to agree to their plan or not.

She had experienced and seen many things in her life. She had experienced varrying kinds of betrayals, many times.

Sakura witnessed her village being destroyed into ruins, and helped rebuild. She fought the Akatsuki's. She understood the importance of, and made her own sacrifices with guidance.

Loki wasn't her first loss; and won't be her last... she had major attributions in the fourth great ninja war and went against a literal Goddess.

Sakura even went so far to not only go to, but also live in another universe with it's own orbital earth.

She fought, experienced, and learned so often with her loved ones that it became what she's good at.

This time travel, –or as Scott calls it 'time heist'– is a whole other thing Sakura isn't properly familiar with.

The possibility of going back in time and retrieve the infinity stones then later snap an infinity gauntlet themselves may be possible, but the necessary repricussions is so unknown.

This seems to her something only genius rouge ninjas would do, how immoral they are, she thinks.

Their future endavours to time travel isn't even possible yet, and it does have huge risks.

Unpredictable things could go wrong over something she isn't sure is necessary.

While this is to bring everyone's loved ones, and in a sense their lives back, they could only end up losing more instead.

And Sakura knows she is in no way prepared for that. She can grieve a war, but this? She wondered if she could do more than consider.

Tony had a family now. Just because he would want to bring back what he's lost doesn't mean he wouldn't be worried he might lose what he had now. Peter Parker was a wonderfull kid, she could so easily say he is worth it.

She knew he would hesitate and possibly won't even consider following the plan. Tony had followed Thanos's mind the most out of all of them.

He has seen and knows how dangerous Thanos is, he saw how fast people had vanished. Tony wouldn't just want to go back and make a big risk like that. She knew that, they all did.

She contemplated seeking guidance back home. She needed Kakashi and Naruto at this time, maybe even her Shishou.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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