He continued.... tasting me when....


We both jumped away from eachother at the familiar voice. My heart jumped to my throat and I turned my head to the door dreadfully only to meet the horrifying look on the persons face.

"S... Sarah?!"

Taha's sister caught us!!!

"TAHA BHAI...TAHA BHAI WHERE ARE YOU?!" Her voice boomed throughout the house.

Ruzhaan and I shared an anxious glance. Although he gets jealous of the   fake wife act, things were going real smooth between Taha and his family so Ruzhaan was happy too. But as they day, a lie can never last long.

Taha came running hearing his sister's voice and we all gathered in the living the living room. Even Uzair who was just about to head back home.

"What's wrong Sarah? Why do you look soo angry?"

"Bhai...do you even know what's going on behind your back?"

Taha looked at her confused and I was out of stories to tell.

"Your wife.... she's having an affair with your manager!" She raged.

Oh no!

Taha looked at both of us and we gave him a guilty glance.

"Those two were soo close and... doing such vile things and...." She turned to me making me flinch and I froze when she walked towards me.

"And bhabhi....where is your baby bump. It's been what? 7 months now right? It should've been bulging right now but it's soo flat! Whenever we come to meet you, you're always at your parents place or not at home. We haven't even met your parents, you always ignore the topic whenever we try to ask you. You're not even pregnant are you?!"

I was tongue tied.

"And you bhai!" She turned to Taha.
"Why are you soo silent? Cat caught your tongue? Your wife was in your manager's arms and...."

"You've got it all wrong Sarah.... please calm down..." I tried to speak.

"You just shut up Rahina! Cheating on my brother....on us.... don't you have any shame?"

"That's enough now Sarah!"

Ruzhaan stepped ahead in his authoritive voice although he didn't raise his voice on her however, his tone was enough to paralyze everyone.

Oh no! He's going to mess things up.

I silently tried to tell him to calm down but...

"Enough of this nonsensical allegations on her. Taha....are you going to tell her the truth or should I?" Ruzhaan asked in a calm voice.

Taha nodded sighing.
"Yeah, it's time to tell the truth now. This has gone to far."

Sarah looked at both the men confused and Uzair and I just kept silent.
"What truth?! What's going on in here? Can someone please just tell me already?!"

Taha took hus sister's hand pulling her gently to him as if he was afraid to lose her.
"Sarah....the truth is.... Rahina is not my wife...."

"Huh? What?!"
She turned to both of us shocked.

"She's my wife." Ruzhaan said holding me by my shoulders as I didn't realise I was already on the verge of tears.

Sarah's face went pale.

Oh right. She had a crush on Ruzhaan.
Poor her. We really took it too far.

"So...you mean to say that..."

✓In Trouble With The Mafia Brother (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now