20- Harry

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Trigger Warning: Violence
Harry Edward Styles

That was it. My one way to stop her. Her phone.

Her phone had her dad's information in it. I know Eden can't remember phone numbers. Or maybe she can she just doesn't find a need to. She stops and looks at me like she knows what is going on through my head.

"Harry, don't be like this. C'mon just hand me my phone," she says. The real reason that I stopped her from getting to her phone because she would find out all of the lies I have spilled to her.

"If I hand it to you you're gonna leave. I'm not stupid Eden. You're gonna call your dad and he's gonna come get you and then he's gonna hurt you. I don't want that. So no, i'm not giving it to you," I tell her. Her tears are still dripping down her face.

"Harry please, I can't be around you. He is the only option," she says I shake my head in disagreement.

"No you can stay and we can work this out," I declare. She sighs.

"No we can't. You continue lie to me how am I suppose to work through this when I can't even believe anything you fucking say? Bloody hell," she cusses at me. I finally decide my decision. I take her phone and throw it all the wall. It cracks and explodes against the wall. Eden screams, she ducks down. I stand there her on the ground a mere few feet away from me with tears pouring out of her eyes. She's scared, maybe I can scare her into staying.

"Now you can't leave," I tell her. I look down at her, she doesn't look to me. I turn around and walk out of the guest house. I go get in my car and start driving.

|Time Skip|

"Oh come on, just give me another one mate," I tell the bartender. He shakes his head.

"Sorry bud, no can do. You need me to call you a cab?" He asks. I laugh.

"Mate, there's no need in going home. I scared her and broke her heart. She doesn't want me," I tell him. He sighs.

"It's Harry right?" He asks and I nod. He then calls someone. He hangs up.

"Your mum is on her way. You need to get some help mate," He comments. I laugh. I nod and agree with him. A few minutes later my Mum arrives. She walks in and pulls me by my ar out to the car. I get in and she sits down in the drivers seat and puts her head in her hands.

"Harry listen to me, I love you so much. I do, but do you realize how disappointed I am in you? First you don't tell me you have a girlfriend. Then when you need to move out into my guest house you don't give me a reason. Add that you caused your girlfriend so much pain in the past few days. And today you throw her phone at a wall to stop her from leaving. How much more trouble can you cause?" She asks. I feel the pit in my stomach grow. I know I've caused a lot of stress for my Mum in the past few weeks but to be told everything I've done is very affecting.

"She left," she says. My heart breaks. Tears start pouring down my face.

"No, no, no, no. That's not funny I've learned my lesson now just please don't say that." I ask of her. She has tears coming down her face too. She shakes her head.

"What did you expect?" She asks. I throw my head in my hands.

"No!" I yell. She places her hand on my back and rubs it.

"We're gonna go home," she says. I nod.

"I need to find her." I tell her. She looks at me and shakes her head no.

"Harry, she told me not to tell you. She said she left you a note and that she didn't want you to follow or try and find her," She says. We finally reach home. I go into the house and head to my old bedroom. I walk in and there is two sheets of paper sitting on the bed. She knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep in the guest house. I move the papers to the night stand and strip myself of all of my clothes besides my underwear. I lay down on the bed on my back. Tears leave the corners of my eyes. My mum walks in and sits on the edge of the bed she hands me a bottle of water and some medicine.

"Take this," she says to me. I sit up and take the pills with the water.

"Should I read them before you?" She asks. I look over at them and shrug. She grabs them and starts to read over them. She lets tears slip from her eyes every few seconds. Once she finishes reading them she hands them to me.

"She really cares for you Harry, don't beat your self up over it. Just let her be at peace," she says and with that stands up and leaves my room. I throw the papers on the other side of the bed and lay back down. I feel tears form in my eyes. I don't understand how I could be so cruel to her. While I was trying to protect her all I did was hurt her. I wish I could take it back, all of it. She deserves better than what I can or could give her so if she left for her then that's all that matters. Is that she did it for herself. Of course I'm still going to look for her but if she is happy, then i'm happy. I know that I may not like the fact that she left but I pushed her and gave her so many reasons to leave. But I can say something now.

I love her.

Treat People With Kindness!

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