22- Eden

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Eden James Hillyard

I sit in the bathtub, the waterdroplets fall off of my skin. The candles infuse the room of a sweet vanilla smell, I look out of the french doors and into the distance. People scatter around Paris late at night, most are tourist. I used to be them, wanting to soak up every last drop of the beautiful city, but the difference between me and them. Is that they have the love of their lives right next to them. Mine is hopefully in London. Where he needs to be. 

It's been 10 months and 2 weeks since I left. It's hard to think about. After I left, I went back home to find my father's place put up for sell. I knew my father was already dead, I just didn't know for how long. Or what ultimately happened, I went to the bank because I knew I had some inheirtance and when I got the money it was way more than I ever thought. I had 2.4 million dollars. I spent most on my home that I now reside in, in Paris. I also payed off mine and Harry's apartment that we shared. We haven't spoken since, which is what I asked for, but not what I wanted. I've talked to Anne since, when she came home from runnig arrounds that day she found me crying on the floor in the guest house, she gave me about 3,000 dollars just so I could get back to our apartment and buy a new phone. I know she didn't know about my inheirtance but she does now. I sent her all the money back. We talk on the phone regularly, she's like my Mum. 

Me and Harry both know that it was best for this to happen. We were a toxic, unstable, and troubling couple. Maybe, one day he can be happy. Anne told me that Harry was depressed after I left. She said that he took his aggression out at the gym. I never really asked about his romantic life, but Anne always assured me that he had not seen anyone since us, me too. It felt like I was cheating if I had even engaged in a conversation with a man. I was hoping maybe Harry was going to get over that and date again or be romantic with someone. She said that he moved back to London and still stays in the old apartment. The positive of all of this was that Harry sees and talks more to Anne than he used to. She added that he constantly asks about me, everyday. Me and Anne talk twice a week and he asks every day to see if she has spoken to me. 

I miss him I do. It's not possible for me to sit here and say that I don't love him and miss him. I knew the second I made my decision that it wasn't going to be easy, but I have to deal with the reprecussions. 

I take a deep breath, I hear my phone ring I glance over to the side table and pick up the device. I see Anne's name flash across the screen until I answer. 

"Hello," I greet her. 

"Hello lovely, how are you?" She asks in her Manchester accent. 

"I'm doing great Anne, how are you?" I ask in return. She told me about her day and she asked me questions about how my week has been. I could tell something wasn't right. She wasn't in her normal cheery mood. 

"Anne, what's going on? Is everything okay?" I ask her. She sighs and takes a minute to collect herself. 

"No," she says shortly, which immediately scares me. 

"What's wrong? Is it Harry or you, Robin?" I ask. 

"It's Robin," she finally breaks. I let out a smooth breath. 

"Tell me what's going on Anne," I tell her. 

"Robin, he hasn't been feeling well. So I've set an appointment for him to go to the doctor. I'm just worried," She says. My heart wrenches for her and Robin. 

"Anne, listen to me. He's gonna be okay. The doctors are gonna figure out what's wrong and they're gonna fix it," I tell her. I here her sniffle on the other side of the line. 

"Thank you, Eden. You always know what to say," she compliments. 

"How about I come down for a few days, I miss you ad Robin. I think it would be good to spend some time from Paris," I admit. 

"Oh, yes definitely. Me and Robin would love that," She tells me. I think mentally of when I should go. 

"How about two weeks from now," I suggest to her. 

"Yes that would be lovely. Thank you Eden," She says. I slightly laugh. 

"I would love to come see you, so I'll get a ticket and I'll be there," I confirm. 

"Alright Eden, I have to go take care of Robin, I love you dear. I'll call you in a few days," She says. 

"I love you Anne, tell Robin I said the same. I'll talk to you soon. Bye," I hang up. 

I then mentally prepare myself for the next few weeks. I know this is not going to be good, I know that once I go back to he UK it's gonna be hard for me to leave. I wonder about if I will see Harry. My anxiety shoots through the roof of having to actually talk to him. 

I finally get out of the tub and close my French doors, and sit on the edge of my king sized, freshly made bed. I slip on my underwear along with a big t-shirt I found at the bottom of a drawer. I know whose shirt this is, and I know why I continuously decide to wear it. I grab my journal and make the date. 

April 4, 2019 

I have received some terrible news today. 

Robin has fell ill, Anne is worried about him. I'm worried about all of them. I'm scared to know the future holds a different promise. I will try to think positively. 

I fly back to UK in two weeks to see Anne and Robin, I'm anxious to know if I will see my love or not. 

I hope to have a well rested night sleep. I took a long relaxing bath and will continue to do what's best for me. 

I am beautiful, I am enough, I deserve happiness. 


//Author's Note\\

So I've switched some things up in how the chapters will be laid out. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 


Treat People With Kindness!

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