The Journey to The Queen's and Pharaoh's Memories

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Darkus walked in front of his army and even the demons obeyed him. "I was really guessing where would you hide, but in the end I found you here." Darkus said mocking them. "What do you want?" Xiao Feng asked annoyed. "The ring of course." Darkus said as he outstretched his hands. "You know only the chosen queen or king can wield it what use of it would it be for you?" Azra asked. "I want to destroy it, I'm the king it should be mine that stupid rock rejected me!" Darkus yelled as he pointed to the crystal.

 "You were rejected by the crystal so you tried the heavens mandate to be chosen king and that even failed please take a hint

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"You were rejected by the crystal so you tried the heavens mandate to be chosen king and that even failed please take a hint." Ivy said annoyed. "You wanted the crystal for power and it cursed you to still walk this earth till the chosen king or queen appeared?" Xiao Feng asked as she summoned her sword. "The ring won't help you gain the crystals favor it already rejected you once!" Aya yelled furious. "The oracle of demise with the so called queen of light ha what a good combination." Darkus mocked. "Can't you see there's only dark intentions in your heart no matter how hard you try you'll never be the chosen." Eva explained. "I see you're not collaborating then I'll take it by force!" Darkus said as he advanced with his men. "Get Xiao Feng near the crystal Aya!" Ivy ordered as she charged. "We will take care of them!" Max yelled as he got his weapon and threw it to the soldiers. Aya then grabbed Xiao Feng before Darkus strike and teleported in front of the crystal. "Tell it to lend you its power to over power the darkness." Aya whispered. Aya then turned and covered for Xiao Feng while she focused on the crystal. "Crystal of light please heed my cry and help me and my people get rid of the darkness that covers our land!" Xiao Feng said as tears fell from her cheeks as she reached out to the crystal. "Aya!" Xiao Feng yelled as the crystal absorbed her. Aya turned around to check on Xiao Feng to see that Xiao Feng was being absorbed by the crystal. "Noooo!" Darkus yelled as he tried getting near them.
Xiao Feng opened her eyes to see that she was somehow in a place that resembled the universe. "Xiao Feng..." a deep voice said. Xiao Feng kept turning around to try to get a glimpse of who called her. "Whoever you are please help me to defeat the darkness not only from my brother's heart but from our land." Xiao Feng semi confused yet determined. "You've lost who you were." The god told her. "Whatever it may had happened to lose my memories I know deep down I may had erased my memory to protect my people." Xiao Feng said as she still kept turning. "You'll be judged to see if your actions proved to be done for the sake of ending the darkness." The god appeared in front of her. "One thing if you pass you'll get the crystals and my help in obliterating the darkness." The god said. "I'll do anything to let others live a better future." Xiao Feng said as she kneeled. "First you must regain all of your memories, second you must help to ensure the prince of light live, third you'll sacrifice yourself instead of the prince to eradicate the darkness of the world." The god said. "My life doesn't matter I'll do anything to stop the darkness." Xiao Feng said in tears. "Meanwhile you're being judge you'll be taken once back in your memories to where you helped the pharaoh beat the darkness once." Bahamud ordered. Xiao Feng just bowed and the ring emit a powerful light causing Xiao Feng cover her eyes. While Xiao Feng disappeared to her memories Sekhmet was separated from her. "You in the other hand." Bahamud stopped as he looked at the goddesses. "Please spare her life and take mine I'll I just want her to be with her family." Sekhmet begged. "You were brought to the world to protect the pharaoh's but selfishly agreed in inhabiting that girls body. In ordered for you to be released she must take her life. She is the chosen queen the seventh wielder of the ring." Bahamud said. "Yes I'm at fault for accepting on inhabiting her body but it was in order to give her strength if I didn't..." Sekhmet was interrupted by Bahamud who rose his hand. "Regardless if it was you or any god or goddesses helped her survive she would still be the chosen to eradicate the darkness." Bahamud explained. "Let me go with her if you don't change your mind." Sekhmet said teared eyed. Bahamud nodded and made Sekhmet disappear.
A blinding light descend the Egyptian sky as both Xiao Feng and Sekhmet descended to what it looks like her former self. Xiao Feng opened her eyes and saw she was in some sort of a tower looking down to the person who seemed to be Yugi. "Your majesty the pharaoh!" Shimon yelled. "Is it possible did we go back in time..." Eva whispered making Xiao Feng turn and gasp seeing the girls with her. "Is there anything wrong my queen did anything happen to our pharaoh?" Catalina asked. "I... um.." Xiao Feng looked back down to where Atem said Hi to everyone. "No..." Xiao Feng felt like something bad was going to happen so she felt like she needed to reach the so called pharaoh. The girls followed her as she saw her leave. Xiao Feng doubled in pain. "What's happening?" She asked gritting her teeth. "Your majesty is pregnant and running like that won't help the baby." One of the woman up in the tower said. "I'm.. pregnant?!" Xiao Feng looked at her flat stomach. "Um you seem pregnant cause in your memories you were pregnant at that time." Zira commented. "It seems you'll only feel the pains you had back then." Eva noted. "But I keep looking at myself and I don't look pregnant at all?!" Xiao Feng exclaimed. "Maybe is an illusion to others of the memories they have of you at that time we are not exactly sure how we all ended up here." Aya commented. "Why don't we just play along with what we did when the events occurred." Lavinia suggested. "Then guide me through this." Xiao Feng looked up at them and they nodded and smiled. Xiao Feng and the girls walked down the rest staircase. (Skipping some parts cause why not.) Xiao Feng didn't even spend time with Yami at all. She was forced into hiding by the girls. Even to sleep back into her room instead of accompanying the pharaoh. "It's for the best so we don't interfere Xiao Feng." Aya said taking measures. "Then why are we here just to see him suffer once more?!" Xiao Feng said before feeling weak. "This is his fight not ours and the prince will help him sooner or later!" Aya yelled making Xiao Feng stopped trying to leave the room. "How are you so sure of it?" Xiao Feng asked. "He did it once and he'll do it again." Aya responded before she left Xiao Feng alone. Xiao Feng went out the balcony to take a breather when she saw Atem was out on the balcony looking out. "Why are you important to me? Why are we connected? Is it because of this so called prince? Why do I feel so sad every time I see you?" Xiao Feng asked feeling dizzy. The girls came inside her room and stared out watching everything unfold. Some of them tending Xiao Feng because of her mind was spinning with all this information. She didn't remember anyone except her friends and Mana. She only knew Yami because she met him in Domino city but nothing else. She was confused why she was there with him and could understand why couldn't she help. They saw how Yami chased Bakura with his horse out of the palace. "I'm going to help!" Xiao Feng yelled and threw her sword and wrapped to the door of the palace. She then whistled and Entei appeared galloping towards her. She grabbed his reins and jumped on him riding after the pharaoh. "My queen no!!!" Aya yelled and not wanting to do it she also wrapped behind her along with the girls and guys. Yami then summoned Slifer making Xiao Feng feel relaxed that at least that god was going to help him. Entei stopped behind the pharaoh who was arguing with Bakura. "You're finished pharaoh!" Bakura yelled as Diabound attacked Slifer The Sky Dragon. "Yami!" Xiao Feng yelled but suddenly dropped from her horse in pain. "I need to help him.." Xiao Feng feeling weak looked up to see a group of people pass her. "Pharaoh are you alright!" Yugi and the gang approached him. "Yugi you shouldn't be here!" Yami said. "We are team and we will always be with you." Yugi said as he grabbed Yami's hand and somehow giving strength. "Yugi..." Xiao Feng passed out. Bakura manipulated time making everyone go back a few minutes and making the pharaoh fall to what Bakura thought was his demise. Aya teleported them to her and teleported them to Xiao Feng's tomb before anyone else see them. Xiao Feng was dreaming more like started to remember the times she spend with Yami the good ones and the bad ones... "Aknadin by now would've tried killing us so perfect timing Aya." Hiromi commented. "The prince came to save his father once again but now physically." Azra said touched. "He was truly meant to save both of his parents he's the light to their darkness." Chu Qiao noted. The girls later on teleported back to the palace. They walked around the palace to see if there was news of the pharaoh when they saw Bobasa running to the kitchen. "He made it Yugi is probably with him too." Alexa said as she jumped up and down. "The pharaoh is heading to Kul Elna." Zander came back from asking another guard. "Then let's go to our another destination." Aya suggested. They arrived at the place Aknadin tried forcing Seto to join his side. "This place give me shivers." Zira commented. "Xiao Feng started at what unfolded where Kisara ran up to Seto and hugged him. "They make beautiful couple but tell me that's not the Seto Kaiba I know right something feels different." Xiao Feng said as she stared at them. "Wait the pharaoh is coming!" Lavinia pointed it out. "Yami.." Xiao Feng tried advancing but Aya stopped her. "We can't interfere or Zorc will find out we are here along with the pharaoh." Aya explained. Xiao Feng fell to the ground and hold her ring tightly. "Darkus... he's trying the heavens mandate..." Xiao Feng said. "Are you sure?" Aya asked. "That's why the prince kick endlessly he felt the darkness on both lands." Ivy said while gripping her sword. "We could do anything our job was to keep the queen safe well it's still to keep our queen safe." Aya explained and the agree. "Wait hold up isn't that Kaiba over there looking like the creep that he is." Jackson pointed. "Yup the one in the flesh." Xiao Feng commented. After Yami and Seto argued that if it was an illusion or not Aya teleported them to the palace. "Evacuate the citizens to the palace courtyard!" Xiao Feng yelled at the guards as Zorc emerged.

The Warrior Princess and The Pharaoh of the Millennium PuzzleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora