I'll Scarifice Myself for You

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Xiao Feng knelt down in front of her parents graves and placed flowers on both of them. Seto and Mokuba moved past her to another grave and set flowers there. Atem stopped right in the corner of the row where Xiao Feng was with her parents. Xiao Feng's head started to hurt and breath heavily she bend over the graves. "Well, well you walked into my trap Atem!" Seto turned around with his duel disk on. "Wait what?!" Atem asked as he looked at Kaiba to see Mokuba giving Seto his deck. "Kaiba this is not the time!" Atem yelled at him. "You did say after this whole charade was over. Now let's duel!" Seto yelled. "I don't have a duel disk let alone a deck!" Atem yelled back. "Now that you own the company Pegasus gave you, you have the chance to access whatever card you want at your disposal." Seto said while crossing his arms. All of a sudden a white light engulfed Atem and he seemed to acquired one of the new duel disk along with a deck. Atem took a look at the cards and gasped it was his own deck the one he used on the duel against Yugi and the god cards where there two. "It can't be!" Atem yelled and Yugi ran up to him and gasp along with his friends. "I guess she has to do with this." Aya said as she pointed at Xiao Feng who stumbled on getting up. Zander ran up to her and helped her up and she leaned back on him for support. "He won't quit till you give him a duel I can't prolong it as much as I want or can." Xiao Feng said as she looked at Atem. "Something is wrong." Zander commented and Xiao Feng shushed him. "Then Kaiba you got what you wanted let's duel!" Atem said as he stood almost in front of Kaiba who smirked. "Move away Mokuba let the pros handle this." Seto said as he turned on his new duel disk as Atem did the same. "We're right with you pal!" Joey said as he hugged Yugi who yelled yeah along with his friends.

In the middle of the Duel Atem received a headache when Xiao Feng walked near the middle of them yet far from the duel. "What's a matter Atem afraid to lose!" Seto mocked. "I'm not afraid of losing Kaiba!" Atem yelled as he held his head. He then saw a vision when he looked back at Xiao Feng but instead of seeing her with the outfit she had she was wearing a red dress and was wearing a crown. That Xiao Feng reached out to him while walking towards him. "Atem!" Atem heard that Xiao Feng called for him. "Ugh!" Atem knelt in pain and shook his head trying to get rid of the pain. "Come on Atem stop stalling!" Seto yelled. "Right!" Atem yelled feeling better and continued the duel.  Right after the duel Seto growled wanting another rematch. "I want!..." Xiao Feng all of a sudden stepped in the middle and summoned an ice wall preventing any other duels.

"Enough Kaiba you better stay over there if you don't want to see magic appearance any longer, no more dueling for the day!" Xiao Feng said as she kept her hand on the ice

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"Enough Kaiba you better stay over there if you don't want to see magic appearance any longer, no more dueling for the day!" Xiao Feng said as she kept her hand on the ice. "Guys get on alert!" Aya said summoning her sword along with Xiao Feng's friend. "Trapping people to protect them won't make any difference Princess." Giselle mocked. "I'm no princess you dumb bitch!" Xiao Feng said as she walked next to the pharaoh to protect him. "Perhaps not but I did managed to weaken you with... Hmm remember this." Giselle showed the millennium puzzle. "Impossible! I took that with me to the afterlife!" Atem yelled. "You're not in the afterlife aren't you?" Giselle mocked. "Oh but don't worry only your puzzle is back because you're back!" Giselle said laughing. "Good job Giselle now imprison the pharaoh." A voice was heard while she headed to where Atem and Xiao Feng were standing. "Not if I can prevent it!" Xiao Feng growled and threw a dagger to Giselle which threw her to the ice. "Nice but it will be too late for you once I'm freed!" Giselle yelled. "Hmph you're not the only one who can use magic!" Xiao Feng grabbed one of Atem's cards and tapped it. Somehow it may seemed that Giselle and Xiao Feng trades places. "So long pharaoh this is for my people!" 'Giselle' yelled as she drew a dagger from her cuff and stabbed the pharaoh. "Pharaoh!" Yugi yelled trying to go to him but was caught by Aya and the guys. "Something is off just wait!" Zander growled. "But the pharaoh!" Yugi and his friends whined. "I'm sorry just wait a little longer." Xiao Feng whispered as she took out the dagger off him using the magic trick copy cat to make it seem it was Giselle who attacked him. "Xiao.." Atem was about to say her name when she shushed him as she grabbed onto him hiding her ring with her clothes. "Giselle what have you done!" Darkus appeared with his army. "What you couldn't have done over the millennia my beloved!" 'Giselle' yelled. "Ugh this is treason!" Darkus yelled as he ran full speed and used his pact sword and stabbed Giselle on the stomach then slashed her neck. Atem was dropped to the ground bleeding as he saw that Darkus had stabbed Xiao Feng instead of Giselle. Atem stared as it was the actual Giselle standing there instead of Xiao Feng injured. Xiao Feng took the dagger off her clothes making herself drop to the ground with the puzzle in her hands. "You idiot! You killed your wife again for me!" Xiao Feng laughed at Darkus who turned around to see Giselle on the ground hurt. "No Giselle!" Darkus said as he picked her up. "Pathetic once again you murder one of your wife's because of your stupidity Darkai!" Xiao Feng laughed as she walked up to Atem. "Aya catch and heal him up! Place the puzzle on him when I tell you to!" Xiao Feng said as she tossed Atem like a feather to her and then the millennium puzzle. "Now that he's out of the way I'm going to deal with you!" Xiao Feng growled as she summoned a sword. Darkus places his wife down, summoned his pact sword, and charged at Xiao Feng.

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