Chapter Special: Life after the kidnapping

Start from the beginning

After too much discussion, Bai LouYin ended up going home at his parents' home with Gu Hai. Gu Hai and Bai LouYin scratches their head after being defeated by Papa Bai. YangMeng and YuChang also decided that they will just visit Bai LouYin there.

The next morning, Bai LouYin is heading to his parents' home but he is in Gu Hai's car sitting at the passenger seat. This time Gu Hai smiles winning the possession of Bai LouYin in his car.

In Si Hu's car, there he has YuChang and Liu Chong while YangMeng and YouQi is in another car with Gu WeiTing.

Then they gather at Bai LouYin's parents' house. The mansion filled with visitors are busy accommodating everyone. It's more like another party. The whole house is filled with healthy foods and drinks.

Gu Hai puts dishes on Bai LouYin's plate. "Eat more baobei... you need to be healthier now."

"I can get my own. Just keep yourself busy with your own food." Bai LouYin replied. "But still... thank you."

After hearing what Bai LouYin said, Gu Ha pull Yinzi's chin and peck a kiss on the latter's lips.

"Eiiiii!!!" YangMeng reacts.

"Wahahhaha!!" Everyone exclaimed seeing the blatant display of affection in front of their foods.

The welcome party ended with drinking. Since Bai LouYin just came from the hospital he cannot drink. When the night comes to close, Bai LouYin and Gu Hai headed to Bai LouYin's bedroom. After cleaning up themselves they lie their bodies on the soft bed. Gu Hai spoons Bai LouYin and pats the latter's hair. He pecks on Bai LouYin's forehead. "I love you." He then hugs him tighter.

"Hehmm.. I love you too." Bai LouYin utters feeling happy back into Gu Hai's arm.

"I'm glad that you came back to me baobei. I don't know what to do back when you started missing. I feel devastated that time."

"Can we stop talking about that babe? I don't want to remember anything about that nightmare anymore."

"I'm sorry baobei. I didn't mean to make you feel sad. I just wanted to say that I'm very much thankful that you're back. We're back together again. That you're healthy and fine. That because of your fighting spirit you manage to stay with me until the end."

"I'm thankful too that you keep holding on and keeps on looking for me. If not because of your impulse decision that evil could have been successful with his plans. I will be thankful forever and because of what you've done. I owe my life to you forever."

"Don't be... we are just right for each other. We are meant to be together. We are meant to stay forever." Gu Hai kisses him again.

"I love you." Bai LouYin utters.

"I love you too." Gu Hai answers.

The night ended with sweet words for the two. The next morning, gifts came rushing in of the mansion for Bai LouYin. Congratulating and wishing him good health. One of the gift was luckily received by Gu Hai when the helper brought it in. "Gifts again?" He asks.

"Yes sir." The helper answers.

"Aren't they tired of sending gifts? Back in the hospital they almost filled the whole VIP suites lobby with the gifts and now they wanted to fill this house again." He makes face with the sight of the gifts starting to file up in the living room. "What's that?" Pointing at the paper on the basket filled with imported flowers and chocolates.

"Maybe a letter sir." The helper answers again. "Do you want to read it sir?" The helper asks?

"No... ahm... yeah! Give me that."

The helper gave him the letter. The letter smells good. When he opened the letter it's just a wish of good health for Mr. Jiang from a partner company of Jiang Group from the U.S. The morning ended with Gu Hai checking every single gifts and reading all the letters.

"What are you doing?" Bai LouYin asks as he walks down the stairs looking at the mess on the living room. "Are these gifts for me again?" He asks.

Gu Hai nods without looking at Bai LouYin continuing with his business.

"Then, why are all these gifts open? Did you open them all?"

Gu Hai nods again.

"Then did you find something wrong about them?"

"None... just a bunch of flowers, chocolates, and other useless things. Ahm.. some bottles of good wine too. Haha!!"

"Ok..." Bai LouYin left Gu Hai and went to the kitchen. Jiang Yuan came and prepare his foods.

"Where is father?" He asks.

"He went to your house because he scheduled an installation of security devices there."

Bai LouYin scratches his forehead hearing what his father is doing right now.


continue in the next special chapter


:don't forget to give this chapter a star. love love

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