19- Eden

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Trigger Warning: Sensitive Topics
Eden James Hillyard

I sit there on the edge of the bed, tears still in my eyes from the past few days. They haven't left. Anne has been my bestfriend through all of it. Harry has tried to make appearances, but Anne won't let him. I hear the door crack open.

"C'mon Eden let's get you showered," Anne says. I haven't really been taking care of myself for the past few days. Anne has forced me to eat, shower, and do normal everyday things.

"I'm sorry you have to do this Anne, I'll try and plan for somewhere for me to stay," I tell her. She stops me.

"Stop with the nonsense Eden, I love that you are here. No matter whether Harry is your boyfriend or not anymore," she says. I just nod. It's been four days. I think me and Harry have both come to the conclusion that we are over. I hate saying that, but it's true. I've thought about contacting my dad and going back with him. I understand that I would have consequences, but it's the only option I have now. I don't have friends, all I have is Harry, I dont even have him anymore. I guess I really never had him. I take a shower with the powerment of Anne outside the door. I don't even know what day it is. I finally get out of the shower with my skin pruned and Anne not behind the door. I step into the hallway and hear nothing. I walk into Gemma's room which Anne has been kind enough to let me borrow. I walk in and Harry sits on the edge of the bed. I back away and he stands up after making eye contact with me.

"We need to talk, and you're not gonna sit there a run from our problems. We are gonna talk about this like adults," he demands. I stare at him for a minute. I finally nod.

"Can you please let me get dressed?" I ask him. He looks down and nods. He moves past me and out of the room. I shut the door and hurriedly get dressed. After that I open the door and Harry comes in and sits on the edge of the bed. I move to the spot i've been stuck in for these past few days.

"I need you to explain to me why this is happening," he says. I can hear the sadness laced in his voice. Did I fail to mention that he looks like shit.

"Okay, but then I need an explanation," I tell him. He nods. I take a deep breathe and start.

"I went to the cafe for the interview. I ended up getting it. I decided I wanted to surprise you at work and tell you instead of waiting till you got home. Luckily I didn't. I went inside and looked for you, but Mrs. Waters said that you were on your break and you were outside. So I went outside and you were sitting on the curb on the phone." I tell him. The realization hits him and he turns pale. It makes my stomach turn at the sight.

"I heard what you said, I have a feeling that you've been lying to me alot. Actually I know you have. I don't know what to think about what you said, but even if I didn't understand it I understand that you have lied to me. More than once, and these are big elaborate lies. So if you want to explain yourself go ahead. If not these please excuse yourself out," I tell him. He nods.

"I was on the phone with an old friend. He needed somethings from me which I didn't want to do. I told him that I had moved, so started questioning on why I moved and then he brought up you. I didn't and don't want him to know about you. So I told him some fake lie so he would get off my back," he rushes out. My heart breaks even more. I feel the tears in my eyes again.

"Yo-you're embarrased of me?" I stutter. He turns pale again and tries to reach for me again.

"No Pluvio, I swear that's not the rea-" I cut him off. I push his hands away too.

"You literally just sat here and told me that you didn't want him to know about me and still don't. What the fuck Harry!" I yell at him.

"No Eden, I don't want him to know you because he's dangerous and he could hurt you," He says. I dry laugh.

"Why can't you just stop fucking lying to me? What did I do to deserve this, huh? I know it's not because of you. Never, i'm the one to always screw things up aren't I? I overreact about you being so closed off. I overreact about you lying to me. You know what Harry I'm going home. As in back with my father. Your not gonna stop me," I tell him and stand up. He follows. I go out of the room with him trying to catch up behind me. He grabs my wrist but I whip away.

"Don't do this Eden! Come on, you haven't even let me explain!" He says. I stop at the bottom of the stairs with him at the middle.

"You have explained yourself well enough for me to decide. " I tell him. I walk towards the back door and sling it open. I go to the guest house and pull out my bags. I put the rest  of my things in the bags and go to the bathroom to finish packing. I walk out into the bedroom and Harry sits there, staring at me. I roll my eyes and finish packing. I start to double check and make sure I have everything I need. I don't take a second to think about anything else besides leaving, but Harry stops me when I see that he has.

My Phone.

Treat People With Kindness!

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