Loki Laufeyson | I am here | 01

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                                                                        "My presence was, and is here." 

MCU x Naruto

Note: Takes place post Infinity war and between End game

Warning: Spoilers on both Infinity War and End Game.
Contents of grief.

(not gonna bother with the age)


"I am here." She constantly told him. Sakura knew what goes on in Loki's mind, and it scared her.

His world had fallen apart and she could do nothing but try. She was there, trying her best to have him hold on. Hoping for things to get better. And she'll never know just how much she affects him, or how important she is.

...One's presence could mean so much.

She was supposed to meet him that day, but he never showed. She didn't think it was anything she couldn't handle, knowing she could have things her way if she only wanted.

She needed him, just as much as he needed her. So what was she supposed to do now? He held on for her, but now he's gone. No– not at his own hands, fortunately. But rather, Thanos's hands.

It was only after that she was informed by Thor himself, of what had happened after the battle in Wakanda. They had lost countless people because of Thanos.

The world mourned heavily for their loved ones, and most still do.

During the three years of the aftermath, Sakura had indulged herself in work and research to cope. Doing what she does best and aid what needs to be.

She was fully aware of how lost she had become, but not wanting to admit the consumption her grief had over her was causing her to rot even further.

She had hidden her tears. Yet anyone can see how much of a drastic change she had taken upon herself.

It was at this point where anyone could relate or at the least understand.

At the time the first year was about to end, her mental state had started to stabilize just enough; as hard as that may be for others to comprehend. She hadn't quite accepted her lovers loss, however, she had adapted well, like she always has.

Sakura took the intitiative, to check on the others every once in a while. Thor had not been taking things well and, neither had Barton.

Thor had come to believe that this was his own fault, his active choice. That he should've done more, and if anyone tried to tell him otherwise, he'd call them 'a fool'. Yes, she is in fact speaking from experience. Although, it could never stop her from visiting him.

Clint was very not himself, he had become a more brutal version of her and a resemblance of her old lover Sasuke.

She didn't have it in her to blame him and so she didn't, no one ever really could. The guy had lost his entire family that he had work so hard to build, how could he not be so different?

Natasha had continued to work, searching for answers and solutions. She was not okay, not in the slightest bit.

Sakura and Natasha had eventually reciprocated their need to reach out to the other.

They had started to connect with each other and found that they had become rather close.

In the past Natasha had a hard time understanding why Sakura loved a person like Loki, or maybe even what she knows of her love life. But as she talked with Sakura, she had learned that there was more to them than everyone could easily think.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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