Sultan (pharaoh) Atem Khan

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     Xiao Feng stood up while holding her hips and walked up and forth. "You should try shooting him he wouldn't had been here." Ace commented. "It didn't hit him for god sake Ace shut up you're scaring them!" Xiao Feng ordered. She stopped walking up and down and stared at Atem. "Sultan Atem Khan hasretleri!" She remembered when Shimon presented him to his people. "Medjay!" Xiaofeng yelled and some soldiers came out of their hiding space scaring the group. "They are my guards don't worry." Atem said as he grabbed Yugi's hand. "Sultana you called?" They asked bowing. "Protect the pharaoh at all cost!" Xiao Feng said as she summoned her pact sword and everyone gasped except the soldiers and Xiao Feng's friends who summoned their swords. "You're not thinking of killing Kaiba are you?" Ace asked. "Our assassins will have to cause Kaiba a distraction." Xiao Feng said as she walked out the room. "Xiao Feng!" Atem yelled. Téa looked scared that she didn't noticed she was hugging onto Tristan. "Back off Téa!" Tristan said as he moved her away from him. "Max stay here we will go after her." Ace said as he pulled Jackson with him. Xiao Feng teleported to where Vahadır was disappearing before Jackson and Ace could catch up to her. "I want you to cause a distraction blow up KaibaCorp or the damn satellite station whatever it takes to make him leave!" Xiao Feng said in Vahadır's face. "Yes ma'am." He responded. "Wait not the satellite that will interfere with this place. Take as many men you want but brust that company down to make him leave." Xiao Feng said as she pointed with her fingers at his chest.
Max and Ace came back and un summoned their swords. "Eh we lost her." Jackson said and Max got mad. "She's too damn fast damn her and her powers." Ace said as he walked around. Xiao Feng teleported to the outside of the room then threw her sword and wrapped to it before it hit anyone. She appeared in front of Ace who screamed as he saw her. "Don't you ever do that again you scared me!" Ace yelled as he drew back scared. "Ace move." Xiao Feng ordered and he stumbled to the wall scared. Xiao Feng made her soul sword disappear and sat down. "We are resolving the Kaiba issue Jackson bring me my strawberry smoothie." Xiao Feng said as she relaxed on the chair exhausted. "Strawberry smoothie?" Jackson asked. "Blood you dumbass." Max whispered to Jackson's ear. "Ohhhh that strawberry smoothie with vanilla right?" Jackson said as he moved Max away from him. "With that special coffee cup alright I'll right back!" Jackson yelled as he ran away from the room. "Is everything alright?" Yugi asked. "Kaiba has left the building his company was attacked." Zander told Max through the communication device. "Kaiba left." Max informed. Xiao Feng got up while looking at the pharaoh. "The reason the pharaoh is here because there was a scroll that brought him back to life." Xiao Feng paused to see if everyone followed. "In his own body which meant it was persevered good enough for him to come back." Xiao Feng continued and everyone stared at him in surprise. "This papyrus was written in ancient language so only a few people could bring him back. A language older than the ancient Egyptian itself yet extinct since the place seize to exist long time ago." Xiao Feng explained. "The purpose of this was for the pharaoh to regain his full memories back. Yes I know Ishizu said that he recovered them all but it was a lie." Xiao Feng kept explaining. "What are those memories you're talking about and I still don't trust you!" Téa yelled. "These memories are of his wife and child. He's the key to unlocking his and his wife's memories." Xiao Feng said while glaring at Téa for being rude. "The pharaoh's wife is the chosen queen of that extinct place. She is the 7th ruler of the kingdom and must sacrifice herself to eradicate the darkness." Xiao Feng explained. "By the 7 swords of the past kings she who she reigned along the pharaoh of light must sacrifice herself upon the throne by the edge of those seven swords." Max recited the prophecy. "Who's this pharaoh's wife?" Yugi asked. "I don't know also the pharaoh was brought here to protect the prince of light gather his and her memories back." Ace responded "And we are here to help him." Max said. "As the last descendants of that extinct race we will give everything we got to help the pharaoh and the queen eradicate the darkness." Max said bowing. "Atem was brought back by the scroll we found in his tomb I was translating it and accidentally cut my finger with the page after reading it." Xiao Feng confessed. "He's in danger why you bring him back!" Téa was held back by the Medjay. "Let me go!" Tea screamed. "Medjay let her go." Xiao Feng ordered and the soldiers let her go. "Why they listen you?!" Téa said annoyed. "Because she's sultana Xiao Feng Khan wife of Atem Khan hasletleri!" The soldier announced. "Don't need to yell also I'm not her." Xiao Feng said as she pointed at the soldier. "His wife needs him to help her restore both of their memories of each other." Xiao Feng explained. "We need to find the prince along with his wife and protect him." Max said. "So this place whats it called?" Bakura asked. "Valindria." Xiao Feng said as she looked at Bakura. "What about Zorc wasn't he the darkness?" Joey asked. "Zorc is no longer here there's a way more powerful darkness growing around." Max explained. "We will do whatever... Atem!" Xiao Feng ran up to him as he started to have an epileptic attack. "Medjay hide! Everyone clear the area around him! Call the doctors now!" Xiao Feng said as she pressed the nurse button. Ace went and grabbed the doctors. "Atem!" Téa was held back by Joey. The doctors came rushing in and escorted everyone up. Atem grabbed Xiao Feng's hand before she was pulled away. Everyone once out they all stood in the hallway. "You can leave now Xiao Feng we can take care of him." Téa said while glaring. "Really can you summon his army or yet have an army enough to contain that army of darkness approaching." Xiao Feng said as she she approached Téa. "O benim! O benim kocam! Anlama!" Xiao Feng yelled in her face as she pointed at herself. ("He's mine! He's my husband! Understand!") "The Queen has a brother named Darkus he is the darkness we are talking about he... committed the crime in ordered to take over the throne." Ace explained. "There's a ritual to call upon a ruler not only the ring says who is the ruler of Valindria but the ritual called heavens mandate." Max explained. "The ruler was already chosen which was the pharaoh's wife but her brother wasn't satisfied and tried it." Ace said. "He also tried calling upon the crystal the one that powers the ring but failed." Max explained. "That's when it all went down, Valindria full of darkness one foot stepped there without protection can turn you into a demon." Xiao Feng said as tears ran down her eyes. "Only the 7th queen or king can defeat this darkness." Max explained. "But she's needs help remembering who she was." Ace added. "The last of royal bloodline of Lucius family can defeat this darkness." Xiao Feng explained. "We need to do everything as possible to help the pharaoh rest once more." Xiao Feng said as she looked at Yugi. "Wait didn't in some papyrus said his wife and son died by a fire?" Yugi asked. Téa gleamed with joy when she heard that. "Yugi sometimes you have to tell lies to hide the truth." Xiao Feng said as she touched his cheek. Téa glared at Xiao Feng as she touched Yugi. "First Atem now Yugi! Ugh I hate her!" Téa said in her mind. "She's probably alive with her son." Max said as he stared at Xiao Feng and Yugi. "We need to find her and we will give everything we have to find them." Xiao Feng said as she walked away from Yugi. "I may be her reincarnation but she is somehow still alive." Xiao Feng said as she looked at the rooms door. "Of course she is she's immortal." Ace said as he leaned against the wall. "I appreciate you tone it down a notch Téa because we are the only ones who can help Atem right now or you want Kaiba's help." Xiao Feng said as she turned and looked at her. "If they wanted to they could have a fight by throwing each other money." Ace responded. "Xiao Feng Khan he's stable now." The doctor said as he came out with the nurses. "Thank.. you." Xiao Feng responded as she grabbed on Max arm. "Hmmph you his wife?" Téa said as she followed everyone into the room. Xiao Feng sat on the sofa she was before they came. "That was the only way I would be given information of his health now zip it." Xiao Feng said while she passed her hands through her hair. "Xiao Feng I got what you wanted." Zander said as he walked in holding a briefcase with Yasın walking behind him. "Did you find a company for him?" Xiao Feng asked. "Yes... in fact there was a company already under his name. Though the name of who inherited the company from is going to bring grave news for you who have met him." Zander said looking at Yugi. "Who is it?" Duke asked. "Maximillion Pegasus passed away recently and he put the company under Atem's name." Zander responded while everyone gasped. "He was probably notified or foresaw it when he had the millennium eye." Xiao Feng said as she walked around. She stopped as she saw a little boy just like Yugi outside the door. "Anne!" The boy called. Xiao Feng's tears dropped from her eyes as she stared at him. "Anne come!" Xiao Feng heard the boy tell her. "Xiao Feng?" Zander turned to look at what she was staring then stared back at Yugi. "Impossible!" Max yelled. "How is it possible if here's over there..." Yasın whispered. "Come Anne come!" The boy urged. Xiao Feng walked in some sort of a trance to the boy. "Xiao Feng it can be a trap!" Zander said as he shook her but she didn't listen. "Xiaofa listen to Zander!" Yaşın warned. Xiao Feng crying headed towards the little boy who called to her. Atem sensing danger woke up and saw everyone calling out to Xiao Feng. He took everything off him even the ivy and ran to her. "Xiaofa listen to them it's probably an illusion!" Atem yelled as he shook her and made her face him. Xiao Feng blinked as she saw Atem holding her then looked at the door to see the boy disappear. "It's fine it was just an illusion I'm here." Atem said as he hugged her. Xiao Feng hugged him back and then realized who it was. "You're supposed to be in bed also you ripped out the ivy!" Xiao Feng said as she looked at him. "I needed to save you I can't take forever to get that thing moving." Atem said as he cupped her face. "Aşkım, benim Ankara, benim Anatolia, karanlığımın ışığı, benim İstanbul. Düşlerimin padişahı, yanımda sensiz hapsolmuş hisseden kalbimin sultanı." ("My love, my Ankara, My Anatolia, light of my darkness, my Istanbul. The sultan of my dreams, the sultan of my heart who feels imprisoned without you next to me.") Xiao Feng said as she cupped Atem's face and whipped his tears away. Atem hugged Xiao Feng close to him not wanting to let go. "I don't know if you're my wife but I don't know why I feel sad when I see you and blush when you see me staring at you and those words it feels like you told me them before." Atem wondered to himself. "What do you think you're doing young sir nurse help me get him back to his bed and hook him up." The doctor said angered. Xiao Feng stepped away and nodded making Atem sighed and let himself be carried back to his bed and got hooked up with the wires. "That was so beautiful haven't heard those word in a long time!" Ace said crying causing everyone to stare at him. "What the hell are you talking about?" Serenity asked. "It was a poem the queen used to recite to the pharaoh back then." Max explained as Ace whipped his tears. Xiao Feng stumbled a little and Zander caught her. "Easy now too many emotions." Zander said as he carried her to the sofa. "Visiting hours are almost over kids." The nurse announced. "Who's going to stay with him?" Tristan asked. "I will!" Téa and Yugi said in unison. Téa looked at Yugi while Yugi looked at her confused. "None of you will for security purpose Xiao Feng will stay with him." Zander ordered. "Hey Xiao Feng I brought your smoothie sorry it took too long Aya tried interrogating where were we." Jackson said as he gave the mug to her. "As long as she doesn't suspect anything we are fine." Xiao Feng said as she took a sip of her mug. "Why does she has to stay with him!" Téa yelled. "Because she is the one who brought him here and without her he would've been harmed." Max said annoyed. "That doesn't give her any right she's not his friend!" Téa yelled. "Téa why don't you let the pharaoh pick for himself!" Yugi said as he got up and yelled in her face. "Yugi don't need to stoop low to her level." Xiao Feng said as Yugi calmed down. "Level I'll show what level I am!" Téa tried to advanced to her but was block by Xiao Feng's friends. "If it's either a fight or a duel you're no match for me as you saw that my stardust dragon obliterated the field in the duel Atem and Kaiba had. Your no match for me in a fight those who cross swords with me never end up alive." Xiao Feng said as she relaxed into the chair. "Enough Xiao Feng is going to stay with me like it or not Téa she... I need her to stay with me." Atem said as he looked at Xiao Feng who blushed. "Ugh this isn't over!" Téa yelled as she stormed out. "Téa..." Yugi called out hurt. "That bitch..." Xiao Feng got up trying to go and give her a piece of her mind for hurting Yugi but was stopped as Atem held her hand. Xiao Feng gripped his hand and sat back down. "Why is every time she tries to rampage or go berserk when you touch her or call her she calm down?" Yugi asked curious. Atem shrugged feeling sleepy. "Let's let the pharaoh rest guys." Zander said as Vahadır came back. "Perimeter is safe." Vahadır explained. "Take them to their houses." Zander ordered. "You guys leave except for Max so the girls think we are at the lab Ace prepare the stuff for the class for tomorrow it's all on the syllabus." Xiao Feng said feeling better by drinking her blood. "Tomorrow bring me some change and some food." Xiao Feng ordered and the guys bowed before escorting the group away. Xiao Feng grabbed her bag and went into the bathroom and changed. She moved the sofa so she could open it so the bed pop out. She grab some blankets off from the closet along with some pillow and placed them on the bed. "Why don't you climb over here and keep me warm." Atem blurted it out causing Xiao Feng to look at him like he was crazy. "I'm fine thank you." Xiao Feng said as she put the blanket over the bed. "The night will get cold and you only have one blanket come sleep over here I don't bite." Atem said as he patted a space next to him. "I rather die." Xiao Feng responded as she stumbled because she got a headache. "Stop being stubborn." Atem said as he looked at her while she was shivering. She laid on the cold sofas shivering as she looked at Atem who kept patting the bed. "Ugh alright move I don't want to squish your cables." Xiao Feng said as she pouted and got off the sofa. She walked over and climbed on the bed next to him and shivered as she felt his skin. "You're still cold." Xiao Feng said as she backed away a bit. "I'll get warmer a bit later." Atem said as he hugged her. Xiao Feng tried moving away but remembered that he needed heat. "Good night Atem." Xiao Feng said as she looked at him. He drew her close and cupped her face. "Goodnight my sultana...." Atem said as he fell asleep. Xiao Feng looked at him confused but then decided to ignore him and cuddle up to him trying to warm him up.
   Atem woke up early in the morning to see Xiao Feng's face up close to him he smiled and caressed her hair out of her face. Xiao Feng just grunted and just adjusted herself nearer and placed her hand on his shoulder. Atem smirked while blushing. "How can someone be so violent yet look like an angel when their sleeping." Atem commented as he stared at her. Xiao Feng grunted again and Atem closed his eye and pretended he was still asleep. Xiao Feng shuffled away from as soon as she saw she was too close to Atem. She got up and stretched her limbs then turned around and tucked Atem in so he wouldn't feel cold. She grabbed her stuff and left to the bathroom to shower and change. "I saw you're awake pharaoh." Vahadır said as he sat down on the chair. Atem turned and sat up to look at Vahadır who just sat there eating seeds. "Yo Vahadır did you know if she wants a salad or hamburger I got both just incase." Yasın said as he entered with food. "Did I hear food?" Xiao Feng peeked her head out the bathroom and the guys chuckled. "I summoned her hehe." Yasın chuckled. "Hamburger is a chicken one right?" Xiao Feng asked while putting her earring. "Yes ma'am your favorite also the smoothie eh carbonated soda? Oh and this fruit for you to take to eat after class or during class." Yasın joked. "I'll be right out."Xiao Feng said and went back inside the bathroom. Xiao Feng combed her hair and put her perfume,bit of makeup then put them back in her bag, and grab then grabbed the bags to get out the bathroom. Yugi walked in holding a bag with new clothes for Atem once he'd be released. "Oh hey there Yugi I'm surprised that you're alone today." Vahadır commented as he gave some seeds to Yasın. "Isn't it to early to be eating seeds." Xiao Feng said as she put down her bags and snatched the bag of seeds from Vahadır. "You're being a buzz kill." Vahadır said as he looked up to Xiao Feng. "Welcome Yugi are you dropping some clothes for when he gets out?" Xiao Feng asked and Yugi nodded. "You can place them there in the closet." Xiao Feng said as she opened the closet door. "I need to talk to Zander about Pegasus I know you both would want to say goodbye and pay their respects." Xiao Feng said as she walked to the sofa and sat. "I remembered Aya knew a spell to make people recover quickly do you guys know it?" Xiao Feng asked them. "I think Jackson knows it more since Aya taught him since he's the healer of our group and Max is the back up." Yasın said as he leaned on the wall. ♪"You're talking about me oh I feel so honored."♪ Jackson said as he entered being followed by Zander who looked annoyed. "He made me put that awful music of his in the car to way here it's to early for listening to weeb music." Zander complained as he kicked the bed. "Hey what did the bed did to you?!" Yasın pushed him. "He's grumpy leave him be." Xiao Feng shooed the guys away as she took a bite of the hamburger. "You're going to get fat if you keep eating those." Jackson joked around. Xiao Feng looked up from her hamburger then shot lightning from her hand to Jackson throwing him out the room to the wall outside. "That's what you get for pissing her off early in the morning." Yasın laughed. "Who threw this dork out." Max said as he walked in being followed by Ace. The guys pointed to Xiao Feng who changed the element in her hand to fire. "Who's next?" Xiao Feng said and the guys grabbed Yugi for cover. "Why am I your human shield?!" Yugi yelled. "Eh she won't harm you." Zander said. "Go away all of you don't you all have something to do instead of stalking like hawks." Xiao Feng said as she put down her burger. "We waiting for confirmation." Zander said. "Zander figure out where is Pegasus funeral also Jackson we need the healing spell for him I'm tired of being in the hospital and the sooner we get him out of here the safer he is." Xiao Feng explained then finished her burger. "I'll take this for the day Yugi better see you in class today." Xiao Feng ordered. "Aren't you going to go to class and not take care of him?" Max asked. "You guys after he's healed are going to take him shopping guys night Yugi will join you all later." Xiao Feng smiled. "Wait what?" Ace asked. "You guys are going to baby sit the pharaoh like you guys do to me." Xiao Feng explained. "Or want me to go and do the shopping with him and I'll torture you guys buy going through every store to every part of it twice just so you guys suffer." Xiao Feng said smirking while the guys groaned. "Please anything but that... wait it won't be torture since when you do that you have the girls." Ace smirked. "Zander did you buy him the loft?" Xiao Feng asked annoyed. "Here are the keys take him there after Max and Ace we have class to give." Xiao Feng pouted. "Wee corpses." Ace said making everyone laugh. "Oh but first do that Yugi take your time here I'm a head over the company and not worry Eva." Xiao Feng said as she picked her stuff and looked at Atem. "I'll see you later." Xiao Feng said as she grabbed Atem's hand and gave it light squeeze before letting go. Jackson along with the guys started healing him and giving him strength.
While Xiao Feng dropped to her knees as tears dropped from her eyes. "What are these tears I feel coming down my cheeks is it because of all that has happened or the feeling of leaving you is tearing me inside? What is it why are your so important to me for me to feel this way?" Xiao Feng asked herself. She got up whipping her tears and went to the parking lot to wait for Ace and Max. As soon as they were done with the spell they left to do their tasks and the doctor went to check up on Atem while Yugi was there. "Well it seems everything is okay now your father is ready to go son." The doctor said to Yugi while he sweat dropped. "He's no... not my father..." Yugi stuttered as the doctor left. Atem laughed at Yugi's reaction and sat up the bed. "Don't worry about it Yugi please go to class now I'll be released later and we can find a way for me to get a normal life here or at least adapt." Atem reassured Yugi as he patted his shoulder. "Alright see ya pharaoh I'll be back before you know it!" Yugi cheered as he left. "It's going to be a long day for you might as well sleep or watch tv my pharaoh." Vahadır suggested. Atem sighed and laid down and flipped through the channels already tired of being in the hospital. Xiao Feng arrived at the company and was bombarded with her secretary and Eva with things she needed to sign. "Did you heard KaibaCorp was attacked we need to increase security just incase we are attacked next." Eva suggested. "Eva Kaiba has many enemies he was probably attacked by them chill." Xiao Feng said as she entered her office. "Give me the papers I need to sign and leave I soon need to go to class." Xiao Feng said as she rubbed her temples. "I'll send some lavender tea for you." Eva said as she bowed and left. Xiao Feng read the documents and signed most of them the others she put a post it either rejecting them or demanding revisions. She then left to the university to teach the professor's class and give them activities similar to what they were going to do once in the job. Xiao Feng grabbed the Valindrian scrolls she translated and placed them in a safe. She closed her eyes while playing with the ring in her hand then looked at Yugi who was putting his stuff away. "The prince of light..." Sekhmet commented as she also stared at him. Xiao Feng turned away to see Max carrying everything to the storage while everyone left. Xiao Feng went up to her desk and noticed she forgotten a scroll. "The awaken ritual for the prince." Aya said as she made Xiao Feng jump. "Aya what are you doing here?!" Xiao Feng asked surprised. "Just checking up on you before I go to my shoot." Aya said and closed the scroll and place it in the safe. "What are you going to do today?" Aya asked. "Going to find where Pegasus funeral is and then go to it tomorrow I have things to settle starting with the exhibit." Xiao Feng said omitting the fact that she was going to help the pharaoh with his new life. "Well good luck with that." Aya patted her in the shoulder before she left. "If I need help I'll call you!" Xiao Feng said as Aya gave her a thumbs up. Xiao Feng knew Aya didn't buy anything she said but still she couldn't do anything due to her schedule. Xiao Feng went out the lab and breathed out for air and felt water droplets fall on her face. Ace walked up to her with an umbrella and covered her. "Let's go get the pharaoh ready..." Xiao Feng said as he nodded and walked her into the van.

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